The Big X-Wing Trade Thread

By Baron Soontir Fel, in X-Wing

Based in Canada, will ship anywhere!


AA Poe Dameron

AA Dash Rendar

5x light green acrylic Evade tokens

Looking for:

5x acrylic focus tokens

Crack Shot

Willing to consider other promos as well!

Had a great trade with PS10. Bonus points for the international degree of difficulty.

I'd like to report a perfect overseas trade with Spectre4077. Would definetly trade again.

Finally got all my cards into binders, have some extras for trade if folks happen to need 'em:

Pilots (Cards only)

Decimator - Captain Oicunn

Decimator - Commander Kenkirk

Decimator - Rear Admiral Chiraneau

Defender - Colonol Vessery

Defender - Rexler Brath


A-Wing - Gemmer Sojan

A-Wing - Jake Farrell

B-Wing - Nera Dantels

B-Wing - Keyan Farlander


StarViper - Guri

StarViper - Prince Xizor

Upgrade Cards (Standard Art)

Crew - Mara Jade x2

Crew - Darth Vader

Crew - Rebel Captive

Crew - Ysanne Isard x2 [One currently pending trade]

Crew - Fleet Officer

Crew - Moff Jerjerrod x2

Crew - Kyle Katarn

Crew - Jan Ors

Crew - Intelligence Agent

Crew - Mercenary Copilot


Cannon - Ion Cannon

Cannon - Heavy Laser Cannon


Torpedo - Ion Torpedoes x2

Torpedo - Proton Torpedoes x2


Title - Dauntless


Mod - Tactical Jammer x2

Alternate Art Cards



Alt. Art - Soontir Fel

Alt. Art - Darth Vader Winter Kit 2015

Alt. Art - Dash Rendar

System - Sensor Jammer

If anyone is interested in any of my odds and ends, let me know!

Edited by ArbitraryNerd

Had a great trade with PS10. Bonus points for the international degree of difficulty.

Likewise, had a great trade.

I'd have 10 shield tokens from last regionals and 10 evade tokens from summer 2015 for trade and would gladly trade them for their old counterparts ( shields / evade ) or old focus tokens .

Beside these I have a lot of other stuff to throw in in case you'd like an addional gift in your favor :D

Would trade international, if you're interested send me a short message and we can figure something out :)

I'd have 10 shield tokens from last regionals and 10 evade tokens from summer 2015 for trade and would gladly trade them for their old counterparts ( shields / evade ) or old focus tokens .

Beside these I have a lot of other stuff to throw in in case you'd like an addional gift in your favor :D

Would trade international, if you're interested send me a short message and we can figure something out :)

Check your inbox.


Edited by Boba Rick

@Boba Rick - any X-wing dice bag or the one with the X-wing ship on it?

Uk only

Decimator with all its upgrades and pilot cards, base, stem, dial and base cards.

Looking for a complete shuttle or 3 base set ties + another small ship.

Florida, USA:

Starter Set + Reverend Healer (Assembled.)
Gecko Box (Built, but without the stupid little arms that ruin the look.)
Intruder with HMG (NIB.)
Starter Set + Father Knight
Father Lucien
Tohaa (Willing to trade these in your favor):
Gao Rael Spitfire
Gao Rael Spitfire (Missing his Knife blade)
Gao Rael Sniper
Gao Tarsos HMG (Missing Wings)
Gao Tarsos Combi Rifle (Missing Wings)
2 Tie Fighters from Starter Set (Comes with no upgrade cards)
2 Tie Fighter/FO from the Force Awakens Starter (Comes with no upgrade cards)
2 Tie Fighters from the Tie Fighter Expansion (Comes with all upgrades.)
1 Tie Fighter Advanced from the Tie Fighter Advanced Expansion (Comes with all upgrades.)
I'm trying to start Armada, so looking for the starter set for that, and if I get the starter set, expansions for it.
Scum and Villainy Ships, I have the Most Wanted Box, Slave 1, and some Y-Wings, but other than that, I need more!

Reporting a good trade with bmf. Everything arrived safely and nicely packed.

Likewise. Awesome trade with Tekore!

Edited by bmf

Front page is updated, including a few promotions to ace status.

I'd like to report a perfect overseas trade with Spectre4077. Would definetly trade again.

Ditto, Thanks again!

Anyone have a movie still Biggs to part with?

Anyone have a movie still Biggs to part with?

What do you have available for trade? And please don't say cash.

Just about anything off the shelf of my store. Dont have a whole lot of past tourney kits but got some left overs from Summer 15 and Winter 15. And whatever is left over after Store Champs.

Im using the left over tourney kits to give out at our bi monthly Xwing events.



AA Scimitar Squadron

AA Push the Limit

AA Recon Specialist

AA Gunner

AA Soontir Fel

AA Bandit Squadron Pilot

AA Black Squadron Pilot

Acrylic Cloak Token

Acrylic Extra Munitions Token

Lone Wolf

Rebel Captive

Darth Vader (crew)



Slave 1

ST 321

Armada AA Tie Fighter Squadron

Armada AA X-Wing Squadron

Armada AA Gladiator II

Armada Squadron Tokens

Armada SD Dicebag


AA Guri

AA Vader

AA Boba Fett (Imperial)

AA Mauler

AA Lando

AA Han Solo (worlds)

AA Raider

AA Corvett

Acrylic crit tokens

Acrylic stress tokens
Acrylic shield tokens (regional)

Acrylic bomb tokens

Armada AA Tarkin (worlds)

Located in Sweden

Edited by asperon

Have: Core Set (minus the CR90, VSD is missing the top antenna), Assault Frigate MK2, two each of the wave 1 fighter expansions, and a dice-pack.


Rebel: Tantive IV, Y-Wing, Z-95 Headhunter, T70 X-Wing (expansion, not core)

Scum: Any other than Most Wanted

Empire: Imperial Raider, TIE/fo (expansion, not core), TIE Bomber, TIE Punisher, VT-49 Decimator

Edited by Tekore

Have for trade from Imperial Assault:

AA Elite Stormtroopers

AA Elite Rebel Troopers

AA AT-ST (From 2015 regionals)

AA Elite Trandoshans

5x Terminal tokens (2015 regionals)

Have from X-Wing:

10x Shield tokens (2015 regionals)

Blue frosted range ruler from 2016 store kit


AA Bantha rider from 2016 store kit

Neutral Mission tokens from 2016 store kit

IA promo dice

X-wing promo dice (any)


Edited by Boba Rick


Crack Shot x4

Juke x2

Comm Relay x2

Wired x1

Integrated Astromech x1

AA Worlds Vader 2014

Wave 2 Armada Expansions

Armada Turbolaser Reroute Circuits x4


Ships + Bases + Dials + Pilot Cards:

Tie Bomber

Tie Phantom

Tie Defender

Tie Interceptor

Rebel Z95




• R2-D2

• R2-F2
• R5-D8

• R7-T1

• R4-B11

R4 Agromech
Salvaged Astromech
Unhinged Astromech
• "Genius"


• Luke Skywalker


• Chewbacca

Flight Instructor

• Kyle Katarn
• Lando Calrissian

• Darth Vader
• Rebel Captive

K4 Security Droid
Weapons Engineer
Recon Specialist

• Jan Ors
• Dash Rendar
• "Leebo"

Outlaw Tech

Mercenary Copilot
• Nien Nunb
• Greedo

Intelligence Agent



Push the Limit


• Bodyguard
• Squad Leader
• Lone Wolf

Expert Handling

Stay on Target


Adrenaline Rush
Veteran Instincts


BTL-A4 Y-Wing


Shield Upgrade
Engine Upgrade
• Experimental Interface
Stealth Device
Hull Upgrade
Anti-Pursuit Lasers

Tactical Jammer


Munitions Failsafe


"Hot Shot" Blaster
Dead Man's Switch

Inertial Dampeners


Adv. Targeting Computer

Sensor Jammer

Advanced Sensors
Accuracy Corrector
Fire-Control System
Enhanced Scopes

Bombs + Token

Proton Bombs

Proximity Mines
Seismic Charges


Heavy Laser Cannon
"Mangler Cannon"
Ion Cannon
Flechette Cannon


Assault Missiles
Homing Missiles
Concussion Missiles
Cluster Missiles
Ion Pulse Missle
Proton Rockets


Adv. Proton Torpedoes
Ion Torpedoes
Proton Torpedoes

Flechette Torpedoes
Bomb Loadout


Ion Cannon Turret

Autoblaster Turret

Reporting an excellent trade with keoki :)

Edited by terrymac94

Smooth trade with terrymac94 . Thanks!

British Columbia, Canada

In unplayed condition. Cards in sleeves.


Scum Firespray conversion kit: pilot cards, pilot bases, Andrasta Title, Dial. AA Ten Numb, AA Recon Specialist, AA Gunner, Ion Cannon Turret x 2, Ion Cannon x 4, Heavy Laser Cannon, Autoblaster Cannon, Stealth Device x 2, Hull Upgrade, Shield Upgrade, Anti-Pursuit Lasers, Counter Measures, Munitions Failsafe, Tactical Jammer, R5-K6, R5-D8, R4-B11, Hot Shot Blaster, Deadman's Switch x 2, Adrenaline Rush, Squad Leader, Swarm Tactics, Wingman, Expose, Lone Wolf, Push The Limit, Expert Handling, Intelligence Agent, Gunner, Recon Specialist x 2, Mercenary Copilot x 2, Weapons Engineer, Outlaw Tech, Greedo, Kyle Katarn, Flechette Torps x 2, Proton Torps x 4, Advanced Proton Torps x4, Assualt Missles x4, Homing Missiles x2, Proton Rockets, Cluster Missles, Concussion Missles, Seismic Charges x4.


FFG Acrylic Shields, FFG Acrylic Stress, FFG Acrylic Focus, FFG Acrylic Evades, Gozanti tie pilot cards and pilot bases, AA Scum Boba, AA Biggs, AA Tycho, AA Dash, Crackshot, Juke, Comm Relay, TLT x 2, Autothrusters x 2.