FFG Developer Answered Questions

By kaosoe, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Rules Question:

I'm not certain how the Move power with some of its upgrades is supposed to work in some circumstances. Say a PC activates Move, along with the strength and range upgrades in conjunction with the control upgrade that allows them to hurl objects. They lift a silhouette 2 landspeeder and throw it a medium distance at a cliff face. What would the damage be, and how would it be applied? Would the damage be the landspeeder's silhouette multiplied by 10, or the cliff's silhouette multiplied by 10? In a similar case, how would damage be applied if the PC were to throw a silhouette 1 adversary at another silhouette 1 adversary within short range? Would both adversaries take damage, or just the struck adversary?

In the first scenario, I would definitely say that the speeder takes damage based on its silhouette, not the cliff’s silhouette (it can be pretty hard to determine the silhouette of a cliff, after all, and if you’re dealing with an Everest sized mountain, it wouldn’t make sense for the speeder to take more damage than if it was slammed into a boulder the size of a house).
In the second scenario, although the RAW would be that only the target takes damage, I think it’s perfectly reasonable that both the target and the projectile would take damage. In this case, use the same damage roll for both of them.
Hope this helps!

You know... I just gotta say, I don't agree with Sam's answer on the Armor + Defensive question... Which I hear they are supposed to be revisiting?

But overall, he seems like a pretty cool guy. I'm glad he's out there answering questions and keeping the game going for us folks.

"Hope this helps!" indeed :)

Speaking of good old Sam...

I have a rules question regarding navigating Talent trees. F&D pg 136 says that you have to start at the top row and follow the paths down. But there is an exception for breaks in the path, which says you have to work your way down, around, and back up again.

As an example, I'm looking at the Niman Disciple , particularly the first Toughened for 10 XP. That looks to me like you would need to come down from Nobody's Fool, Niman, Sense , and Reflect , to go back up for Toughened . Correct?

Now since this creates a precedent for going back up on connecting paths, another player recently asked about whether or not you can skip links coming down and instead come back up later.

For example, Sorensu Defender looks like pretty much the entire tree is dependent on Sorensu Technique early on. Particularly if you were after Improved Parry there in the middle. But they do still connect if you came down with Defensive Stance (twice), past the Reflects , and back up to Improved Parry . To me, it sounds like cheating. The exception for going upwards seems pretty clearly meant only for breaks, and otherwise you must follow the paths downwards. But I figured I'd ask anyway. Thank you!

As long as the you start at the “top” of the tree (the 5 xp row) and only buy talents in that row, or talents connected to talents in that row, you can navigate in any direction you wish. So with Soresu Defender, you can certainly go down the Defensive Stance route, over to Reflect, and work your way back up to Soresu Technique. You’ll find that the process takes much longer and is more expensive than simply going down from Parry, but it certainly is an option.

Hope that helps!
Sam Stewart

I was under the impression that going back up only worked for those rare dead ends like Toughened. But apparently you could take the long way around and purchase everything else except for (what I thought was) a vital linkage.

Speaking of good old Sam...

I have a rules question regarding navigating Talent trees. F&D pg 136 says that you have to start at the top row and follow the paths down. But there is an exception for breaks in the path, which says you have to work your way down, around, and back up again.

As an example, I'm looking at the Niman Disciple , particularly the first Toughened for 10 XP. That looks to me like you would need to come down from Nobody's Fool, Niman, Sense , and Reflect , to go back up for Toughened . Correct?

Now since this creates a precedent for going back up on connecting paths, another player recently asked about whether or not you can skip links coming down and instead come back up later.

For example, Sorensu Defender looks like pretty much the entire tree is dependent on Sorensu Technique early on. Particularly if you were after Improved Parry there in the middle. But they do still connect if you came down with Defensive Stance (twice), past the Reflects , and back up to Improved Parry . To me, it sounds like cheating. The exception for going upwards seems pretty clearly meant only for breaks, and otherwise you must follow the paths downwards. But I figured I'd ask anyway. Thank you!

As long as the you start at the “top” of the tree (the 5 xp row) and only buy talents in that row, or talents connected to talents in that row, you can navigate in any direction you wish. So with Soresu Defender, you can certainly go down the Defensive Stance route, over to Reflect, and work your way back up to Soresu Technique. You’ll find that the process takes much longer and is more expensive than simply going down from Parry, but it certainly is an option.

Hope that helps!
Sam Stewart

I was under the impression that going back up only worked for those rare dead ends like Toughened. But apparently you could take the long way around and purchase everything else except for (what I thought was) a vital linkage.

This question was essentially answered last July, when I was asking about the Recruit tree.


Short version pertaining to your specific question:


I realize that he can always work his way down one pathway and work his way back up another to avoid spending experience points on talents that are unnecessary to him, but does he need to go to that trouble?

Hi Damon,

Good question.


Of course, the character certainly can purchase these talents to reach the ones below or, as you note, buy around them.

I hope that this helps!

I was reading over the Mass Combat rules that just came out in Lead by Example and though the rules are rather straight forward, I am curious on one thing. The book speaks about how Jedi use to play a key role in large battles and how the quickly they rose to Generals/Admirals in the CW, which is pretty cool. But what I want to know is how would fellow GMs plan to incorporate the use of Battle Meditation into the new Mass Combat System. My initial thought would be that the answer would be " it depends".

For example: if the player is only initial invested in the Force Power then maybe it only provides a Boost to the roll or possible add a "Trivial". But as the player further invests in the Power and their number of Force Points increases I could see the use of the Power add a "Vast" or even "Overwhelming".

Just wanted to hear what other people thought about it. thought about it.

Hope I got this right. If someone can double check, that would be awesome.

Order 66 Podcast #71 - Gray Matters, @ 74:26min


He is right that the most basic version of Battle Mediation is probably boost dice worthy when you are talking about one (1) automatic success at engage range spread out across 3-4 people. It is a party buff, it is not a "Go Forth My Legion!" type of thing.

But I like his point, if you are upgrading and upgrading it can start to get pretty impressive. You can start adding in ranks from a chosen skill at the mastery level; which is really good. You can add more successes and can affect a lot more people. I think at that point where it affects mass combat is at the ability dice step. Which also is the step were you build the basic dice pool base on how sweet your troops are. How good are your troops and how good are the opponent's troops.

Battle meditation at its highest levels, when you saw it in the comics and even in the books, it was a force multiplier. Troops went from "joe-shmo" farmers to the elite Spartan 300 fighting at the Hot Gates in perfect unison. I think it could increase the ability dice pool by one (1) or increase it by two (2) at the mastery level. Or maybe it only increases it by two (2) if the force user her/himself is a bad-ass warrior.

In case if anyone was curious...

Quick question regarding Corellian Humans found in Suns of Fortune: they start with a rank in Planetary Piloting or Space Piloting, and they have the ability to train Piloting to rank 3 during character creation. Can they train BOTH Piloting skills to rank 3, or only the one they choose to get a free rank in?

The can train both ranks to rank 3. Hope this helps!

Sam Stewart

Any word yet on that whole "sources of Defense" issue?

Have they officially decided whether Armor / Talents which "give you a Defense of 1" can be further improved by Items / Talents which "increase your (Melee or Ranged) defense by 1" ?

For my money, I could understand not allowing a Defensive shield in one hand, and a Defensive sword in the other. Either you're parrying the attack, or hiding behind the shield, not both. But an attack that gets passed either one will still be stopped by the armor you're wearing.

Which Item Qualties can be activated multiple times on a single combat check? Most don't say if they can or can't.

Item qualities can only be triggered once per target, generally.

Hope this helps!

Sam Stewart

Regarding multiple cyber limbs and stacking cyber bonuses -

Rules Question:
I'm looking for some clarification on cyberware. In an earlier 'question to the developers', you stated that "multiple cybernetics DO stack, to the maximum bonus of 7 for characteristics and 6 for skills." However, in the EotE Core Rulebook, under cyberarms, it states the following: "If a character replaces both arms with cybernetic enhancements, he must use the same model, as they are designed to work in tandem. However, the modifiers from both arms do not stack." Specifically - if a character expends two cybernetic slots to install two +1 Agility arms, does the character receive the bonus from both arms and increase Agility by +2? Thanks for the great game, and your answer...

Sam Stewart

Cybernetics that have to be bought in tandem (or otherwise must be designed to work together to provide benefits) do not stack with themselves. However, they would stack with some other cybernetic that is entirely different, but provides the same mechanical bonus. So a cyberarm with +1 Brawn would not stack with another cyberarm, but it might stack with a cyber-heart that also provided +1 Brawn.
Hope this helps!
So, a pair of +1 Agility arms only nets a character +1 Agility, and per RAW, that character cannot install a +1 Agility Arm and a +1 Brawn arm.
But, +1 Agility Arm(s) DO stack with +1 Agility Legs.
Is that right?
Sam Stewart
That is correct.
What about the case of a droid who wants to install multiple arms - say a total of 4 (two pairs)?
Would you suggest capping the total Agility at +1, or allow two pairs of arms to provide a total Agility bonus of +2?
or perhaps something else, equivalent to the Xexto Racial Bonus?
Given that this would chew up 4 of a droid's 6 cyber slots, it feels like they should get something back for the investment...

Sam Stewart

Hm, that one’s total house-rule territory, so nothing I say here would be in any way considered an “official ruling.” But if I was running the game, giving the droid the Xexto or Besalisk species bonus makes sense to me.


So there we have it folks... That's what you should do with your wanna be Grevious droids...

Stacking Defense
Question asked by Braendig :
3 Brawn
Sentinel: Shien Expert
1 Rank Defensive Training
Wearing Armored Robes
Wielding a Riot Shield (Left Hand) and a
Shoto Lightsaber with a fully Modified
Lorridian Gemstone and a
fully Modified Curved Hilt ? And why? How would the various defenses stack?"

Answered by Sam Stewart :
Ranged Defense 2
Melee Defense 3

The modified lightsaber would be the source of the defense, because it has the highest ranged and melee defenses. The shoto lightsaber has no innate defense, but the Llordian Gemstone comes with Defensive 1. Its mods allow you to increase the weapon’s defense. Same goes for the curved hilt, its mods also allow you to increase the weapon’s defense.

All of the other defensive sources are from different items, and do not stack.

Am i the only one who feel like devs doesn't play and doesn't read their own rules before answering questions ?

first, let's start with the defensive training talent : the weapong gain defensive rank equal to the defensive training talent rank. This replace any rank in defensive the weapon already has.

If we refer strictly to this, knowing that the hero have 1 rank in this talent, the current saber defense is 1 for melee, 2 for range. the 1 replace anything the wepon have (3), it does not say "take the highest one".

Yes this is stupid, but this is how a strict replace work. i wouldn't apply the rule here since i don't want my player to nerf themself (they already waste points in talents here).

Second and most important point, the defensive and deflective qualities : both talents say that they "increase the melee/range defense", the armor say "adds (black dice) equal to the defense rating directly to the attacker’s dice pool."

it's nothing related to defensive talent!

my vision is that the defensive and deflective talent doesn't stack between differents sources but they do stack to the armor's defense value and (i believe) Sam Stewart completly forget the armor while answering to the question.

2 reason for that :

-If defensive/deflective weren't intended to stack with armor, using the word INCREASE in the weapon quality would make no sense.

-In a role play vision of the problem, having a shield to parry attack or block arrows wouldn't make the armor useless ? why ? i mean, medieval knight were using both armor and that was intended to be complementary. Howevern i see why a "defensive 1" on a sword wouldn't be allowed to be used stacked with a shield "defensive 2", you either try to block with one or the other. if you fail, it goes on the armor.

This thread is not where we discuss things like this. This thread is for posting the answers we get back from the devs.

If you’d like to discuss a particular dev response, I’d recommend creating a new thread for that.

Quad-wielding and Grievous style light-sabers

Follow up rules question to Bishops 6 Limbs questions .


What about using 4 blasters together or 4 lightsabers, is this just like dual wielding? (after all, 4 arms are natural for those who have them). Can you trigger 4 hits when you have a blaster in each hand and roll just enough advantages? General Grievous build with 4 light sabers confirmed? Pong Krell style fighting possible?

Sam Stewart:

There are no rules for quad-wielding specifically. However, you could extrapolate the rules for dual wielding out to handle 3 or 4 weapons. In that case, you would follow all of the same rules, but you would be able to trigger up to 4 hits total. This would be a house-rule, of course, and would therefore be subject to your GM’s approval. (It would also require 8 advantage to get all four of those hits).

Hope this helps!

With force upgrades,do you need to generate enough force points to activate each upgrade?

Example: if you have a force power with 3 purchased strength upgrades,are you to generate 4 force points? One for the basic power and one for each upgrade.

The F&D book is unclear on this.

With force upgrades,do you need to generate enough force points to activate each upgrade?

Example: if you have a force power with 3 purchased strength upgrades,are you to generate 4 force points? One for the basic power and one for each upgrade.

The F&D book is unclear on this.

Guys — remember, this is not where we ask questions of each other, or have discussions.

If you want to ask questions of the developers, you need to use their web form for that.

When you get their answers back by e-mail, please feel free to post them here, along with the question that you asked.

Edited by bradknowles

I had a post ready with all the questions I just added, and I lost the post. So forgive me for not formatting these in the usual way, but they're all added to the original list and formatted there:

Question asked by 2P51 :
Can spare Advantages or Triumphs generated during an initiative check be used for options other than what's listed under Cool and Vigilance? For instance the options listed under the combat check table.

Answered by Sam Stewart :

There are no “spare” Advantages in an initiative check, because they are directly used to help determine initiative (as another example, if you score four successes on a check and your opponents only score one success, the three successes you beat them by are still not “spare”).

However, with Triumphs, you have a little more leeway. Although they can also be used as a tiebreaker, generally Triumphs are rare and important enough that the GM can do something special with them. In my personal game, I tend to allow my PCs to take an extra maneuver before combat begins, for example.

Question asked by Blackbird888 ( https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/108101-ffg-developer-answered-questions/page-8#entry1912765 ):

Can the Superior customization attachment be applied to weapons with the Inferior quality? Does it remove that quality, or do you apply both? Related, and possibly just errata, but in Dangerous Covenants, it lists the arg'garok as having "Inferior 1". Inferior is not a ranked quality; is this intended to have Inaccurate 1, or is the "1" errata and it is intended to be Inferior?

Answered by Sam Stewart :

You technically apply both, but in most cases, they simply cancel each other out (specifically weapons, or armor that does not have defence). In these cases, it can just be simpler to remove both qualities from the weapon’s profile.

As to your second point, the “1” is an error, and will be corrected in errata and future printings

Edsel63 :

( https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/191849-mental-bond-error/#entry1918127 )
On page 89 in the Seeker: Pathfinder tree the Mental Bond talent is listed as working at up to Long Range. On page 147 the write-up for Mental Bond says it works at up to Extreme range.

So which is it? Long or Extreme?

Answered by Sam Stewart :

I’m sorry about the mistake! It should be at extreme range, not long range.

Question asked by Braendig :

( https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/108101-ffg-developer-answered-questions/page-8#entry1975120 )

Do Cybernetics stack? If a character were to purchase two +1 agility cybernetic arms, would their agility be increased by 2? What if it were an arm and a leg? Do +1 brawn cybernetics -also- increase the number of cybernetics capable of being implanted on a character? If so, then they're essentially "free" cybernetics -- character starts at 2 brawn, 2 cybernetics available. Add 1 brawn from cybernetics, now brawn 3 with 1 implant, 2 cybernetics available.

Answered By Sam Stewart :

Bonuses from multiple cybernetics do stack, to the maximum bonus of 7 for characteristics, and 6 for skills. +1 brawn cybernetics also increase your cybernetics cap.

Question Asked by Jegergryte :

( https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/108101-ffg-developer-answered-questions/page-8#entry1975127 )

I have a question concerning the Cortosis quality in the Star Wars RPG line. It states that weapons become immune to Sunder whereas armour becomes immune to Pierce and Breach. So, can you still Sunder an armour with the Cortosis quality?

Answered by Sam Stewart :

Rules as written, that is correct. You can Sunder the armor with Cortosis.

Question asked by Arrakus :

( https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/108101-ffg-developer-answered-questions/page-8#entry1975719 )

After some digging I have found that there is a difference among the descriptions of Magnitude Upgrades, albeit a small one. The difference can be split into three groups:

- Ones with the word "additional" in it. e.g. Battle Meditation: Spend FP to affect a number of additional targets equal to Presence per rank of Magnitude purchased.

- Ones with the word "increase" in it. e.g. Move: Spend FP to increase targets affected equal to Magnitude upgrades purchased.

- And Warde Foresee which has neither "Additional" or "Increase" in it.

My question is, why the difference? If they are all suppose to function the same, then why change the wording?

- Are the Magnitude Upgrades with the word "increase" capped by the number of upgrades purchased?

- If so, then are the Magnitude Upgrades with the word "additional" capped by the number of FP spent times the number of upgrades purchased? Meaning the more FP spent on Magnitude than the more targets one can affect?

Answered by Sam Stewart :

Both upgrades work the same, despite the the difference in word use.

Question asked by KommissarK :

( https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/108101-ffg-developer-answered-questions/page-8#entry2004999 )

The Defensive talent is worded as:

"Defensive (passive): Defensive weapons are particularly good at fending off incoming melee attacks. A character wielding a weapon with the Defensive quality increases his melee defense by the weapon’s Defensive rating."

The Deflection talent is similar, but for ranged defense. When it says it "increases his melee defense," how does this interact with a character?

I understand there can only be one source of a ranged/melee defense rating in effect, but this "increase" wording seems to indicate that it is there to work around the "one source" limitation.

If my character is wearing armored clothing (defense 1), and I am wielding a Defensive 1 weapon, does this mean that I have melee defense 2, ranged defense 1? Or, when it says "increases his melee defense" is that speaking specifically of the character, and as such its a choice between the -character's- melee defense of 1, or the armour's melee defense of one?

How does this work with dual wielding? If I have a weapon with Defensive 1 in one hand, and Deflection 2 in the other hand, do I have a total of ranged defense 2 and melee defense 1, or is it only one or the other (i.e. does a weapon need to be selected as the "primary")? How does this work if stacking the same quality and dual wielding? Defense 2 on both weapons. They're both "increasing" the same target melee defense value (either my armor or my character, as per above answers), so it doesn't seem to violate the multiple sources principle.

Or is the increasing terminology incorrect and the weapon with the deflection/defensive property actually just "gives" a ranged/melee defense rating.

Answered by Sam Stewart :

We are currently re-evaluating how personal scale defense works in the game, and may have a more comprehensive answer in the future. So at this point, we cannot answer your question.

Question asked by Dakkar98 :

( https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/108101-ffg-developer-answered-questions/page-9#entry2049006 )

When you are purchasing a business or homestead using the rules presented in Far Horizons, can you use Master Merchant to reduce the 50,000 credit price by 25%? Can you use it to reduce the Obligation by 1?

Could you suffer 4 strain to both reduce the cost by 25% and the Obligation by 1?

Can you use it to reduce the cost of the upgrades? Can you use it to reduce the obligation gain of the upgrades?

If so, is the minimum Obligation gained 1 or 0?

For the homestead, I noted that you are limited to purchasing 3 of the 4 available security upgrades. Is there anything to stop someone from purchasing every security upgrade except the security droid, then going out and purchasing the security droid separately for it's 9600 price tag (7200 with a successful use of Master Merchant)?

Answered by Sam Stewart :

To the first part of your question; you would only be able to use Master Merchant once since the purchase of a Homestead is one purchase. Master Merchant may be triggered once per acquisition, so you could only suffer 2 strain to reduce the cost or the Obligation, but not both.

When you purchase upgrades, these are additional purchases, so the same rules apply. You can reduce the Obligation, or the cost for each upgrade, but not both.

And yes, you can find a security droid and purchase it, although finding it requires you to use all the usual rules for finding and buying something. Taking it as a homestead upgrade does not.

Followup Question asked by Dekkar98 :

Is there a minimum obligation increase when using Master Merchant to purchase an upgrade for a business or homestead?

Some of the upgrades for a homestead or business are x credits or +1 obligation (NPC Ally or Landing Bay for a homestead, and special orders or wholesale prices for a business).

For those upgrades can you only use Master Merchant to reduce the credit cost by 25%, or could you choose take on the obligation and use Master Merchant to reduce it to 0 or is it a minimum of +1 obligation?

Essentially, going the Obligation route could you use Master Merchant to convince someone that it is in their best interest to help your business or homestead, by applying x upgrade and have the obligation increase actually be +0?

Answered by Sam Stewart :

RAW, you could potentially reduce it to 0 Obligation. However, the GM would be perfectly within his rights to argue that you can’t take on no Obligation for those upgrades. After all, the +1 Obligation also represents the time and resources (and upkeep) you have to spend on the upgrades, not just the money.

So overall, I’d say it depends on your GM. If you come up with a good narrative reason for it, then it’s fine. But if the GM says “no” then I think he or she has a good basis for that.

Question asked by EliasWindrider :

( https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/108101-ffg-developer-answered-questions/page-9#entry2050968 )

Assuming that you have at least 1 rank in brawl, do your fists count as a brawl weapon for the purpose of satisfying the defensive training talent?

Answered by Sam Stewart :

As written, fists never count as brawl weapons. In this case, weapons would refer to items being wielded. However, if your GM wishes to rule that your fists count as weapons, that is certainly a reasonable house rule!

Question asked by Lathrop :

( https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/108101-ffg-developer-answered-questions/page-9#entry2051005 )

Would somebody piloting a starship or vehicle be able to use the Sense Control upgrade to upgrade incoming attacks against the vehicle?

Answered by Sam Stewart :

In answer to your rules question about Sense working while piloting vehicles; as written it would not work, since the attack targets the vehicle, and not the character. However, if the GM wanted to house-rule that it does work, I would limit it to particularly nimble and responsible vehicles; generally those with at least speed 3, and a silhouette no higher than 3.

Question asked by Blackbird888 :

( https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/108101-ffg-developer-answered-questions/page-9#entry2088913 )

I'm not certain how the Move power with some of its upgrades is supposed to work in some circumstances. Say a PC activates Move, along with the strength and range upgrades in conjunction with the control upgrade that allows them to hurl objects. They lift a silhouette 2 landspeeder and throw it a medium distance at a cliff face. What would the damage be, and how would it be applied? Would the damage be the landspeeder's silhouette multiplied by 10, or the cliff's silhouette multiplied by 10? In a similar case, how would damage be applied if the PC were to throw a silhouette 1 adversary at another silhouette 1 adversary within short range? Would both adversaries take damage, or just the struck adversary?

Answered by Sam Stewart :

In the first scenario, I would definitely say that the speeder takes damage based on its silhouette, not the cliff’s silhouette (it can be pretty hard to determine the silhouette of a cliff, after all, and if you’re dealing with an Everest sized mountain, it wouldn’t make sense for the speeder to take more damage than if it was slammed into a boulder the size of a house).

In the second scenario, although the RAW would be that only the target takes damage, I think it’s perfectly reasonable that both the target and the projectile would take damage. In this case, use the same damage roll for both of them.

Question asked by bkoran :

( https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/108101-ffg-developer-answered-questions/page-9#entry2098059 )

I have a rules question regarding navigating Talent trees. F&D pg 136 says that you have to start at the top row and follow the paths down. But there is an exception for breaks in the path, which says you have to work your way down, around, and back up again.

As an example, I'm looking at the Niman Disciple, particularly the first Toughened for 10 XP. That looks to me like you would need to come down from Nobody's Fool, Niman, Sense, and Reflect, to go back up for Toughened. Correct?

Now since this creates a precedent for going back up on connecting paths, another player recently asked about whether or not you can skip links coming down and instead come back up later.

For example, Sorensu Defender looks like pretty much the entire tree is dependent on Sorensu Technique early on. Particularly if you were after Improved Parry there in the middle. But they do still connect if you came down with Defensive Stance (twice), past the Reflects, and back up to Improved Parry. To me, it sounds like cheating. The exception for going upwards seems pretty clearly meant only for breaks, and otherwise you must follow the paths downwards. But I figured I'd ask anyway. Thank you!

Answered by Sam Stewart :

As long as the you start at the “top” of the tree (the 5 xp row) and only buy talents in that row, or talents connected to talents in that row, you can navigate in any direction you wish. So with Soresu Defender, you can certainly go down the Defensive Stance route, over to Reflect, and work your way back up to Soresu Technique. You’ll find that the process takes much longer and is more expensive than simply going down from Parry, but it certainly is an option.

Question asked by Blackbird888 :

( https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/108101-ffg-developer-answered-questions/page-10#entry2198836 )

Quick question regarding Corellian Humans found in Suns of Fortune: they start with a rank in Planetary Piloting or Space Piloting, and they have the ability to train Piloting to rank 3 during character creation. Can they train BOTH Piloting skills to rank 3, or only the one they choose to get a free rank in?

Answered by Sam Stewart :

The can train both ranks to rank 3.

Question asked by Moribund :

( https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/108101-ffg-developer-answered-questions/page-10#entry2200293 )

Which Item Qualties can be activated multiple times on a single combat check? Most don't say if they can or can't.

Answered by Sam Stewart :

Item qualities can only be triggered once per target, generally.

Question asked by Bishop69 :

( https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/108101-ffg-developer-answered-questions/page-10#entry2200320 )

I'm looking for some clarification on cyberware. In an earlier 'question to the developers', you stated that "multiple cybernetics DO stack, to the maximum bonus of 7 for characteristics and 6 for skills." However, in the EotE Core Rulebook, under cyberarms, it states the following: "If a character replaces both arms with cybernetic enhancements, he must use the same model, as they are designed to work in tandem. However, the modifiers from both arms do not stack." Specifically - if a character expends two cybernetic slots to install two +1 Agility arms, does the character receive the bonus from both arms and increase Agility by +2? Thanks for the great game, and your answer.

Answered by Sam Stewart :

Cybernetics that have to be bought in tandem (or otherwise must be designed to work together to provide benefits) do not stack with themselves. However, they would stack with some other cybernetic that is entirely different, but provides the same mechanical bonus. So a cyberarm with +1 Brawn would not stack with another cyberarm, but it might stack with a cyber-heart that also provided +1 Brawn.

Follow-up Question asked by Bishop69 :

( https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/108101-ffg-developer-answered-questions/page-10#entry2200320 )

So, a pair of +1 Agility arms only nets a character +1 Agility, and per RAW, that character cannot install a +1 Agility Arm and a +1 Brawn arm.

But, +1 Agility Arm(s) DO stack with +1 Agility Legs. Is that right?

Answered by Sam Stewart :

That is correct.

Follow-up Question asked by Bishop69 :

( https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/108101-ffg-developer-answered-questions/page-10#entry2200320 )

What about the case of a droid who wants to install multiple arms - say a total of 4 (two pairs)?

Would you suggest capping the total Agility at +1, or allow two pairs of arms to provide a total Agility bonus of +2? or perhaps something else, equivalent to the Xexto Racial Bonus?

Given that this would chew up 4 of a droid's 6 cyber slots, it feels like they should get something back for the investment

Answered by Sam Stewart :

Hm, that one’s total house-rule territory, so nothing I say here would be in any way considered an “official ruling.” But if I was running the game, giving the droid the Xexto or Besalisk species bonus makes sense to me.

Follow-up Question asked by SEApocalypse :

( https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/108101-ffg-developer-answered-questions/page-10#entry2207296 )

What about using 4 blasters together or 4 lightsabers, is this just like dual wielding? (after all, 4 arms are natural for those who have them). Can you trigger 4 hits when you have a blaster in each hand and roll just enough advantages? General Grievous build with 4 light sabers confirmed? Pong Krell style fighting possible?

Answered by Sam Stewart :

There are no rules for quad-wielding specifically. However, you could extrapolate the rules for dual wielding out to handle 3 or 4 weapons. In that case, you would follow all of the same rules, but you would be able to trigger up to 4 hits total. This would be a house-rule, of course, and would therefore be subject to your GM’s approval. (It would also require 8 advantage to get all four of those hits).

Question asked by 2P51 :

Can Tinkerer be used on starships?

Answered by Sam Stewart :

The Tinkerer talent refers to “one piece of equipment,” which implies personal equipment, aka not vehicles, starships, and other things too large to carry (and not generally found in Chapter V: Gear and Equipment of the Core Rulebook). However, if the GM wishes to let a starship or vehicle count as a “piece of equipment,” then it’s well within their rights to do so.

Question asked by 2P51 :

Does Powerful Blast modify just explosives/explosive weapons specifically, or does it increase the Blast damage caused by any weapon with Blast? For instance a modified weapon with a Spread Barrel, or any of the 'shotgun' style weapons?

Answered by Sam Stewart :

Powerful blast applies to “explosives, explosive weapons, and grenades” so it would not increase the Blast damage caused by any weapon with Blast. Generally it’ll be grenade launchers, missile tubes, grenades, and set explosives. If there is a question as to what qualifies as an explosive weapon, then the GM is the final arbitrator.

Rules Question:

Just picked up Savage Spirits recently, and I've spotted a few things that may be errors: Hermit's Harass talent is shown to be a Force talent on page 27 but not in its full description on page 30. Both Harass and Menace work with a bonded animal, and with Animal Bond being a Force talent, are either or both supposed to be Force talents? Another question; the BlasTech M-300 hunting blaster has the "Stun Damage" weapon quality, but nothing in the description stands out as it being a non-lethal weapon. Is this supposed to be "Stun Setting"? Thanks.

Hi Blackbird and thanks for the patience in the reply. Those are indeed errors: Harass should be a Force talent, and the hunting blaster should have a Stun setting instead. Good catches and these will be included in the errata file. Thanks and thanks for playing!

Response was from Tim Huckelbery.

My current character, an Engineer (Scientist) has recently purchased the Strategist Career. Lets say I have 5 intellect, 3 ranks in Warfare, 2 Presence and no ranks in Leadership. Of course, Leadership is not a Career Skill, so I went for CLEVER COMMANDER, allowing to use ranks in Warfare to upgrade Mass combat checks. So, in a battle, I upgrade 3 times the pool.

1.- One of his talents is INTENSE FOCUS, allowing an upgrade of any ability, at the cost of a Strain.

Can I use this FOCUS to upgrade WARFARE skill once each Mass Combat Check, using 1 strain, allowing to upgrade 4 times the Pool?

2.- Another of the Strategist Talents is "KNOWLEDGE SPECIALIZATION", Warfare is selected, I pop up 4 ranks in it, (fortunately, Engineer has also same talent) in order to use this talent in a Mass Combat Check, as is based in Warfare Skill. Correct?
3.- "NATURAL SCHOLAR" allows re roll a knowledge skill check. As now the Mass Combat check is based on Warfare (a knowledge), can it be re rolled?
4.- "RESEARCHER" removes Black dies from all knowledge checks. As now the Mass Combat check is based on Warfare (a knowledge), can black dies be removed from the pool?
5.- "COMMAND" adds Blue dies to Leadership Checks. I am not sure if this talent is useful for Mass Combat at all. Can these blue dies be added to the Mass Combat only if Leadership is used, with Warfare also, or not at all?
6.- "COORDINATED ASSAULT"... It says "Combat Checks" instead "Mass Combat checks". Can be used in Mass Combat at all?
7.- "THOROUGH ASSESMENT". It talks about an "encounter". Is a Mass Combat an encounter?

Lets say I got 2 "READY FOR ANYTHING" talents, so up to 2 black dies can be removed.

[Entire post]

This thread is NOT for asking questions for the dev. It is for posting their responses. You need to submit your questions here provided you have reviewed the forums to be sure the answers have not already been provided elsewhere.

[Entire post]

This thread is NOT for asking questions for the dev. It is for posting their responses. You need to submit your questions here provided you have reviewed the forums to be sure the answers have not already been provided elsewhere.

OK I ll do asap

Recently got a clarification on two semi-related things from Sam Stewart (Can we call him S-stew?):

  • The Hutt Crime lord on page 405(?) of the EotE core book *is* supposed to have 8 ranks in Resilience, thats not a typo.
  • Minion groups are subject to the five rank limit, e.g., if there are 10 minions in a group, they still only have 5 ranks in their listed skill, not 9.

That is all.

Question 1:

Regarding the Influence force power, especially the duration upgrade: When I use the force power to cause strain on a target, can I use the duration upgrade to have the target keep on suffering the same number of strain for a number of rounds of ranks in the duration upgrade?


The duration upgrade only affects the ongoing effects of the power; i.e. the changing a target’s perceptions or emotional state. The strain is a one time only effect.

Question 2:

Which damage reduction is applied first when using the Protect Force Power and Reflect, and how does the Mastery Upgrade work in conjunction with Improved Reflect?


The player using the abilities would determine the timing. So, you could reflect first, then use Protect to reduce it to 0 and bounce it back. However, you can’t use Protect and Improved Reflect to bounce a hit back twice!

Also I want to say that Sam Stewart is awesome for answering all these questions in such a timely manner.

Also got a reply from Sam yesterday :

Question :

For the Jury Rigged quality, the Talent tree entry (eg page 90 in the Core rulebook) shows that it can be applied to a weapon, armor, or other item. However, in the Talent list (pg 138 Core rulebook) the detailed description shows that it can only be applied to a weapon or piece of armor. Can it be applied to other items, or is the talent entry wrong? Should it mention other items in the detailed description?

Answer :

The talent tree description is always a summary meant to explain the basics of a talent, while the full talent description is always the correct rules for the talent.

This is just a thought I had while considering cybernetics:

Concerning cybernetic upgrades that apply to the same part of the body, such as the cybernetic arms, weapon implant, scanner limb, repulsor fist, and so on. Can they be applied together, such as having a cybernetic arm that grants +1 Brawn and a repulsor fist? There's nothing in the books that indicate it can't, but I'm curious of it is simply an oversight or if that's an acceptable way to use cybernetics.

Answer from Sam Stewart:

As long as it fits within the bounds of commons sense (and is acceptable to your GM), this is fine.

Which more or less confirms my thought. In case anybody was curious.


. Can 2 different Force Powers that perform a combat check as part of their action be used together using the Two Weapon Fighting rules? For Example Move and Unleash. I would imagine building the pool in the same way, selecting the hardest difficulty and upgrading it once. The skill used is the same so Discipline would be used to from the positive dice. Then the characters Force Rating would be added to the pool. After the dice are rolled, and a successful attack had been made the character could spend pips on the first Power. If they also chose to spend 2 Advantage to trigger the second Force Power it would allow them to also spend force pips on the second force power. It is not a very efficient use of Force Powers due to the much limited pool of pips to draw from, and therefore the difficulty in activating upgrades, but i have an idea for an NPC (and possible a PC) that would do just this. As an example using the Move and Unleash power mentioned earlier. Attacking a target at short range would be Hard difficulty (with talents and defence effecting that) due to the Unleash powers difficulty and increased by 1 due to TWC. On a successful check with 2 Advantage and 4 Force Pips the Force User could Hurl the Silhouette 1 target using 2 of the Force Pips for 10 damage, then activate Unleash with 2 advantage to trigger the Base effect with the last 2 Force Pips. Like i said not exactly great use of force pips, but the cinematic effect of throwing someone while unleashing on them is cool!

Answer from Sam Stewart: No