The Big X-Wing Trade Thread

By Baron Soontir Fel, in X-Wing



Pilot cards -
Talonbane Cobra
Graz The Hunter
Captain Jonus
Colonel Vessery
Rexler Brath


Tel Trevura


Bombs -
Seismic Charges x2

Cannon -
Ion Cannon

Heavy Laser Cannon

Crew -
Intelligence Agent
Recon Specialist


Mercenary Copilot

​EPT -

Push The Limit

Lone Wolf

Illicit -
Dead Man's Switch
Feedback Array x2

Missiles -
Assault Missiles x2
Chardaan Refit
Cluster Missiles
Concussion Missiles
Ion Pulse Missiles
Proton Rockets x2
Homing Missiles x4

Mods -
Hull Upgrade
Shield Upgrade x2

System -
Accuracy Corrector
Enhanced Scopes
Fire-Control System

Torpedoes -
Adv. Proton Torpedoes
Ion Torpedoes x2
Proton Torpedoes x3


Crack Shot x3

Dorsal Turret x2

Reinforced Deflectors x2

"Chopper" (Crew)

"Zeb" Orrelios (Crew)

Ezra Bridger (Crew)

Hera Syndulla (Crew)

Kanan Jarrus (Crew)

Integrated Astromech


Comms Relay

Extra Munitions (Would love this)

Any AA cards
Dice Bags

Your Offers!

Edited by DanGCM

Trades are pending**

Edited by Velvetelvis

I've got all the TIE Advanced pilot cards and tiles that came with the raider (but not the titles or ATC). I also have a ton of pilot and upgrade cards, just ask!

Looking for any Alt Art cards or promo items. Thanks so much!

Location: United States


I have 3 Dark Blue Shield tokens

I need stress tokens.

Edited by ramy

Anyone have aa Vader for sale or trade?

Anyone have aa Vader for sale or trade?

Which one? I have this version:


Reporting great trade with Redthirst.

Reporting positive trade with pauldcl. Despite some initial issues, he was more than willing to make everything right. I would not hesitate to do business with him again.

Just an update:

Pilots (Cards only)

Decimator - Captain Oicunn

Decimator - Commander Kenkirk

Decimator - Rear Admiral Chiraneau

Defender - Colonol Vessery

Defender - Rexler Brath


A-Wing - Gemmer Sojan

A-Wing - Jake Farrell

B-Wing - Nera Dantels

B-Wing - Keyan Farlander


StarViper - Guri

StarViper - Prince Xizor

Upgrade Cards (Standard Art)

Crew - Mara Jade x2

Crew - Darth Vader

Crew - Rebel Captive

Crew - Ysanne Isard

Crew - Fleet Officer

Crew - Moff Jerjerrod x2

Crew - Kyle Katarn

Crew - Jan Ors

Crew - Intelligence Agent

Crew - Mercenary Copilot


Cannon - Ion Cannon

Cannon - Heavy Laser Cannon


Torpedo - Ion Torpedoes x2

Torpedo - Proton Torpedoes x2


Title - Dauntless


Mod - Tactical Jammer x2

Alternate Art Cards

Gunner x2

C-3P0 x2


Alt. Art - Darth Vader Winter Kit 2015

System - Sensor Jammer

Pilot - Wampa (Pilot Card and Base Chit -- what, a guy can hope!)

EPT - Veteran Instincts (Multiple)

If anyone is interested in any of my odds and ends, let me know!

Edited by ArbitraryNerd

Anyone have aa Vader for sale or trade?

Please no asking for or offering money, it is against the forum rules. Thanks.

Reporting a good trade with WarriorPoet.

I'm on the lookout for an alt art Vader (movie still or promo) if anyone has one?

Reporting a great trade with Frogman0714!

Anyone have aa Vader for sale or trade?

Which one? I have this version:


Disco Vader

looking for a tie x/1 title.

Hey all. I just updated the first page. I apologize for my delay, but this stupid doctorate is taking up all of my gaming time. :(

looking for a tie x/1 title.

What do you have to offer for it?

Updated as of 2017-01-16
Dallas, TX, USA.


Cards marked with an * denote cards of which I have more than 1 copy, but which I would only consider trading for something of particular value; e.g., I'd rather not trade my second Autothrusters and have to buy another Starviper to replace it later, but if someone were to offer a similarly rare item that I'm interested in, I'd seriously consider it.

Cards that have been struckthrough are either in negotiations for trade or have been shipped, and will be removed from my inventory once I receive the cards for which I traded them.

Acrylic tokens

Cloak token x10

Alternate art cards

Scimitar Squadron pilot x4


R7 Astromech
Targeting Astromech


Proton Bombs
Seismic Charges


Heavy Laser Cannon x2
Ion Cannon x2

Tractor Beam*



Inspiring Recruit*
Intelligence Agent
Mercenary Copilot
Recon Specialist
Weapons Engineer

Elite Pilot Talents


Expert Handling

Outmaneuver x2
Push the Limit*

Snap Shot*

Trick Shot*
Veteran Instincts*


Burnout SLAM*

Feedback Array


Assault Missiles x3
Chardaan Refit x2*
Cluster Missiles x2
Concussion Missiles x2
Homing Missiles x3
Ion Pulse Missiles
Proton Rockets x2


Anti-Pursuit Lasers
Guidance Chips* x2
Hull Upgrade
Integrated Astromech* x3

Long-Range Scanners*
Munitions Failsafe*
Shield Upgrade x2
Stealth Device x3
Tactical Jammer
Targeting Computer
Twin Ion Engine, mk.ii*

Salvaged astromechs

Overclocked R4


Advanced Sensors
Adv. Targeting Computer*
Electronic Baffle*
Enhanced Scopes
Fire-Control System*

Sensor Jammer


Pattern Analyzer*

Weapons Guidance x2


A-Wing Test Pilot*
Royal Guard TIE*




Adv. Proton Torpedoes x2
Flechette Torpedoes x5
Ion Torpedoes x2
Plasma Torpedoes*
Proton Torpedoes x5


Ion Cannon Turret

Epic play

Shield Technician
Single Turbolasers
Ion Cannon Battery x3
Quad Laser Cannons
Comms Booster
Backup Shield Generator
Engine Booster
Tibanna Gas Supplies

Crack Shot

AA Darth Vader - movie still
AA Luke Skywalker - movie still
AA Wedge Antilles - movie still
AA Tycho Celchu

Edited by WarriorPoet

Reporting a good trade with Droidlover.


ALT Art IA Stormies
ALT Art IA Trandoshans

Many Xwing Upgrades: Autothrusters, AA C3P0 to name the more wanted.

Good trade with tk426.

Hey guys! Just found this topic and maybe someone wants to trade with me.

Located in Germany


- Scimitar Squadron Pilot (eng/ger)

- Soontir Fel (ger)

- Recoon Specialist (ger)

- Push the limit (ger)

- Ten Numb (ger)

- Boba Fett Scum (eng)

- Cloak token

- Evade token (GNK 2015)

- IA: Strom Trooper (eng)

- IA: Rebel Trooper (eng)

- IA: Bantha Rider (ger)


- Darth Vader (Worlds)

- Han Solo (Worlds)

- IA: Darth Vader

- IA: Acrylic Focus Token

- IA: IG-88

- IA: Trandoshan Hunter (GNK)

Reporting an excellent trade with DekoPuma



Ten Numb Alt Art x2

Gunner Alt Art x2

Recon Specialist Alt Art x3

Dagger Squadron Alt Art x4

Soontir Alt Art x2

Tycho Alt Art x1

Dash Alt Art x1

C-3P0 Alt Art x3

Boba Fett Alt Art x1 (Scum)

Falcon Box x2

2015 Store Champs Acrylic Focus (10)

Acrylic Cloak Tokens (5)

2015 Illustrated Worlds Han x3

2014 Worlds Vader x1

2015 Worlds Vader x1 (Imperial Assault)

2016 Store Champ Top 8 Ruler x2


2016 Store Champs Top 4 Coins

Acrylic Focus (2013)

Acrylic Crits (2015)

Acrylic Target Locks (either)

Acrylic Dice (either)

Alt Art Guri

Alt Art Lando

Alt Art Boba (Imperial)

Rebel or Imperial 2012 Acrylic Range Ruler

Will Want

System Open BB8

System Open T/70/Tie/Fo AA

System Open T/70/Tie/Fo Plastic AA

I'll consider other trades so don't be afraid to PM me for a trade or any questions!

Crossed out or Red items are what's changed since last entry

Thanks for considering!