Some damage questions

By BrotherHuitztli, in Deathwatch Rules Questions

I have a few things I want to know how much damage they do.

First is the jets of a jump pack. (Recently had an assault marine get swarmed by a ripper swarm and he decided to use his jets burners to get them off his back)

A non power-axe.

A human being in full flak armor (Swung by his leg by a chaos marine or maybe an ork)

None. Jump packs are not weapons. Using them as such is rediculous and practically impossible. In your situation your victims would be thrown a random distance in the air and then fall to the ground. The Character should probably take damage as if he crashed into the ground (maybe half damage). Being propelled with enough force to launch a space marine into the sky would smash his face into the ground beneath him.

Basic weapons are considered primative weapons But an axe would deal rending damage for being a bladed weapon vs. impact damage: 1D10 R Primative

An Improvised weapon counts as an improvised weapon: 1S10-2 I Primative, Unbalanced At your GM's discretion it could be 2D10-2 I Primative, unbalanced as many 2-handed weapons add a second dice. Probably change unbalanced to unwieldy. Damage to the unfortunate mug should be similar to throw damage 1d10+SB+DoS.

Edited by herichimo

Well, I'd say damage from a jump pack can be an option, either for realism (those streams *are* going to be pretty hot), or just due to the "rule of cool". It's not in the rules, but the GM has the right to alter them as they see fit.

A quick suggestion, just off the top of my head:

Roll a d5

  • on a 1, nothing happens (no Rippers were close enough to the exhausts or the ground "impact" area)
  • 2-4, reduce Ripper Swarm's magnitude by 1
  • 5, reduce Ripper Swarm's magnitude by 2

That being said, herichimo has a good point when saying that the sheer force of the launch has a good chance of scattering the Rippers. Either remove the Horde entirely, or split it up (perhaps with a few still clinging to the Marine)

Edited by Lynata

The solution is as I posited. Count the creature/horde as being thrown in the air and then suffers fall damage from the height.

That should work quite well and you don't have to create any house rules for it.

Just thinking, jetting out of a horde would give them a free attack as you leave close combat without special action?

Just thinking, jetting out of a horde would give them a free attack as you leave close combat without special action?

Exactly, leaving the engagement range of another character without using the Disengage Action (or other ability specifically staing so) allows the character in question a Free Strike.