The Big X-Wing Trade Thread

By Baron Soontir Fel, in X-Wing

chotto matte kudasai

I'm looking for the old Focus tokens.

Anyone willing to part with them and if so, what do you want in return?

hi all

my current wants and trades below if I only have one I have put X1


AA Darth Vader

AA Guri

2014 national target lock tokens 6-10

possibly Imperial assault Promo cards and tokens and bag

possibly armada promo cards and tokens and bag

my trades

all FFG acrylic tokens




focus 2013

focus 2015

sesmic charge


2014 championship range ruler X1

all FFG AA cards

Gold Squadron pilot

Black Squadron Pilot

Dagger Squadron pilot

Academy Pilot

Biggs Darklighter

Luke Skywalker

Mauler Mithel

Soontir Fel

I live in the UK and post to most places have had no problem posting to the USA

just received package from Armandhammer. all good!

Just received my cards and an awesome surprise from skins1924! You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

Updated the front page.

Time to post the first x for asperon for a good trade, communicated throughout and would trade with again no problem

*see newest post

Edited by Armandhammer

Been a while since I posted, but here's what I'm looking for:

ey guys, a have some long-shot requests, but you never know. Here's what I'm looking for/offering up:


Wes, Jek, Hobbie, Tarn pilot cards (base token would be nice if possible)

R2-D6, R3-A2, R4-D6, R5-P9 cards

Leia, Han, 3PO, R2 (crew)


A promo Y-Wing card

Any of the core TIE-Pilot cards (Acad pilots, Dark Curse, etc)

3 red attack dice

2 green defense dice

Something reasonable

Location is Kirkland, Washington (near Seattle)

just received package from Armandhammer. all good!

Have to trade:

2X Academy Pilot Alt

6X Scimitar Squadron Pilot Alt

Mauler Mithel Alt

4X Gold Squadron Pilot Alt

2X Dagger Squadron Pilot Alt

Biggs Darklighter Alt

12X Acrylic Cloak tokens

Madison, WI

Willing to trade for just about anything.

Just received my cards and an awesome surprise from skins1924! You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

Got my card thanks!

I have:
Han Solo
Soontir Fel
Academy Pilot
Dagger Squadron
Scimitar Squadron
Bandit Squadron
(All alt art)
1 cloak token
Store Champ Dice bag
Lots of upgrade cards (just ask)

Mauler Mithel alt art
Guri alt art
Tycho alt art
Push the Limit alt art
Wedge alt art
Vader, Boba, or Lando alt art

Imperial assault:
Stormtrooper, Trandoshan, or any other generic activation card.

I have many successful trades here and on the North American X-wing Facebook trade group and the Star Wars X-wing Miniatures Swap and Sell Facebook group .

I would like to report flawless trades with Danath, s1n, and Imperial Rebel. All went great!

The same for Frogman! He even sent the items before I sent mine because I had no way to trust him. Outstanding trade highly recommended!

Check newer page for updated list.

Edited by Imperial Rebel

I would like to report flawless trades with Danath, s1n, and Imperial Rebel. All went great!

This was back in November so I don't remember if if I reported or not on frogman0714 but it was a great trade!

Had a successful trade with Nitratas.

The card took a long time (March 24th to April 21st = 20 days) to arrive from Lithuania to Canada, but I mailed mine on the 26th and it arrived on the 7th (8 business days).

We were trying to figure out what to do if the card had gotten lost in the mail and Nitratas went out and won another card in a tournament in Lithuania and was willing to send that one if the original did not show up.

All around good trader in my book.

Updated: 5/23/2015

I am looking for 10x Evade Tokens from 2014 Regionals. I have an alt art Vader to trade with someone for ALL 10!


Edited by GrumpyMuffin

Here to report a successful trade with Ransburger. The AA Neb-B arrived in good shape.

A lot of activity in these past few days, but I think I got everything updated on the front page. If I missed you, just comment here and let me know.

I would like to report a successful trade with Wretch. Easy guy to deal with and everything arrived quickly. Thanks dude!

I would like to report a successful trade with Wretch. Easy guy to deal with and everything arrived quickly. Thanks dude!

Great trade with haberscothi. Responsive and a pleasure to trade with.

Edited by Wretch

+1 for niceas


Location USA

Have for trade:

Scimitar Squad - Alt Art (multiple)

Academy Pilot - Alt Art (multiple)

Ten Numb - Alt Art (multiple)
Han Solo - Alt Art (multiple)

Luke Skywaker Alt Art (multiple)

"Mauler Mithel" Alt Art

Soontir Fel - Alt Art (multiple)

Push the Limit - Alt Art
B-wing Art Box
Millennium Falcon Art Box

Light Green Focus Tokens
Cloak Tokens (multiple)

Store Tournament X-Wing Dice Bag



Wedge alt art
Bandit Squad alt art

Lando alt art
Boba Fett alt art
Darth Vader alt art

Acrylic Dice

Range Ruler (maybe, not Red)

Other Items for the right trade:

Colonel Jenson Alt Art

Black Squad Alt Art

Gold Squad Alt Art

Bandit Squad Alt Art

Dagger Squad Alt Art

Biggs Darklighter Alt Art

Tycho Celchu Alt Art

Oversized Han/Boba

Oversized Luke/Vader

Acrylic Target Locks 1-5

Acrylic Dark Green Focus (4)

Acrylic Stress (10)

Acrylic Ion Tokens (5)

Acrylic Proton, Seismic, and Proximity (1 of each)

Spring 2015 Range Ruler (Red)

Edited by Danath