Wardens of the East: New York City and Long Island

By LetsGoRed, in 7. AGoT Metagame Discussions

We're going to try League play in Manhattan. More info is on NY meta website ( www.AGOTNY.net ). If you think you might be interested, post here, on the forum at AGOTNY.net, and/or send an email to [email protected], thanks.

Our first meetup for League play will be Monday, Jan. 26, 6:30pm. If you are interested in participating, please email [email protected]. Specifics on location etc. are posted at www.AGOTNY.net .

Great session last night guys. It was good to see such an enthusiastic turnout.

Josh - it was great to meet you! wlcome to the NY meta.

Looking forward ot ur next session - i think that third Chpater Pack will really help the deck I am working wiht.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the league night on Monday. And it's never too late to join in if you're interested. Schedule for upcoming League nights will be posted on the meta website ( www.agotny.net ).

how many people showed up to your league night? just curious

finitesquarewell said:

how many people showed up to your league night? just curious

We had 7 and probably would have had 8 if another person had received his Core Set and chapter packs in time (he was waiting for his mailorder to arrive). That's a pretty good turn out; our casual meetups for the last few months have only been getting 2-4 players on a given night.

What I'd be interested in hearing --and Stag Lord may know-- is whether the Long Island "young guns" started or are looking to start a league out there. My understanding is that they have a game shop that likes to support the game.

Here are our standings .

Hey New Yorkers,

Anything cool going on this weekend? I'm actually gonna be in Manhattan for a couple of days and was wondering if you guys were doing anything cool thrones wise. Is there a store that you guys all play in?

Icyewolf, I won't be in the city but I'll send an email to a few of the NYC guys who might be to let them know that they should post here if they are looking to play this weekend.

Cool thanks. I'm leaving for NY tonight. If I don't see anything, I just won't bring my cards then but is there a day you guys meet and play? I'll be in Manhattan until Tuesday.

Hi Sam,

I can make it to the city to play anytime this weekend; in terms of weekly meetings we were tentatively planning for tuesday. If you can do monday night, however, a group of ~3-4 of us might be able to make it in. You can email me: [email protected]

I could do monday night. I'm oncall saturday and playing DnD sunday afternoon/evening. monday I'm free though

I am also interested in meeting for Monday Night, would we be playing LCG format or Iron Throne and Five Kings included?

I have yet to hear from Sam...

If there are at least 4 of us (chris s, paul, josh, myself) we can make it a league night to garner more votes for tywin. We could also play standard or lcg format in addition after the league games (which would prob be just 2 rounds). Now if we don't hear from sam, does tuesday work better or worse for you guys?

Sorry guys. Mea culpa I kinda left for NY in a huff and left my wireless card for my laptop at home.... and the only connection they have in my hotel was wireless. A friend of mine that I met in NY told me about this Magic Pre-Release thing last weekend so I tagged along wondering if it was some cool card store and I was hoping to see if any Throners were in the store but it turned out to be a space on the 2nd floor that was shared by some martial arts school! I'll try to catch you guys next time for sure! Sorry for confusion

NYC's next League Night is Monday, Feb 9. Please check www.AGOTNY.net or send an email to [email protected] for more details and location information.

Last night was another enjoyable League night. Thanks, guys, for coming out.

We had six, two playing Lanni, two playing Bara, one Targ and one Stark. Once again Lanni prevailed (this time Sithlord) and I was bridesmaid with my Stark deck. Another YEA! vote for Thorns Tywin, ugh. preocupado.gif

NYC's next League Night is planned for Monday, Feb 23. Please check www.AGOTNY.net or send an email to [email protected] for details and location information.

The NYC Meta has completed Season One of League play. Congrats to Sithlord for taking top honors.

We'll be looking to hold the Hedge Tournament for March (Baratheon pin), our first Hedge Tournament. I'll post again when details are sorted out.

Gods - it was good playing Standard again with you guys and a six person melee to boot! too bad no one represented Martell, or we would have had all six Houses seated. Though i suppose two "opposing" Baratheon decks amkes sense stylistically as well.

though they were a little too simialr and the players were a litttle too much in cahoots to really echo the books. Did Josh and GJChris even throw a challenge against each other until teh very end? I don't mind Chris king making, but a little rivalry at the end of teh tabel woudl have been nice.

popos to Josh though for playing skillfully and well, not pissing too many people off, redirectin that key challenge with the miocuh scorned kingsguard title, and timing his rush really nicely off Chris' Valar reset.

note to milamber, redterror and LGR. Double renown Robert is a MUCH bigger threat than ITE Theon .


Slops to milamber for ripping seven cards from me with a Claim 7 INT challenge off things I do For Love. i knwo you opposed me that turn, but geez - i would ahve ratehr taken the miliatyr hit, i could have saved three of my six characters.

Lots of fun guys.

Just curious, how was the hedge tourney? How many showed and what were the results?

"Wallet constraints" have kept me from this game for awhile now, but I'm hoping to get back into it again soon. A couple of players around here want to practice for GENCON and, while I can't personally go, I think I'll be playing with them to help prep. As a side note, when is the next NYC tourney?

Some unfortunate last minute conflicts kept a few people away from the Hedge tourny, so we only had four. Usually we can get 6-8 people together with some advance planning. For NYC, April will probably be quiet (I've been ring leader for coordinating meetups, but will be on vacation for a couple weeks in April). After I return I'm going to try to put some time into figuring out when (and where) we could have a weekend event that would work for the Long Island players and hopefully appeal to out-of-towners.

Some folks are planning to meet up Wedn night, 4/29, in midtown. Send me an email (see my signature block) or post here if you want details.

I'm looking for people to play Arkham Horror with. I've only played the base game. By myself no less. :(

I'm in brooklyn, but have car.

Can I get in on games, or know people i could get to come to a session i'd host?

Hey I posted in another Wardens post. Just wanted to say here i'm looking to play/get people to come and play. Anyone interested? Games I can get in on?