Non-Combat Scenarios

By FoeHammer618, in Only War Game Masters

We talk a lot on this forum about all the wars and battles we can field (in a game called "Only War," shocking I know.)

Regardless what non combat scenarios do you have that may stretch some of those other skills like logic, knowledge or fellowship?

I had the PCs go to a farming community to beg for more supplies and men to help repair the walls that defended them. Once inside the two political parties tried to use the players to get stuff done like low level enforcement and political endorsements both from the IG and threatening others into voting for the right guy. In the end there was a plot twist as to who was drying up the watet burning fields and killing groxes in the night to gain power and the PCs had to discover this.

Some of this led to combat, yes but it still made the players stretch their brains rather than play Call of Duty: 40k edition.

Most of sessions I play in 40K end up being 50/50 or even more on a non-combat side, it's usually one or two firefights per 6-10 hours of play. Some ideas for a full non combat missions?

One of our missions was making a propaganda campain for local people to tip them more in favour of imperium, after we "liberated" their city... leveling half of it to the ground. In course of that action we came to a bit of rivalry with other regiment, it didn't end in a fight but our Hellhound ended up smelling like rotten eggs for a week, and we did not like it, so the next part was non-combat, non-leathal retribution that included a stolen mechanicus spanner, a cheese cake and a halucination granade that landed in the room on a first floor of the rivals building, where their troops were having some kind of celebration/party, we rolled on the effect and "I can fly" came out... seconds later happiness ensued. Good times.

Edited by Elmer84

I once did a session which consisted of going to a large village, which lead about seven others with a representative of the Imperium, to convince them to both share their food where possible with us and to guard our flanks. However, there was a corresponding squad of Severans trying to get them to threaten our flank instead. The village elder demanded that the two groups musn't bring the war into the village boundaries, so a temporary ceasefire was agreed. Then the representative is found dead. It's a race to discover whether the Severans did it and expose them, which caused some pretty serious tension. It wasn't in fact them, he was killed by a chaos worshipping villager who was impaled on an iron pole for his troubles. It then fell to the squad to convince the village to lead the men in the Imperiums defence.

How did the village get to continue living after they found one of them was worshiping chaos?

Because, you know what they say about Chaos...

Good idea for non combat scenario is time during transit or other kind of free time. Let guardsman from regiment preferably comrades talk why did they join the guard (of course some regiments didn't have a joice so you can skip this one) and ask players the same. Something like campfire talk. Let players romance with comrades or throw a celebration party after some victory. First it builds a fine mood and secondly it's more shocking when npc they bonded with die rather than some nameless one (yes i am evil :D )

Another idea i had is to let players explore a little especialy if they are stationed at some big city, hive etc.

As or more military idea send them on recon mission. Enemies are so numerous that combat is out of question and they need to use steatlh and wits to get back to camp.

How did the village get to continue living after they found one of them was worshiping chaos?

Because, you know what they say about Chaos...

The need outweighed the risk. Although, it could cause yet more tension if they're ordered to go back and burn the whole village to the ground, and elect one of the other seven in charge, both for the players, the regiment and the villages themselves.

Do it Drath...

Suffer not that heretic to live.

Do it Drath...

Suffer not that heretic to live.

Keep calm and burn the heretic.

Edited by Drath

I had a session where the squad was sent into a village following a request for help, as villagers had been disappearing and nobody knew why. They had to question different people, and do some exploring of the environments before figuring out that the mayor of the village was responsible. One of the PCs got captured while sneaking into his house, and the others had to fight their way through the basement to find him and kill the mayor.

They were sent to a different village in the next session, where the players heard that the previous village had been burned down and all the villagers purged because of the chaos taint.

Needless to say, it was a fun time and one of the best sessions I've run.