Something homebrewish I started working on.

By Fgdsfg, in Only War Game Masters

I was a bit unsure whether to post this in Fan Art (because it's graphic), House Rules (because it arguably involves homebrewing the setting a bit), or here (because it's deals with making sense of the universe and interpretations thereof).

A little something something I started working on because why not:

Some charts I found didn't make sense, or were confusing in one way or another. And when it comes to the organizations of the Imperium, the High Gothic and Low Gothic names are all mixed up here and there, some have both, while others have one but not the other. And so on.

So I decided to homebrew up my own chart to make sense of everything, and come up with both plebian and proper names for each.

It's going to be far from perfect, and I can already see a few things I'm fairly sure is wrong, if in a practical sense if not in an Imperium legal sense.

Next, I'm going to add the Sisters of Silence, Departmento Investigates, under the Adeptus Astra Telepathica. What I could use help with is to come up with appropriate names for those things that have none.

What would be the informal name of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica, for example? I realize that there are certain organizations that are so far up the totem pole that it is unlikely that they have truly informal names, or that they are not used, but I'd nontheless like to see if I can iron this out.

Anyone want to take a stab at The Imperial Fleet or the Imperial Navy, for example?

Pretty sure everything I've seen (including DH) indicate that the Inquisition answers to the High Lords of Terra.

Pretty sure everything I've seen (including DH) indicate that the Inquisition answers to the High Lords of Terra.

Technically, I'm fairly sure they do, too, however, they also have authority over the High Lords of Terra, and representation there. The basics of my chart is based on this as described in the 6th Edition Codex.

That being said, for good arguments, I'll do any kind of change to the chart that is warranted. For example, the chart I'm using as a base doesn't even separate between the Imperial Fleets and the Imperial Navy, which is one of the reasons I started working on this (much due to the confusion of a player).

Adeptus Mechanicus don't answer to The High Lords of Terra, I think. They should be equal.

Edited by Commediante

The admech are technically allies of the imperium rather then part of it, they operate their own armies, fleets and can ignore even the highest ranking inquisitors (and have done so on numerous occasions) if they choose. Elements of the fluff outright say that their facilities are considered (mostly) inviolate embassies of mars.

Space marine chapters are also separate and tied to the imperium more through tradition, honour and loyalty to the primarchs and the emperor then through a direct hierarchy.

Both these groups may be requested to act but cannot be ordered.

One of the High Lord members is a senior inquisitor.

Rogue Traders should also be seen as a seperate entity

The admech are technically allies of the imperium rather then part of it, they operate their own armies, fleets and can ignore even the highest ranking inquisitors (and have done so on numerous occasions) if they choose. Elements of the fluff outright say that their facilities are considered (mostly) inviolate embassies of mars.

Space marine chapters are also separate and tied to the imperium more through tradition, honour and loyalty to the primarchs and the emperor then through a direct hierarchy.

Both these groups may be requested to act but cannot be ordered.

The AdMech, despite their status as a separate entity within the Imperium, still answers to the High Lords of Terra, of which they are part. The main difference is that all parts of the AdMech is separate, for example, they have their own military, and doesn't answer to the Departmento Munitorum, they have their own fleets, and do not answer to the Imperial Fleet, they collect their own tithes, and do not directly answer to the Administratum, and so on and so forth.

The extent of their autonomy varies. For example, parts of the Inquisition no doubt claim authority over the AdMech, while the AdMech certainly do not share that view.

The Adeptus Astartes formally answers to the higher echelons of the Adeptus Terra, but in practice claim autonomy on a chapter by chapter basis.

One of the High Lord members is a senior inquisitor.

Rogue Traders should also be seen as a seperate entity

Rogue Traders formally answer to the Adeptus Terra, and their practical autonomy depends on their Warrant of Trade. Their position is similar to Inquisitors, Chapter Masters, or Planetary Governors.

Inquisition have a representative on the high lords as does the mechanicus however their organisations as a whole don't answer to either the representative or the high lords.

The inquisitorial rep and Arch-Fabricator are members of the council more as a courtesy, both so the INQ and AdMech know what the HL are upto but also they can directly report to (and keep an eye on) the HL if they feel the need to.

After all how better to chop the red tape and get a direct line to the top than have your own man sitting on the council of terra?