Hello everyone!
I'd like to have a discussion about using other publication's rules (mostly Black Crusade and Only War) in your Deathwatch games.
Deathwatch has a few years to its name now, and I find that a few things in Black Crusade and Only War makes sense in using in Deathwatch, and some, I'm not too sure they would fit.
Here's a few changes I'm considering using in my new Deathwatch campaign:
1. Demolitions rolled into Tech-Use. The implications of this is that all Space Marines will be able to use Demolitions from level 1 (at 800 XP cost).
2. Single shot is +10% to hit, semi-auto is +0 and Full-auto is -10. Killing hordes got a little bit more difficult, but it kinda makes sense? Still, full-auto is still the most effective way to kill hordes though!
3. Swift attack is +0 to hit, Lightning attack is -10% to hit.
4. Charge action now ends in a Standard, Swift or All Out Attack (but is one action)
5. Parry and Dodge is now the Evasion action
6. Unnatural Strength and Toughnness gives a flat increase (+4) to Strength and Toughness.
Any other suggestions? Comments? What other rules from other publications do you guys use in a Deathwatch game?