The Big X-Wing Trade Thread

By Baron Soontir Fel, in X-Wing

Reporting good trade with CoffeeMinion

Same on my end with @Zero8855 !

Hi all might be a long shot, but I’m after a 2019 Worlds Ten Numb. I’ve got a 2019 Worlds Kylo Ren for trade. I’m located in Australia.

Reporting a successful trade with @Jeff Wilder !

It’s also long past time to fire my revised trade list out the airlock!!


Hotshots Rebel pilot card & base for Gina Moonsong (B-Wing)

Hotshots Rebel pilot card & base for K2-SO (U-Wing)

Scum Fang Fighter: Base for Zealous Recruit / Skull Squadron Pilot + card for Zealous Recruit + really cool wooden dial cover (yes, somehow I ended up without a Skull card or a full dial here -- sorry!)

Rebel conversion kit FULL contents for the Sheathipede, fresh from the box to you.

1-Ship Generic Conversions (dial, base, cards for both generics):

  • 1x Empire TIE/sk Striker
  • 1x Empire TIE/ph Phantom
  • 1x Rebel BTL-A4 Y-Wing

Rebel RZ-1 A-Wing: Jake Farrell card + Jake / Phoenix base

Official alt arts: Agile Gunner, Deadman’s Switch, Engine Upgrade, Jakku Gunrunner, Munitions Failsafe, Spare Parts Canisters, Stalgasin Hive Guard

Informant upgrade + Listening Device condition & token

3x Electro-Proton Bombs + bomb tokens + fuse markers

Extra Vulture Droid unique base tokens/cards:

  • 2x DFS-311 / Trade Federation Drone bases & DFS-311 card
  • 1x Haor Chall Prototype / Trade Federation Drone base & Haor Chall Prototype card
  • 1x Precise Hunter / Separatist Drone base & Precise Hunter card

Extra Unique Pilot Cards:

  • Rebel: Ten Numb, all TIE/ln pilots (Captain Rex, Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren, “Zeb” Orrelios)
  • First Order: Backdraft
  • Separatists: DBS-32C, DBS-404, O-66
  • Resistance: Greer Sonnel, L’ulo L’ampar, Tallissan Lintra, Zari Bangel
  • Republic: Jag, Odd Ball (ARC), Sinker, Wolffe

Extra Unique Upgrades:

  • BB-8
  • 3x Chancellor Palpatine
    * Clone Commander Cody
  • Count Dooku
  • 3x Diamond-Boron Missiles
  • General Grievous
  • K2-B4
  • M9-G8
  • Moldy Crow title
  • R2-A6
  • R2-C4
  • R2-HA
    * R4-P44
  • R5-X3
  • Scimitar title
  • 4x Squad Leader
  • TA-175

Extra Dials:

  • Rebel: 1x Attack Shuttle, 2x ARC-170, 1x Auzituck Gunship, 1x HWK-290, 2x Z-95-AF4 Headhunter, 2x UT-60D U-Wing, 1x YT-2400
  • Resistance: 2x MG-100 StarFortress
  • Scum: 1x HWK-290, 1x BTL-A4 Y-Wing, 1x JumpMaster 5000, 1x Lancer-Class Pursuit Craft, 2x Quadrijet Transfer Spacetug, 1x YV-666 Light Freighter, 1x Scurrg H-6 Bomber, 1x Firespray-Class Patrol Craft
  • Empire: 1x Lambda-Class T-4A Shuttle, 2x TIE/ag Aggressor, 4x TIE/ln Fighter, 1x VT-49 Decimator, 1x TIE/ca Punisher
  • FO: 1x TIE/sf Fighter, 1x Upsilon-Class Shuttle

Convenient 5-packs of almost any generic non-faction-specific upgrade card in the game. Want to run a swarm with 5x Cluster Missiles + 5x Munitions Failsafes + 5x Crackshots? I got ya covered. All this and more.


T-65 base for Leevan Tenza (got the card)

Official alt arts:

  • Servomotor S-Foils
  • Scum Titles: Any except for Slave One

Unofficial alt arts: (Make me an offer! There’s beautiful stuff out there, and it’s neat to see what people come up with.)

TIE/sk Striker model (any condition)

Bases + pilot cards for the TIE/sk Striker uniques (other than Vagabond—got him)

Bases + pilot cards for the Scum BTL-A4 Y-Wing uniques (Kavil, Drea) — generic cards would be great too if available

Edited by CoffeeMinion
Updated and current as of July 26th

Reporting a good trade with QQMoore! Thanks

On 6/30/2020 at 1:59 PM, CoffeeMinion said:

Reporting a successful trade with @Jeff Wilder !

And vice-versa! Thanks!

A successful trade with @Zero8855 !



  • Gas Clouds (Squadron Pack set)
  • Rigged Cargo Chute and tokens
  • Electro-Proton Bombs and tokens
  • Proton Bomb, Seismic Charge, and Bomblet tokens
  • Iden Versio, Valen Rudor, and Night Beast cards + tokens from the core set
    • I need the base tokens to fly the generics, so I can only trade these for the double-generic tokens from the conversion or equivalent.
  • Afterburners, Lone Wolf, and various munitions
  • Plasma Torpedoes, Diamond-Boron Missiles, Passive Sensors
  • TA-175
  • Republic droids: R2-C4, R4-P17, R4-P44, R2-A6
    • Useful if you play Republic and didn't feel like getting the N-1.
  • Republic unique Jedi cards and tokens (Anakin Skywalker, Luminara Unduli, Barriss Offee, Ahsoka Tano)
    • Useful if you have Guardians of the Republic and didn't feel like getting the Delta-7 standalone pack.
  • Firespray Dial + Unique pilots/tokens
  • Kylo Ren (Store Champs 2020 - dial, base, card)
  • Omega Squadron Expert (Store Champs 2020 - dial, base, card)
  • Lieutenant LeHuse (Store Champs 2020 - dial, base, card)
  • Lego ships ?

Looking for:

  • A-wing (model, dial + generic token(s))
  • B-wing (model only)
  • X-wing model (flappy wing version preferred, Saw's Renegades preferred)
  • Rebel Z-95s (models only)
  • Proximity Mines (card and tokens)
  • Autoblasters
  • Leia Organa (Falcon pilot)
  • K-2SO (crew)
  • Targeting Computer

Located in California.

Edited by QQMoore

Bumping my trade list, which continues to see action. 🌶 🔥

Reporting another great trade with @QQMoore !

Completed another great trade with @CoffeeMinion !

Yet another good trade with the nigh-infamous @CoffeeMinion .

Reporting a successful international trade with @battlestarbill !

On 7/13/2020 at 4:18 PM, Praetorate of the Empire said:


What can I say fam, gotta do something for fun during lockdown.

Speaking of, I’ve updated my trade list again...

Hey! I decided that it's finally time to convert my limited Scum collection and get Boba back on the table.

I have extra dials and generic pilots/cardboard for the following ships:


1 Auzituck

1 Attack Shuttle

1 Uwing

1 Kwing

1 Arc-170


1 YT-2400

1 Z95

1 A wing

1 Sheathipede


First Order:

2 Silencers

3 Upsilons (dials only)

4 TIE/sf


1 YT-1300

2 Starfortresses


2 Gunboats

2 TIE/v1

1 Interceptor

2 Aggressors

1 Phantom

1 Bomber

2 Strikers

1 Lambda

1 VT-49 Decimator


G4R-G0R and Nom Lumb cardboard


Most faction nonspecific upgrades

Juke 1.0/2.0 extended art

Moldy Crow title


Scum conversion materials:

Dials, cardboard, pilot cards/titles

2 Starvipers

2 Kihraxz Fighters

1 Firespray

Cardboard/pilot cards only

1 HWK-290

3 Z95 Headhunters (excluding Bossk)

2 Y wings

Any Scum gunners/crew/astromechs (I already have BT-1, 0-0-0, and Maul)

Rigged Cargo Token

Gas Clouds 4/5/6

Edited by Des Darklighter

At long last, my trade list is up-to-date.

Reporting a good trade with @Praetorate of the Empire

It’s been a long and patient trade through lockdown. 100% happy with the exchange in the end

Two more good quick-turnaround trades from @CoffeeMinion !

Edited by Jeff Wilder

Thank you also to @Des Darklighter !

Another good trade with CoffeeMinion !

am looking for a 2nd edition epic damage deck, anyone have on available?

21 hours ago, battlestarbill said:

am looking for a 2nd edition epic damage deck, anyone have on available?

Yep..message me

So uh...… I seem to have lost my Luke Skywalker cardboard base . Message me and we can work something out if you have a spare.


looking for the unique crew cards out of the landos falcon expansion, anyone have an extra set?

I recently picked up a local's collection, as he was moving and changing jobs, and, and, and.... This leaves me with a *lot* of duplicate ships that I will just plain never use - or have no cardboard of any kind for. So, let's see what we can do.

Have :

2x TIE Defender (model only) grey

2x TIE Interceptor (model only) 1x grey, 1x bloodstripe

2x TIE Bomber (model only) 1x "blue", 1x f/o repaint

3x TIE Fighter (model only) 2x darker, 1x lighter

1x TIE Advanced x1 (model only) light grey

3x TIE f/o (model only)

1x Lambda Shuttle (model only) rather garishly repainted in light blue and black (pending)

2x K-Wing (model only) 1 repainted in gold (broken chin turret guns, missing peg socket), 1 repainted in gunmetal

3x X-Wing (model only) all non-flappy wing - 1x gunmetal repaint

1x B-Wing (model only) Aces paint, wing guns broken

6x RZ-1 A-Wing (model only) 1x standard, 1x Aces, 1x Green Squadron repaint, 3x repaint-in-progress

1x VCX-100 (model and 1.0 stand)

1x Phantom shuttle (model only)

4x T70 X-Wing (model only, non-flappy) 1x Black One paint, 3x standard paint

1x Khiraxz (model only) Hutt paint

1x Scyk (model only) Hutt paint

2x Y-Wing (model only) 1x Rebel paint, 1x Scum paint

1x Lancer - model and dial

Hotshots and Aces materials for First Order

full set of 1.0 acrylic maneuver templates

a bunch of miscellaneous acrylic range rulers

conversion materials for the Gozanti

1x repainted Raider and full conversion materials

lots of obstacles

a full set (I think?) of Scum crew/gunner/astromech

too many Scum dials to keep track of

ever so many generic upgrades of every kind

Want :

dials and generic materials for 2x E-Wing

Naboo starfighter full expansions - do I need one? two? dare I say three?

V-19 Torrent model and generics - one or two?

conversion materials for GR-75, Resistance and Rebel both (?)

I can supply pictures as requested. If you don't see something in my "Want" but I have something you want, hit me up; make me an offer. I'm flexible. I am located north of Seattle, WA, USA.

Edited by Kleeg005
updated Sept21 for trades completed