The Big X-Wing Trade Thread

By Baron Soontir Fel, in X-Wing

Looking for a tactician card

Have a soontir fel card aa card

Would want some other card thrown in to make it a fair trade

Want scum y-wing model, pegs and plastic base (do not want tokens or cards)

Have ffg acrylic tokens

3 stress tokens

2 cloak tokens

5 evade tokens

I'm looking for some acrylic focus, evade, target lock, and shield tokens. I have a good size collection and would be willing to maybe come to some deals for pilots or upgrades. I do not have very many acrylic tokens of any kind except cloak tokens. I'm located in the United states

Edited by RexlarBrath

I posted this some time ago but have been absent for awhile, my sincere apologies to anybody who messaged me on it. I'm looking to jump into Armada some and don't use my epic ships so I'm reinvesting. Is anybody interested in:

-1 CR90 w/ all items, not in box but never used

-1 GR-75, not in box but never used -- X-wing pilots and relevant upgrades NOT included (i.e., I just want the X-wing stuff)

I'm located in California.

Also, I'm interested in getting the TIE Advanced and it's associated upgrades from the upcoming Raider Epic Ship so if anybody wants to discuss that, let me know.

Message me!

Hi all,

I'm looking to acquire the various small ship and upgrade cards that come with the big ship expansions; stuff like Wes Janson, C-3po crew, etc. My local scene isn't into trying out the epic format and I have a hard time justifying dropping $200 to essentially get 20ish upgrade cards from those sets. I'm located in Canada and admittedly have nothing particularly interesting to trade other than $$$ (not entirely sure if that's kosher for these boards ... forgive my ignorance if it isn't). Hopefully somebody is interested? Thanks!

4-6 Y-Wings (just models is fine but will take whole Rebel packs or just the Figures and base stand from the Scum Most Wanted Pack)
Full X-Wing Core Set

Droids from Blockade Runner Expansion
Any Star Wars TCG expansions

Swarm Tactics

Warhammer 40k Used Blood Angles Army (Link with pictures
Heroclix stuff (tons of it, more specifically a Iron Pharaoh Chase Figure)


Edited by Imperial Rebel


2x red TIE Interceptors

Would like:

2x Non-red TIE Interceptors (i.e. normal or red-striped)

Based in the UK.

I just won another tantive at a tourney. Anyone interested before I put it on eBay?

Looking for:

Focus (old ones)
Target Locks
Translucent Attack Dice
Translucent Defence Dice
Shield Tokens

Have for trade:

Gold Squadron Pilot
Black Squadron Pilot
Cloak token
Stress Tokens
Dagger Squadron

I am looking for the following acrylic tokens:
Minimum: 3 stress tokens, 2 Ion tokens, 1 seismic charge token.
Maximum: 7 stress tokens, 4 Ion tokens, 1 seismic charge token, 1 proximity mine, 7 shield tokens.
I can trade the following:
AA Han Solo, AA Mithel Mauler, AA Chewbacca, AA 3x goldsquadron, 2x AA Ten Numb, AA dagger squadron, 2x AA scimitar squadron, 3x AA academy pilot, AA Soontir Fel.

(And most non super scarce upgrade cards too.)

I want to make a trade with someone who can at least trade the minimum with me and any extras up to the maximum are dandy. (I need my plastic crack!)
You can also PM me for an offer.

AA Han Solo, AA Mithel Mauler, AA Chewbacca, 2x AA scimitar squadron, 3x AA academy pilot

Interested in the above.

I have Stress tokens for trade.

Anyone interested in trading some scimitar bombers for black squadron tie alt art cards?

I have at least 3 extra scimitar AA to trade.

Have Guri alt-art (Adepticon exclusive[?]), will trade it for Lando 2013 nationals alt-art


Edited by sozin

I am looking for the following acrylic tokens:
Minimum: 3 stress tokens, 2 Ion tokens, 1 seismic charge token.
Maximum: 7 stress tokens, 4 Ion tokens, 1 seismic charge token, 1 proximity mine, 7 shield tokens.
I can trade the following:
AA Han Solo, AA Mithel Mauler, AA Chewbacca, AA 3x goldsquadron, 2x AA Ten Numb, AA dagger squadron, 2x AA scimitar squadron, 3x AA academy pilot, AA Soontir Fel.

(And most non super scarce upgrade cards too.)

I want to make a trade with someone who can at least trade the minimum with me and any extras up to the maximum are dandy. (I need my plastic crack!)
You can also PM me for an offer.

AA Han Solo, AA Mithel Mauler, AA Chewbacca, 2x AA scimitar squadron, 3x AA academy pilot

Interested in the above.

I have Stress tokens for trade.

Hi, I already have traded for the stress tokens.

Have Guri alt-art (Adepticon exclusive[?]), will trade it for Lando 2013 nationals alt-art


Edited by PS10

Have Guri alt-art (Adepticon exclusive[?]), will trade it for Lando 2013 nationals alt-art


This isn't the alt art, though a quick ebay search did show a couple going for crazy prices. I wasn't aware such a thing even existed.

Have Guri alt-art (Adepticon exclusive[?]), will trade it for Lando 2013 nationals alt-art


This isn't the alt art, though a quick ebay search did show a couple going for crazy prices. I wasn't aware such a thing even existed.

Fantasy flight posted about it on there facebook and said it was only available at adeptiocon.

Good trade with ginocoolowski package came quick and everything was wrapped up safe.

Good trade with ginocoolowski package came quick and everything was wrapped up safe.

Added to page one.

Have to trade the following Alt Art cards:

Han x 1

Chewie x 1

Col. Jendon x 2

Luke x 2

Biggs x 1

Ten Numb x 2

Soontir Fel x 6

Scimitar Sqn x 16

Also have a spare Lando....yes....Lando. Curious to see what I could get for it.

I have every AA card printed except the Objecticon "Guri" Alt Art card....if it is legit?. I am not aware of it.

Am after FFG official bling. Focus/Evade/Stress/Ion/Shield tokens - Regionals translucent dice/ Range Rulers.

I am based in Sydney, Australia.

Edited by CaseyM

Have to trade the following Alt Art cards:

Han x 1

Chewie x 1

Col. Jendon x 2

Luke x 2

Biggs x 1

Ten Numb x 2

Soontir Fel x 6

Scimitar Sqn x 16

Also have a spare Lando....yes....Lando. Curious to see what I could get for it.

I have every AA card printed except the Objecticon "Guri" Alt Art card....if it is legit?. I am not aware of it.

Am after FFG official bling. Focus/Evade/Stress/Ion/Shield tokens - Regionals translucent dice/ Range Rulers.

I am based in Sydney, Australia.

The guri AA is legit they only gave it away at adepticon but did say there "may" be a possibility they will make it available again.

Right, the AA Guri is actually on the opposite side of the Biggles promo, a la Boba/Han. Is anyone here trading any bridges?

Right, the AA Guri is actually on the opposite side of the Biggles promo, a la Boba/Han. Is anyone here trading any bridges?

Photo stolen off off eBay. It looks like AA Guri has the same art, but a larger crop of it.$_1.JPG

Here are the two side by side:


Those two cards look too alike to make the alternate art worth big money. Just my opinion.