Taurox Stats

By Hourhe, in Only War Game Masters

So, after Astra Militarum came out and we got to see some Taurox(s), I really wanted some for my game... unfortunately all they have are Tauros(s) in Shield of Humanity. I'm not terribly good with conversions, but if someone familiar with their stats in Wargaming can convert that into roleplay-friendly format... It'd be much appreciated.

In the TT, a Chimera is 12, 10, 10.

Comparably, a Taurox is 11, 10, 10.

Assuming 12 Armour in TT = 30 Armour in Only War, using the Chimera as a basis.

30 / 12 = 2.5

11 x 2.5 = 27.5. Assuming we round up because we're nice. Taurox would become, as a theoretical armour value at least, 26 or 28 front armour, 22 Side Armour, 16 Rear Armour.

It's special rule All Terrain Vehicle allows it to reroll Dangerous Terrain Tests in TT, so, Tracked Vehicle would be an appropriate special quality to give the vehicle.

I would also suggest the Enclosed Trait, and possibly Environmentally Sealed.

Standard Taurox Weapon Loadout is a Twin-Linked Autocannon and troop fire-points.

Taurox Prime comes equipped with a Battle Cannon and a Hotshot Volley Gun, which could maybe be replaced as Hotshot Lasguns in the fire-points.

I hope you find this helpful.

Edited due to not being relevant.

Edited by pearldrum1

He was asking for stats relating to the Taurox and Taurox Prime vehicles that first appeared in 6th edition Guard as a dedicated transport, most notably for Scions.

Ahhhhhhh......... immmmm dumb.

I legit thought it was a typo and didn't read the original post. My apologies, guys.