Maybe that travel time is "off-scene" and resets all skill cooldowns? (Sounds so League of Legends... XD)
Would be great an EDGE or FFG LoL Team XD
Maybe that travel time is "off-scene" and resets all skill cooldowns? (Sounds so League of Legends... XD)
Would be great an EDGE or FFG LoL Team XD
Re: healing trance
Hohum. The encounter thing. A vague change, but potentially a good one. For some reason I have the desire for some text handling 1 full day of committed die/dice. For instance when travelling in hyperspace and if there is not access to medpack, stims, medkits, bacta or heal power...
Would 4 encounters suffice to count as a day you think?
This approach may result in unnecessary book keeping and might help to bring the game closer to a papers & paychecks game. Per encounter is fine with me.
The way I would run it would be that if they're traveling in hyperspace/taking downtime, the character would heal 1 wound per day at that point. When they're active and running around it would be per encounter (assuming the encounter is less than a day long).
A better way to say it might be: I'd allow them to heal once per encounter or day, whichever is shorter in game time.
A better way to say it might be: I'd allow them to heal once per encounter or day, whichever is shorter in game time.
Hohum. The encounter thing. A vague change, but potentially a good one. For some reason I have the desire for some text handling 1 full day of committed die/dice. For instance when travelling in hyperspace and if there is not access to medpack, stims, medkits, bacta or heal power...
Would 4 encounters suffice to count as a day you think?
This approach may result in unnecessary book keeping and might help to bring the game closer to a papers & paychecks game. Per encounter is fine with me.
Well, it could, but the idea was that if you travel for a whole day or more than that without any encounters, the healing trance talent won't heal you ... right?
So my hack would be to equate one inactive day to, perhaps, 4 encounters worth of healing... so the idea isn't to create more book keeping, but a simple alternate area of use that does not involve an encounter, nor the need to create unnecessary encounters just for the sake of it.
Although 4 encounters in one day of in-game is a bit more than average I think, at least in my games.
Hohum. The encounter thing. A vague change, but potentially a good one. For some reason I have the desire for some text handling 1 full day of committed die/dice. For instance when travelling in hyperspace and if there is not access to medpack, stims, medkits, bacta or heal power...
Would 4 encounters suffice to count as a day you think?
This approach may result in unnecessary book keeping and might help to bring the game closer to a papers & paychecks game. Per encounter is fine with me.
Well, it could, but the idea was that if you travel for a whole day or more than that without any encounters, the healing trance talent won't heal you ... right?
So my hack would be to equate one inactive day to, perhaps, 4 encounters worth of healing... so the idea isn't to create more book keeping, but a simple alternate area of use that does not involve an encounter, nor the need to create unnecessary encounters just for the sake of it.
Although 4 encounters in one day of in-game is a bit more than average I think, at least in my games.
invictus_1693 has a simple suggestion which intrigues me on this.
Perhaps I should return to the book and look up that talent and normal/natural healing rules again ... *scuttles off to hidey hole*
Edited by JegergryteI appreciate getting rid of the threat on the Zabrack, but agree with some of the previously stated views that there should still be two options available. This is an improvement, but not there yet in my opinion.
The change to healing trance is definetly an improvement. I had theought the talent was dubiously useful before. I would add Invictus' tweak that if there aren't any encounters for 24 hours you get a tick on the healing trance-o-matic. If there's a long trip through hyperspace or similar break I probably wouldn't make people keep track. Between healing trance and assorted medical techniques I would just assume they get fully healed.
Other then that I don't see anything particulary objectionable or stellar, just some assorted balance tweaks that seem reasonable.
Now I have to go tweak my Zabrack sage/healer again. I was going to just grandfather her in on the perception boost, as that's what she had when I created her, but I've since decided to play the changes as they come in. We are supposed to be testing them after all.
Edited by Split LightWell, scrapping the "automatic Threat on Charm checks" for Zabraks is a step in the right direction. I do still think that having the option to choose between an Iridonian (Awareness trait) or Dathomirian (Frightful trait) would be the best solution, even if the Awareness trait was toned down to just being an automatic Advantage on a successful Perception check, ensuring the Zabrak noticed just that little bit more about what's going on.
I'm not convinced that Healing Trance really needed to be changed to be "per encounter" as opposed to "per day," though I guess enough folks found it lacking that it warranted an change. I've not yet had a Healer on the table, so I can't really say one way or the other.
Perhaps an idea to revise Healing Trance would be to make it a "once per encounter" healing boost similar to what Invigorate was in the AoR Beta book, with the PC rolling 1 Force die per rank (maximum of their Force rating) and each LS pip restores 1 wound, while each DS pip inflicts 1 strain, with an activation cost of the PC's Action for that turn. This way it's faster healing that what the talent initially offered, but not quite as quick or consequence free as the revision.
Perhaps an idea to revise Healing Trance would be to make it a "once per encounter" healing boost similar to what Invigorate was in the AoR Beta book, with the PC rolling 1 Force die per rank (maximum of their Force rating) and each LS pip restores 1 wound, while each DS pip inflicts 1 strain, with an activation cost of the PC's Action for that turn. This way it's faster healing that what the talent initially offered, but not quite as quick or consequence free as the revision.
I wouldnt say having 1 less force rating for an entire scene is "consiquence free"...
I'm curious why they nerfed the Magnaguard so much. Was this something that people were concerned about?
In my opion in books are three things that are a bit overpowered. Assassin Droid (from basics books), Magna Guard (a pseudo Assassin droid with Parry) and hutts with Resilence 8... in general XD
Maybe I'm wrong but this is the general sensation. I think that that the changes are good.
Perhaps an idea to revise Healing Trance would be to make it a "once per encounter" healing boost similar to what Invigorate was in the AoR Beta book, with the PC rolling 1 Force die per rank (maximum of their Force rating) and each LS pip restores 1 wound, while each DS pip inflicts 1 strain, with an activation cost of the PC's Action for that turn. This way it's faster healing that what the talent initially offered, but not quite as quick or consequence free as the revision.
I wouldnt say having 1 less force rating for an entire scene is "consiquence free"...
Do you read the new Healing Trance effect as, "If you have a die committed at the beginning of an encounter, and keep it committed until the end, you gain X healing?"
It seems awkward to me for Healing Trance to not be helpful to someone who begins an encounter at full health, then takes damage, since your committing a die midway through the encounter doesn't activate the healing at the end, and there's nothing in the new rule to allow for usage between encounters.
Also, on the topic of Zabraks again...where did the original Perception bonus come from? Is that something they are noted for? Is there anything else they could receive in place of that which is also thematic as an Iridonian option?
Perhaps an idea to revise Healing Trance would be to make it a "once per encounter" healing boost similar to what Invigorate was in the AoR Beta book, with the PC rolling 1 Force die per rank (maximum of their Force rating) and each LS pip restores 1 wound, while each DS pip inflicts 1 strain, with an activation cost of the PC's Action for that turn. This way it's faster healing that what the talent initially offered, but not quite as quick or consequence free as the revision.
I wouldnt say having 1 less force rating for an entire scene is "consiquence free"...
Do you read the new Healing Trance effect as, "If you have a die committed at the beginning of an encounter, and keep it committed until the end, you gain X healing?"
It seems awkward to me for Healing Trance to not be helpful to someone who begins an encounter at full health, then takes damage, since your committing a die midway through the encounter doesn't activate the healing at the end, and there's nothing in the new rule to allow for usage between encounters.
It's definitely meant to be something you have to keep on the entire encounter. The idea is you're focusing some of your force abilities into healing your injuries, which can take some time (ie. a full encounter).
If you changed it to just needing to finish an encounter with it on, then it becomes more consequence free since you've got players that would wait until the end of the encounter to say "You guys got this? I'm going to spend my action to recover some wounds and my crit with Healing Trance." At which point the talent isn't far off from being at the point where it just lets a player do the effects of Healing Trance automatically like Rapid Recovery.
That and if it was meant to be something that didn't need the whole encounter, the text would likely read along the lines of "when ending the encounter with [Force dice] committed to Healing Trance..." instead.
I'm curious why they nerfed the Magnaguard so much. Was this something that people were concerned about?
They may have nerfed them so GMs can employ them in larger numbers without slaughtering the PCs.
In the movies and show, I can't recall the heroes ever fighting just one, it was usually 2-4 magnaguards.
Edited by kaosoeOn that note: how to treat groups of rivals and/or nemeses in a more streamlined manner...? A variant of the Minion rules, adding a Strain threshold, the ability to take strain and critical hits...? Sorry, complete derail potential there.
As for healing trance and natural healing:
If I understand Invictus' suggestion, if no encounters happen during a day, and the die remains committed that entire 24 hour period, you get the original benefit of the talent?
It's an elegant and simple enough approach. Although I'd think that an encounterless day would be calm, restful, perhaps spent meditating (at least part of it), to me that implies more time to focus on the healing trance and shouldn't receive less effect than if you have 2-3 encounters per day... of course there are other factors I haven't considered certainly, some that could legitimise activity to equal more healing, the Force being the Force and all.
Someone also mentioned the Improved variant now being more powerful, which is true, but I think that also makes sense in the same way as the increased healing potential by being active.
I had an (admittedly very powerful) idea on this involving either a Force check, or a Discipline check (or both combined), where on a success you heal a number of wounds equal to Force Rating times ranks in Healing trance. Successes and/or Advantages heal strain. But I get that it's not as elegant nor as predictable (or as good?) as the RAW version.
Also, on the topic of Zabraks again...where did the original Perception bonus come from? Is that something they are noted for? Is there anything else they could receive in place of that which is also thematic as an Iridonian option?
I could be mistaken (probably am) but I seem to recall that the perception thing was just a holdover from the stats for the old WOTC games. Given that their OCR came out not long after Ep I and not much was known about Zabraks except people would want to play one, they had to come up with something.
Someone also mentioned the Improved variant now being more powerful, which is true, but I think that also makes sense in the same way as the increased healing potential by being active.
'Improved' now seems incredibly OP given the normal interval for critical recovery of 1 week.
I'm not entirely sure I think it's incredibly over powered. Sure you get to do a resilience check a few times per day, or as many times per day as you have encounters... I see, well, perhaps this could be limited to combat encounters? All in all though, once per day, or a few times per day with many encounters. If increased number of encounters warrants increased number of times you get to heal wounds, then I think it follows that you get an increased chance to heal criticals too. Also, the chances are also increased to mess up the resilience check, which I assume could make things worse too... right?
Edited by Jegergryte
Also, I think a GM is well within his or her rights to slap on an extra setback die in some circumstances, as some of you attention is constantly on healing and repairing damage, or cause some (i.e. 1-2) strain damage if that is more fitting. That's me though, if it makes me an bad GM so be it.
Ah. I remembered something now, and this may have been discussed before, so I apologise if I'm repeating old stuff. Healing Trance as portrayed in Legends is usually done between encounters... the user will be meditating, basically more or less unconscious. Although, I guess one could argue that Qui-Gon uses healing trance during the duel with Maul, when the energy wall thingies cut them off from each other - perhaps Lucas was a nice GM and let the encounter end, as it was now entering the climactic end scene duel and he knew that Kenobi couldn't get there in time anyway before the walls went up again... and Qui-Gon has taken a beating perhaps, so he needed those wounds removed to survive another round or two anyway :ph34:
Edited by JegergryteAlso, the chances are also increased to mess up the resilience check, which I assume could make things worse too... right?
Rolling every encounter means you're less likely to encounter the death-spiral of multiple crits augmenting further crits rolls -- most natural rolls are going to be easy to shrug-off with resilience.
Regardles, to reverse-engineer the design goals: one in-game week seems like it should encompass an entire "adventure", thus the imputed goal is that criticals are something that you accumulate during an adventure, but then are likely gone before the next one (if PC's have the freedom). There's some wiggle room to (naturally) recuperate from one while running the gauntlet, but otherwise that seems to be the intent. Wounds (cuts and bruises) are more fluid; it's mounting crits that ratchet-up the tension near the climax.
The improved 'Improved' means the PC has almost no chance of accumulating criticals. That may be OK. I don't know, but it deserves careful consideration from the Devs.
I think it would be quite easy to accumulate crits from a lightsaber in a single combat. I don't think it would be terrible to be able to get rid of wounds like that between encounters. They are giving up a force die to do it.
Perhaps an idea to revise Healing Trance would be to make it a "once per encounter" healing boost similar to what Invigorate was in the AoR Beta book, with the PC rolling 1 Force die per rank (maximum of their Force rating) and each LS pip restores 1 wound, while each DS pip inflicts 1 strain, with an activation cost of the PC's Action for that turn. This way it's faster healing that what the talent initially offered, but not quite as quick or consequence free as the revision.
I wouldnt say having 1 less force rating for an entire scene is "consiquence free"...
Do you read the new Healing Trance effect as, "If you have a die committed at the beginning of an encounter, and keep it committed until the end, you gain X healing?"
It seems awkward to me for Healing Trance to not be helpful to someone who begins an encounter at full health, then takes damage, since your committing a die midway through the encounter doesn't activate the healing at the end, and there's nothing in the new rule to allow for usage between encounters.
It's definitely meant to be something you have to keep on the entire encounter. The idea is you're focusing some of your force abilities into healing your injuries, which can take some time (ie. a full encounter).
If you changed it to just needing to finish an encounter with it on, then it becomes more consequence free since you've got players that would wait until the end of the encounter to say "You guys got this? I'm going to spend my action to recover some wounds and my crit with Healing Trance." At which point the talent isn't far off from being at the point where it just lets a player do the effects of Healing Trance automatically like Rapid Recovery.
That and if it was meant to be something that didn't need the whole encounter, the text would likely read along the lines of "when ending the encounter with [Force dice] committed to Healing Trance..." instead.
My point is that the functionality as written currently is wonky.
At what point does your die need to be committed in order for you to gain the benefits of Healing Trance at the end of the encounter? Is it before the encounter begins? Is it during your first turn (and if so, what kind of action is it to commit)?
It seems weird to me that if you go into an encounter that lasts 3 rounds with your die committed, you heal at the end, but if you don't commit your die until the second round of a 5 round encounter, you don't heal.
I'd rather see Healing Trance tied to time, or able to be activated on command. Maybe it heals you 1/rank for every 10 minutes spent with a die committed (that could be a single encounter, depending on how long your rounds last, or it could be time between encounters). Or it could work like Balance, allowing you to roll your Force Rating at the end of an encounter to recover that number of Wounds instead of Balance's Strain (that would also set-up some opposition with Balance...which do you use?).
Another option would be to allow the character to commit a die to recover 1 Wound per rank for every round that it's committed. This is kind of strong, but it plays directly into how the power works. Perhaps this should require a trade of Strain for Wounds, either at a 1:1 ratio, or at a flat 1 Strain per round committed.
Alternatively, Healing Trance could provide 1 point of healing per round committed, or 1/rank per hour committed outside of an encounter.
Yet another option would be to allow recovery of 1 Wound per die committed, removing the ranks of Healing Trance in favor of having characters rely on their FR, and forcing them to make a decision about what they want to use the Force for during an encounter.
I think it would be quite easy to accumulate crits from a lightsaber in a single combat. I don't think it would be terrible to be able to get rid of wounds like that between encounters. They are giving up a force die to do it.
That is entirely too much recovery. Jedi should have some advantages over regular characters, yes, and a ratio of 1 week:1 day was already a significant boon, but 1 week:5 or 10 minutes is just too much.
I'd go so far as to word Improved Healing Trance as maintaining its 24 effect--if you have a crit that you want to recover, you must commit a Force die for an entire 24 hour period. That seems reasonable.
I think it would be quite easy to accumulate crits from a lightsaber in a single combat. I don't think it would be terrible to be able to get rid of wounds like that between encounters. They are giving up a force die to do it.
FWIW, for folks with only FR1, committing that die is often one of the best ways to use it, rather than the greater risk of rolling black pips and potentially wasting an action.
Edited by Lorne