Index of useful links

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

Does anyone have a link to a working damage calculator? I would like to figure out the odds without having to take the time to run the math myself, and the link on the main post to the dice calculator does not work.

Back to Dials podcast is no longer inactive - their latest episode was four days ago!

Assault on Grayskull Base should probably go into the custom scenarios section

Also consider adding the Shuttle Tydirium's Holodrive , which is a public-access google drive with all of our alternate formats, custom scenarios, etc.

Can you add ?

It's an X-Wing calculator which is very good and is in active development. It's at least as good as the x10host one

There is an updated Squadron Benchmark by @baranidlo

On 12/27/2017 at 5:13 AM, baranidlo said:

Good news, everyone!

Please check the updated version of Squad Benchmark here:

Currently included are all the ship and pilot data up to Wave 13.

However most of the cards and effects are not implemented yet, with the exception of Advanced Optics, StarViper Mk. II and Thweek's Shadowed condition.

I will be adding more content continuously, depending on what time permits.

If you find any bug or error in the existing functionality, please report here:

Have fun!

On 11/2/2014 at 12:22 PM, MajorJuggler said:

X-Wing Miniatures Promos (competitive tournament kit contents) by Klutz

It looks like this link is dead. Which is a shame, because I've been thinking it would be nice to have a comprehensive list of all the official FFG promos, and it looked like that's what this was.

9 hours ago, Herowannabe said:

It looks like this link is dead. Which is a shame, because I've been thinking it would be nice to have a comprehensive list of all the official FFG promos, and it looked like that's what this was.

Hm, yeah that's a bummer! It looks like @Klutz hasn't logged on for 2 months, so I'll have to either delete the entry or create an abandonware section.

Any possibility of this getting a 2.0 overhaul?

Yeah that's a good idea. I should go clean up the links. In the meantime if you have good links to add list them here. ?

Video Channels:

add - Gold Squadron Podcast

3rd party acrylics:

Remove - Greenman

Add - Curled Paw Creatives

Add Catagory - Live Streams

Add Gold Squadron Podcast

Add First Earth

Add VTTV Live (partial X-wing)
Add X-wing Junkies

Edited by Musical Xeno

Add podcast:

Black One (September 2017 - Present)

On 7/16/2018 at 6:22 PM, Iliketiebombers said:

Hey, I found a new podcast for you!

Added. Is there an episode 1?

9 hours ago, Musical Xeno said:

Video Channels:

add - Gold Squadron Podcast 

3rd party acrylics:

Remove - Greenman

Add - Curled Paw Creatives  

Add Catagory - Live Streams

Add Gold Squadron Podcast

Add First Earth

Add VTTV Live (partial X-wing)
Add X-wing Junkies

  • added Gold Squadron podcast video channel
  • added Live stream category, added channels.
  • Renamed '3rd Party Templates and Tokens' to '3rd Party Acrylics'; removed greenman and added curled paw.

4 hours ago, Bucknife said:

Add podcast:

Black One (September 2017 - Present  ) 

added, thanks

9 hours ago, sirjorj said:

Here’s my contribution to x-wing:

I had already added it, but I added citation to your profile. :-)

8 hours ago, Nspace said:

Thanks, added!

I have one last 1.0 store championship this Saturday, and plan on wholesale updating the OP soon after. In the meantime, keep the new 2.0 links coming!

Edited by MajorJuggler

Hey, @MajorJuggler ! Mind adding this near the top of the index? I'm trying to use this to make the forums a valuable place to post content-rich articles and such, and having a pinned index might be really helpful so that they don't just get lost in the morass...

Hello, @MajorJuggler ,

Would you be willing to add my 1.0 "Quicker" Builds variant into the useful links? 1.0 Quicker Builds Variant

They are based on your Mathwing 1.0 values. I did of course cite your material as the basis for points. I had tried to PM you to see if you wanted any reference to you removed as a courtesy, but it appears (for your own sanity, I'm guessing) that you do not accept PMs. Regardless, I'd love to have that added to the links if you don't mind. Thank you.

On 8/16/2018 at 8:55 PM, Kieransi said:

Hey, @MajorJuggler ! Mind adding this near the top of the index? I'm trying to use this to make the forums a valuable place to post content-rich articles and such, and having a pinned index might be really helpful so that they don't just get lost in the morass...


On 8/19/2018 at 10:39 PM, EastCoast said:

Hello, @MajorJuggler ,

Would you be willing to add my 1.0 "Quicker" Builds variant into the useful links? 1.0 Quicker Builds Variant

They are based on your Mathwing 1.0 values. I did of course cite your material as the basis for points. I had tried to PM you to see if you wanted any reference to you removed as a courtesy, but it appears (for your own sanity, I'm guessing) that you do not accept PMs. Regardless, I'd love to have that added to the links if you don't mind. Thank you.


My messenger storage was apparently at 100%. I had cleaned it out a while ago, but it looks like FFG's backend added un-deleted all the messages that I had previously cleared out, weird.