Not exactly, the new optional rule is to use a d100, and the score closest to that result gets triggered. My gripe comes from the fact that doing it this way will result in triggered morality every single session. This works mostly fine with a full F&D party, but in mixed games like the one I run where there's only one player with a morality score, his is going to be the "closest" to the result every single time. So my options are either to never have morality trigger, or have it trigger every session. In that context I feel like the old d10 roll makes much more sense.
The d10 roll is there still it is just optional. And I think rolling it at the end of tyhe session is the way to go. As then you can plan the encounter into the session. Instead of trying to figure out how to fit it in.I feel like I'm the only person less than thrilled with the changes to Morality. Sticking with the d10 roll I think.
Perhaps you should send feedback regarding that issue. As that is screwed up.