I'm going to start another one in a week sir. I think is going to be the final 6 since demonofturk and Kiro arent online. so we're going to finish this, this and then another one is going to take place next week that will finish by Sunday.
I hope to see you then.
Roxas's Sunday Tournament Week 2.
Right on sir. I'll be there...possibly...Set 4 will be out by then and I don't know if I'll have the cards to compete
Vertically Challenged said:
I should be back by then. How about you pick a time (anytime after 4) and I can make it work for me
Also, is it best of 3? orrr? what?
I think we do 1 match decides the winner, but if you want 3, bring it! I need the extra experience anyways, it'll prepare me for the challenges that await me when Break of Dawn is released.
I think I might be home for all of tomorrow... I looked at the schedule and it is completely blocked out... but hey, less time in the office means less time calling insurance companies which equals happiness. I hate calling them...
So tomorrow, room 1, and... you can make the time, anything will work for me.
how about tommorow at 6? and id like to have 3 games
Cya then!!
Edit: Id also really REALLY liek to play waytothedawn and roxas...I generally prefer to play over msn or skype though but whatever works for you. Also if anyone else wants to play me just let me know
..Ill be one tommroow at 6 playing card_breaker so i can play before/after that
Where are you? You said 6.
hey! wow just had an epic adventure and I was freaking out thinking I said 5 but its a good thing i accually said 6
still up for playing...ill be in room 1
I beat Vertically Challenged this round.
okay so, I'm just marking you 1-0 and VC 1-1 so that you can both play Sunday in the finals. If there isn't an even number I'll just step back and moderate.
hey roxas can I play you sometime
I was online every day this week (almost) and I didn't see BDC on
you were not on at 4 PM EST ..also...my name is LUXORD on chatzy !
I'm going to end this tournament. due to massive confusion.
Lol :|