The Big X-Wing Trade Thread

By Baron Soontir Fel, in X-Wing

skins1924 has been added to the Confirmed Aces list.

Captain_Arr, you are welcome to contact FFG administrators. As this is a unofficial trade thread, however, we aren't able to do much other than keep our list up. I'm very sorry that you've been burned. Kaxel is a cancer with a long history of bad trades on this and other Star Wars forums. He has contacted me a number of times asking to be placed on the good list, but it is clear that this is a pattern of behavior.

Edit: Updated in more recent post.

Edited by Klutz

Hello all

Looking to trade for rare X-Wing promos and Armada promos


2015 Acrylic Focus tokens (lots!)

AA Wedge

AA Ten Numb

AA Soontir Fel

Some Shield Tokens, Ion Tokens, Stress Tokens, Seismic Charges


AA Lando

AA Bona Fett

AA Guri

AA Victory Star Destroyer

AA Nebulon B Frigate

Acrylic Concentrate Fire Tokens

Time to look for another trade!

(I have four confirmed succesful trades with the US and one with the UK)


Alternate art Darth Vader pilot card (Worlds 2014)

Red and blue acrylic Target Locks (Nationals 2014)

Old green and red acrylic Target Locks (#1-3)

Have for trade:

FFG's Acrylic Stress tokens

FFG's Acrylic Cloak tokens

FFG's Acrylic Shield tokens

FFG's Acrylic Ion tokens

FFG's Acrylic Seismic Charge

FFG's Acrylic Evade tokens (Regionals 2014)

FFG's Acrylic Focus tokens (Store Championship 2015)

FFG's Acrylic Range Ruler (Store Championship 2014)

Alternate art Mauler Mithel

Alternate art Ten Numb

Alternate art Soontir Fell

Alternate art Dagger Squadron Pilots

Alternate art Black Squadron Pilots

Alternate art Gold Squadron Pilots

Alternate art Scimitar Squadron Pilots

Also for trade, for the Star Wars LCG:

Acrylic Focus tokens

Acrylic Damage tokens

Edited by Veldrin

*see newest post

Edited by Armandhammer

I have one unopened Imperial Aces Expansion and one unopened Tie Interceptor Expansion that I would like to trade for any two of the following:

X-Wing Expansion, Y-Wing Expansion, Tie Fighter Expansion.

The latter can be opened as long as they are complete sets (models, cards, dials, etc.) and in good condition.

I realize that the value of the former that I'll be trading would be more than just two of the latter expansions I'm requesting.

US only please (shipping cost reasons).

I just received a set of tokens from skins1924. Thanks for the trade!

Ditto I recieved my package today!!

Just received a card from Sergovan. Nice trade!

Anyone interested in tradin away armada stuff?

I can offer Xwing stuff or magic the gathering stuff!

Also looking for a tantive if anyone wants to trade theirs away.

Pm me.

I have an ion cannon turret card that has a mistake on the canon symbol. I'm new here so I was wondering if that was worth anything by chance.

I have:

10x AA Dagger Squadron Pilot

3x AA Gold Squadron Pilot

1x AA Colonel Jendon

1x AA Soontir Fel

6x AA Academy Pilot

I want:

acrylic shield tokens

acrylic stress tokens

acrylic evade tokens

acrylic target lock tokens

I live in New Zealand

Edited by The_Brown_Bomber

Great trade with MorganR. Apologies to those that I didn't have a chance to reply to personally re: spare Alt Lando card.

Second trade with Morgan. No problems whatsoever.

Great trade with MorganR. Apologies to those that I didn't have a chance to reply to personally re: spare Alt Lando card.

Second trade with Morgan. No problems whatsoever.

This was my second trade with Casey and once again - flawless. Thanks.

The front page has been updated to reflect recent confirmed trades. Keep it classy, all.

Check new pages for updated list.

Edited by Imperial Rebel

Anyone interested in trading for strategy board games? I'd be willing to trade for most mini's(w/cards preferred but not necessary) . I'd like a complete Tantiv or Transport.

I have :


Sword & Skull

War! Age of Imperialism

Merchants & Marauders


Steam Rails to Riches

Exodus Proxima Centauri

Good trade with Keoki. Thanks for the trade :)

I'd like to report a successful transaction with JETxGREEN. Thanks!

Anyone interested in cross-trading for Imperial Assault?

Haves :

FFG acrylic cloak tokens

Tournament medals

Oversized Han Solo/Boba Fett cards

Soontir Fel promo card

Tycho Celchu promo card

Ten Numb promo card

Biggs Darklighter promo card

Gold Squadron Pilot promo cards

Dagger Squadron Pilot promo cards

Black Squadron Pilot promo cards

Academy Pilot promo cards

Scimitar Squadron Pilot promo cards

Chewbacca promo card

Push the Limit promo cards

Tournament kit card boxes

FFG PAX Prime 2014 range ruler

FFG Regionals 2014 movement templates

Wants :

Scum Z-95s

Generic TIE Fighter ship cards/base tokens/maneuver dials

Generic TIE Interceptor ship cards/base tokens/maneuver dials

Generic Y-wing ship cards/base tokens/maneuver dials

Trandoshan Hunter promo cards (from Imperial Assault)

Trandoshan Hunter figures w/deployment cards (from Imperial Assault)

Nexu figures w/deployment cards (from Imperial Assault)

Stormtrooper figures w/deployment cards (from Imperial Assault)

I'm in Washington State, USA.

I'm pretty new to the game, but I'm trying to make up for the time I've lost. I don't have much in the way of tournament prizes or extra ships/cards/tokens yet, but I'll populate this list as I build my collection!


Various Star Wars Miniatures (WotC): Great for SW RPGs! PM me if interested in my list of minis, I have quite a large variety.

Alt Art Han Solo Tabletop Day Promo Card


Just about any alt. art promo cards (priority: unique pilots)

Any FFG acrylic tokens

Any FFG acrylic range ruler

X-Wing Dial (need 1 for an orphan ship)

Edited by RebelSteve

Updated with new stuff to trade.


*AA Lando

*AA Guri

*FFG Acrylic Ion Tokens

*FFG Acrylic Target Locks Tokens

*FFG Acrylic Bomb Tokens

*FFG Acrylic Shield Tokens


*AA Ten Numb

*AA Luke Skywalker

*AA Academy Pilot

*AA Scimitar

*AA Han Solo

*AA Soontir Fel

*AA Tycho Celchu

*AA Push the Limit

*FFG Acrylic Cloak Tokens

*FFG Acrylic Focus Tokens (2015 (Light Green))

*FFG Acrylic Range Ruler (2015 Spring Kit (Red))

*Card Box (Winter Kit 2014 (Millenium Falcon))

*Dice Bag (Store Championship 2015 (Larger with an X-wing))

*Dice Bag (Spring Kit 2015 (Smaller with a TIE Fighter))

Might consider things not on the list. PM for trade.


Have for trade:


Han alt art 2015 tabletop day promo

Acrylic cloak tokens

Dagger Squadron alt art

Academy Pilot alt art

Scimitar Squadron alt art

Push the limit alt art

Dice bag 2015 Spring kit

Imperial Assault:

Stormtrooper alt art

Dice bag


Nebulon-B Escort Frigate alt art

Dice bag


Focus Tokens Acrylic (either)

Target Locks Acrylic 6-10

Ion Tokens Acrylic 5x

Stress Tokens Acrylic 5x

Shield Tokens Acrylic (either)

Seismic Acrylic

Proximity Mine Acrylic

Proton Bomb Acrylic

Wedge alt art

Y-wing card box

Tie Fighter store champ card box

And for the truly unobtainable ones:

Lando alt art

Fett alt art

FFG Acrylic movement templates.

Would consider trades for things not listed in wants as well. PM me with any offers.

Edited by Vykk Draygo

WANTED: the head and flippers of admiral ackbar

This is probably the kookiest trade request ever but...

I'm looking to start a new campaign and I need a Mon Calamari main character.

Does anyone have the LEGO mini-figurine of Admiral Ackbar? (Honestly, I probably would just like the whole figurine, not just his head and flippers, but.. I could make it work with just those too.)

I have nearly all the pilot and upgrade cards for XWing except IG stuff and Tantive. Also have Magic cards.

PM me and let me know if you want something.

Successful trade with skins1924, thanks!

WANTED: the head and flippers of admiral ackbar

This is probably the kookiest trade request ever but...

I'm looking to start a new campaign and I need a Mon Calamari main character.

Does anyone have the LEGO mini-figurine of Admiral Ackbar? (Honestly, I probably would just like the whole figurine, not just his head and flippers, but.. I could make it work with just those too.)

I have nearly all the pilot and upgrade cards for XWing except IG stuff and Tantive. Also have Magic cards.

PM me and let me know if you want something.

Hello I have said figure but can not PM you. Please delete one of you 50 conversations.