The Big X-Wing Trade Thread

By Baron Soontir Fel, in X-Wing



AA Scimitar Squadron

AA Push the Limit

AA Recon Specialist

AA Soontir Fel

AA Black Squadron Pilot

Acrylic Cloak Token

Lone Wolf

Armada AA Tie Fighter Squadron

Armada AA X-Wing Squadron

Armada AA Gladiator II

Armada SD Dicebag


AA Guri

AA Vader

AA Boba Fett (Imperial)

AA Mauler

AA Lando

AA Han Solo (worlds)

AA Poe

AA Raider

AA Corvett

Acrylic crit tokens

Acrylic bomb tokens

Armada Tarkin (worlds)

Located in Sweden

Edited by asperon

Greetings all,

I am a confirmed ace trader (8 trades), located in the US. I just returned from a trip to Asia and while I was there, I was able to pick up a few Chinese language X-Wing cards. In Asia, the original Core Set and Wave 1 were initially printed in Chinese. However, subsequent printings of expansions and core sets were in English. So Chinese language cards are quite rare.


Academy Pilot x 2 (Chinese)

Black Squadron Pilot x 2 (Chinese)

Mauler Mithel (Chinese)

R2-D2 Astromech (Chinese)

Determination (Chinese)

Marksmanship (Chinese)

AA Dagger Squadron x 2

AA Gold Squadron

AA Ten Numb

AA Boba Fett (Scum - Polish)

AA Scimitar Squadron x 2

Additional AA cards, FFG acrylics available on request.


AA Black Squadron

Edited by frogman0714

Reporting a successful trade with Asperon, back in June of this year. My apologies for the late report.

Posted this in IA forums also but it doesnt seem like it gets much activity.

Really looking for Imperial Assault Chewbacca Alt Art and Stun tokens from winter kits.

Have these for trade -

5 focus tokens (imperial assault),

ATST alt art from regionals,

lots of terminal tokens from regionals

x-wing scum boba from regionals

New trade listing.

I have:

Winter Kit extra munitions tokens

2015 summer kit evade tokens

AA 2015 Worlds Han Solo

AA Ten Nunb

AA Scimitar squad pilot

I am looking for

AA Armada Mon Mothma

AA Wedge

AA Winter kit Vader

See newer Page for List

Edited by The Imperial Rebel

Great trade with RitterIgel.

Hope you get my cards soon.

Still looking for FFG acrylic ion tokens...will do stupendous trading to get my hands on some of those.

So like a fool I somehow lost my Poe Dameron card from the core set. Is there anyone with an extra one? I've got tons of stuff, including multiples of some ordinance tokens. As long as I have more than one I'll trade for a Poe. I'm on the good traders list. In fact, I'd even be willing to trade two or three plastic focus tokens, or the dice bag from the last store tournament.

Hello FFG Community,

as I am really new to this forum I know, I have no reputation as a trader. I am from germany and traded everything in our forum but now I am on a point where I only need some cards I can't get in our forum. So I try it here. From Munich, Germany.

What I have:

1x AA Soontir Fel (Store Championship 2015, german)

1x AA Tycho Chelchu (Spring GNK 2015, german)

1x Boba Fett/Han Solo (oversized, german)

2x AA Recon Specialist (Summer 2015, german)

5x Focus Tokens (SC 2015)

What I need:

AA Wedge Antilles (Season 2 GNK 2013)
AA Lando Calrissian (US Nationals 2013)
AA Boba Fett (Imp., Worlds 2013)
AA Colonel Jendon (2014)
AA Darth Vader (Worlds 2014)
AA Poe Dameron (X-Wing Demo Kit 2015)

I've got an oversized Han and Bobba Fet card. I'd love to trade it for an oversized Vader card.

PM me if anyone is interested as I might not follow the thread.

Anyone interested in trading some Acrylic Cloak tokens for Acrylic Extra Munitions Tokens?

(two things you don't often need more than 1-3 of :-)

Edit:-Sorry I was not clear in my first post, I have cloak tokens (way more than anyone needs) and I want Extra Munitions Tokens.

(appologies to all who aksed and offered cloak tokens :unsure: )

PM please,


Edited by Echoseven

Super awesome trade with Androos Yarken!

Found out I suck at the whole shipping thing when I can't just print off an easy eBay label... But now I know?

*See New post

Edited by Armandhammer

I am new to trading in this particular forum, although I have traded numerously in the Facebook X-Wing Swap & Sell group... I am in the U.S... A few of my haves are below... I have and am open to trading more, even ships, if the offer is right...


Crack Shot x4


AA Soontir Fel
AA Push The Limit
AA Recon Specialist
AA Black Squadron Pilot
Draw Their Fire

Lightning Reflexes
Swarm Tactics
Shield Upgrade
Hull Upgrade
Accuracy Corrector
Fire Control System

Rebel Transport X-Wing (ship only)

Update: March.9th/16

Location: Canada, willing to trade worldwide


- Parts of Most Wanted expansion:

Bases: Slave 1 bases x 2, Y-wing bases x 3, HWK bases x 2

Dials: Slave 1 dial, Y-Wing dials x 2, HWK dial

Pilot cards: Boba, Kath, Emon, Mandalorian, Kavil, Drea, Hired gun x 2, syndicate thug x 2, Dace, Palob, Torkil, Spice runner

Crew: K4 security droid, Greedo, Outlaw Tech

Salvaged Astromech: R4-B11, Genius, Salvaged astromech x 2, R4 Agromech x 2, unhinged astromech x 2

Illcit: Hot shot blaster

- T-70 pilot cards: Ello Asty, Red Ace, Red Squadron Veteran, Blue Squadron novice

- Weapons guidance x 1, T-70 dial x 1, Red Ace/Blue cardboard template, Ello/Red cardboard template

- Scimitar squadron pilot cards x 2

*might be handy for those interested in Imperial Veterans since they are not included!

- Phantom dial, sigma squadron card, shadow squadron card, advanced cloaking device card, Stygium Particle Accelerator card

- 8 x Plastic LOTR Games Workshop Mordor orcs

- TIE bomber expansion (opened)

- Imperial Assault: Stormtrooper deployment card, elite stormtrooper deployment card


*Guidance chips!*



Blaster Turret

Conner Net (token and card)



Crack shot

Lightning Reflexes

Flechette canon

AA cards (Just PM with what you are offering)

Edited by Armandhammer

I'd like to report a positive trade with frogman0714

Edited by tk426


AA Poe Dameron (2015 Demo Kit)

AA Poe Dameron (Mall of America event print)

AA Han Solo (2014 Winter Kit)

AA Boba Fett (2015 Regionals)

AA Recon Specialist x3 (2015 Summer Kit)

AA Gunner x3 (2015 Winter Kit)

Millennium Falcon Dice Bag (NEW Sealed)

X-Wing Dice Bag (NEW Sealed)

Evade Tokens x5 (2015 Summer Kit)

Cloak Tokens (2014 Winter Kit)


AA Chewbacca

AA Biggs Darklighter

AA Soontir Fel

French Autothrusters Upgrade Cards x2

German Autothrusters Upgrade Cards x2

French Twin Laser Turret Upgrade Cards x2

German Twin Laser Turret Upgrade Cards x2



Reporting a great trade with tk426. Thanks for the card!


AA Poe Dameron card

2 x M3A Scyk Interceptor kits

Looking for:

Crack Shot

Rebel Y-wing kit

K-wing kits

Edited by zerotc

Great trade with PS10. Thanks for the cards!

I'm looking for the following upgrade cards:


Royal Guard title

Autoblaster Turret

TIE engines Mk. II modification


BTL-A4 title

I have for trade:

AA Soontir Fel
AA Boba Fett (Regionals 2015)
AA Ten Numb
AA Scimitar Squadron Pilot
AA Gold Squadron Pilot
AA Bandit Squadron Pilot
Spring kit dice bag
Summer kit dice bag
Oversize Han/Boba card

Acrylic cloak tokens

I'm located in the Netherlands.


I am a newbie to X-Wing. Just got a Core Set and the Rebel/Imperial Aces packs, and I am looking to add to my growing collection.


-Basically everything but the Core Set and Rebel/Imperial Aces packs.


-A lot of Heroscape figures and pieces, too many to list here. Message me for a detailed list.



AA Scimitar Squadron

AA Push the Limit

AA Recon Specialist

AA Gunner

AA Soontir Fel

AA Black Squadron Pilot

Acrylic Cloak Token

Acrylic Extra Munitions Token

Lone Wolf

Rebel Captive

Darth Vader (crew)



Slave 1

ST 321

Armada AA Tie Fighter Squadron

Armada AA X-Wing Squadron

Armada AA Gladiator II

Armada SD Dicebag


AA Guri

AA Vader

AA Boba Fett (Imperial)

AA Mauler

AA Lando

AA Han Solo (worlds)

AA Poe

AA Raider

AA Corvett

Acrylic crit tokens

Acrylic bomb tokens

Armada Tarkin (worlds)

Located in Sweden

Edited by asperon

I am new to trading in this particular forum, although I have traded numerously in the Facebook X-Wing Swap & Sell group... I am in the U.S... A few of my haves are below... I have and am open to trading more, even ships, if the offer is right...

(U.S. only) Updated ISO:

Veteran Instincts


Integrated Astromech x3

Crack Shot x4

Stealth Device

Royal Guard Title

TIE Advanced (ship, dial, title, ATC)


AA Soontir Fel

AA Push The Limit

AA Recon Specialist

AA Black Squadron Pilot





Draw Their Fire





Swarm Tactics



Shield Upgrade

Hull Upgrade

Accuracy Corrector

Fire Control System

Rebel Transport X-Wing (ship & dial only)

Rebel Transport Epic Ship (with all huge ship cards)