The Big X-Wing Trade Thread

By Baron Soontir Fel, in X-Wing

I Want

Star Trek Attack Wing, have nothing yet so any offers will be considered


AA Academy pilot x2

AA Han Solo

AA rebel Z95 x2

AA bomber x2

Acrylic Cloak token x2

YT-2400 opened but complete

Y-wing opened but complete

HWK290 opened but complete

Xwing Starter sealed

Hi all, i have the following items for trade:

1x AltArt Ten Numb pilot card

2X AltArt Dagger squadron


Soontir fel pilot card (AA or not, doesnt matter) + soontir fel base

Lone wolf

Experimental interface



Tarn mison, wes jensen

Situated in Europe but could send an envelope anywhere

Edited by Nitratas

Haves for trade/sale

2013 Boba Fet alternate art card Worlds Promo

Soontir Fel Alt art card


I Want complete packs from Xwing minis:

Rebel Transport Expansion

B-wing expansion X 2

A-wing expansion

X-wing expansion

Xwing core set

Z95 headhunter expansion

Pm with offers


I'm looking for:

- Proximity Mine-Template + Upgrade-Karte
- Proximity Mine-Template + Upgrade-Karte
- Proximity Mine-Template + Upgrade-Karte

- 1x Autothrusters


- Promocard: Tie-Bomber Scimitar Squadron
- Promocard: Tie-Bomber Scimitar Squadron

Everything in English, please. Please send a P.M. with your conditions if you are interested in a trade

Location to send to can be whether The Netherlands or Germany...!

Edited by John Tenzer

Need auto thrusters, blaster turrets cards, also have spares z95's as had to get many most wanted...

I lost some of my stress tokens, so I would like another set. I'm offering a set of 2015 focus tokens.

Greetings, traders!

Have for trade:

AA Luke Skywalker (2014 Regionals)
AA Ten Numb (2014 Store Championship)
AA Dagger squadron pilot

5x Evade tokens (2014 Regionals)

1x X-wing box (2014 Store Championship)
1x Y-wing box

Looking for:

Any Scum ships except StarViper
Acrylic stress tokens
Acrylic shield tokens
Acrylic Target Lock tokens
AA Chewbacca
AA Darth Vader

May consider other shiny stuff... :)

EU based, but may trade worldwide.

(Updated with new loot smile.gif )

Edited by Ragnaras

BIG REP UP TO JETxGREEN great trader!

Does anyone have a complete Tantive that they want to trade away?

I can offer:

Magic cards (fetchlands, foil Ugin, sensei's divining top, umezawa's jitte, cascade bluffs, tasigur, soulfire grand master)

opened ships

upgrade cards (have nearly everything except IGs and Illicits)

send PM

Edited by Blail Blerg

Updated with new stuff to trade.


*AA Lando

*AA Guri
*FFG Acrylic Ion Tokens
*FFG Acrylic Target Locks Tokens
*FFG Acrylic Bomb Tokens
*FFG Acrylic Shield Tokens

*AA Ten Numb
*AA Luke Skywalker
*AA Academy Pilot
*AA Scimitar

*AA Han Solo

*AA Soontir Fel

*AA Push the Limit
*FFG Acrylic Cloak Tokens

*FFG Acrylic Focus Tokens (2015 (Light Green))
*Card Box (Winter Kit 2014 (Millenium Falcon))

*Dice Bag (Store Championship 2015 (Larger with an X-wing))

*Dice Bag (Spring Kit 2015 (Smaller with a TIE Fighter))

Might consider things not on the list. PM for trade.

Edited by Rekkon

Anyone happen to know Ichiyo1821? We lined up to do a trade, but when I went to confirm before sending he hasn't responded. I'm holding off sending until I hear from him, but he hasn't been on the forums since Jan30. Made me a little nervous, as you might expect.

Same here. We were/are still negotiating but he hasno viewed our trade since the 21st

I tried to line up a trade with him, he responded once saying to look at his haves list and didn't reply to either of my offers.
Similar thing here.

He gave me his address and I sent the card haven't heard anything since the 26th. Hope he follows threw since his card is in the mail.

Alright. Glad I held off sending him anything. Considering that it was going to cost over $20 to ship to him (air mail) - losing a card is one thing. Paying a bunch to ship and then having him flake is another thing altogether.

I also have a trade in progress with him here...and I sent the cards!I really hope he will send back his items...I feel nervous now

After 2 months, still no mail and no answer from him...i sent him 4 alt art cards for a trade with dices and rulers.

I think we can call him a thief, so DO NOT TRADE WITH Ichiyo1821!!!

I have his name and address, not sure it will help(maybe useful if he has several pseudos).


AA Tycho Celchu

AA Push the Limit


other AA cards, except Ten Numb & Soontir

2014 Store Championship Kit acrylic range ruler

Anyone happen to know Ichiyo1821? We lined up to do a trade, but when I went to confirm before sending he hasn't responded. I'm holding off sending until I hear from him, but he hasn't been on the forums since Jan30. Made me a little nervous, as you might expect.

Same here. We were/are still negotiating but he hasno viewed our trade since the 21st

I tried to line up a trade with him, he responded once saying to look at his haves list and didn't reply to either of my offers.
Similar thing here.

He gave me his address and I sent the card haven't heard anything since the 26th. Hope he follows threw since his card is in the mail.

Alright. Glad I held off sending him anything. Considering that it was going to cost over $20 to ship to him (air mail) - losing a card is one thing. Paying a bunch to ship and then having him flake is another thing altogether.

I also have a trade in progress with him here...and I sent the cards!I really hope he will send back his items...I feel nervous now

After 2 months, still no mail and no answer from him...i sent him 4 alt art cards for a trade with dices and rulers.

I think we can call him a thief, so DO NOT TRADE WITH Ichiyo1821!!!

I have his name and address, not sure it will help(maybe useful if he has several pseudos).

I had the same experience with him. We agreed on a trade exchanged addresses, I sent the Card and got nothing. It's been almost 2 months.

Ichiyo1821 is on the no trade list. I will not list a name of physical address, even if it helps weed out alternate names. No need to create the possibility of an internet witch hunt.

I have also added JETxGreen to the successful list.

Lastly, please do not respond to HunterW's post. We do not (and cannot) encourage cash transactions in this thread. While we have generally behaved ourselves, such transactions are a violation of forum rules. Explore the various FB trading groups if you are interested in doing other sorts of trades.


I have upgrades and pilot cards for all of the ships, as well as cards for some of the imperial ships as well, which were given to me by a friend. All ships except for the standard paint B-wing are in mint condition. The B-wing is missing the tip on one of the wings. I have more than enough tokens as I have kept everything from the blister packs and starter set in a tackle box. I would like to get $200 out of everything and would prefer not to piece things out. I would definitely be interested in hearing offers though, so don't hesitate to send me a PM.

We cannot use the FFG forums to sell / trade for cash.

From the OP:


Please note, however, that cash is not considered a tradeable commodity.

As per the Terms of Use , also linked at the very bottom of the page:

In order to access some features of the FFG Website, you may be required to register an account. By registering an account, you agree to the following in addition to all other applicable terms:

You will not use the account for commercial purposes, except as expressly provided herein and/or with express written consent from FFG.

Trading would technically be commerce, but FFG seems okay with it. They have, however, locked threads where people were actively trying to sell their wares (on eBay, for example).

Edit: here's a thread that received a moderator response:

Using the forums for financial gain is against our terms of use, and will be removed.

So FFG was kind enough to include a bonus in my Transport. I received a complete duplicates of the GR-75 pilot card, damage deck, upgrades and crew and duplicates of the X-Wing pilots, R2 units, and upgrades (flechette topredos). I did not receive duplicate bases, or dials for the GR-75 or the X-Wings.

If anyone is interested I am open to offers, please PM me.

EU ( The Netherlands)



Royal guard tie

Acrylic tokens (focus, evade, stress)


Dagger alt pilot

Scimitar alt pilot

Cloak token

Push the limit alt card

Many upgrades cards

Starviper dial and pilot cards

M3a interceptor dial and pilot cards

I'm interested in the Tie advanced stuff that is slated to come with the Raider but I'm not really into the epic ship stuff. So, would anybody be interested in me trading them just the raider model, components, and upgrade cards that work with huge ships only? I'd trade it for some small ship and/or large ship expansion packs - we can iron out the details later, I'm willing to negotiate. I'm located near Toronto, Canada, let me know if you're interested.

Bumped and updated.

Haves :

FFG acrylic cloak tokens

Tournament medals

Oversized Han Solo/Boba Fett cards

Soontir Fel promo card

Tycho Celchu promo card

Han Solo promo card

Mauler Mithel promo card

Colonel Jendon promo card

Ten Numb promo card

Biggs Darklighter promo card

Gold Squadron Pilot promo cards

Dagger Squadron Pilot promo cards

Black Squadron Pilot promo cards

Academy Pilot promo cards

Scimitar Squadron Pilot promo cards

Chewbacca promo card

Darth Vader promo card

Push the Limit promo cards

Tournament kit card boxes

PAX Prime 2014 range ruler

Wants :

Feedback Arrays!

Binayre Pirate base tokens

Generic TIE Fighter ship cards/base tokens/maneuver dials

Generic TIE Interceptor ship cards/base tokens/maneuver dials

Generic Y-wing ship cards/base tokens/maneuver dials

I'm in Washington State, USA.

Edited by Keoki

Check newer pages for list.

Edited by Imperial Rebel

Well i got fleeced by Kaxel Vofer. I should have read the bad trader list.

Everyone, do not deal with Kaxel Vofer!

Is there any way he can get warned or banned?

When was he noted as a bad trader?

Edited by Captain_Arrr

I just received a set of tokens from skins1924. Thanks for the trade!

Well i got fleeced by Kaxel Vofer. I should have read the bad trader list.

Everyone, do not deal with Kaxel Vofer!

Is there any way he can get warned or banned?

When was he noted as a bad trader?

He was the first to be outed and that was a long time ago.


AA Soontir



AA Biggs

Xwing expansion

Anybody in the state of CT? Im looking to do a local trade if possible. (Not a big fan of shipping, burned too many times)

I'm looking to trade for an Imperial Shuttle. I have to offer either a Falcon or Firespray, both are brand new in the box.