The Big X-Wing Trade Thread

By Baron Soontir Fel, in X-Wing


Models, Pilot Cards, and Baseplate tokens Only(In order of willingness to sell):



Core Set TIE Fighters(light paintjob, artificial wear-and-tear)

TFA Core Set TIE/FOs

Cards from the following expansions will be considered upon request:

A-Wing, E-Wing, X-Wing, Rebel Aces, Millenium Falcon, B-Wing, Y-Wing, Core Sets 1 and 2, StarViper

And 1 Scimitar Squadron Pilot AA card.

WANT(In order of desire):

T-70 X-Wing(Only the model is needed)

T-65 X-Wing(Only the model is needed, though pilot cards from Transport would increase value of trade)

TIE Interceptors(Need the pilot cards and baseplate tokens as well, inclusion of Stealth Drive card and Royal TIE Guard card increases value)

HWK-290(Pilot cards and BP tokens, please)

I'm looking for quite a lot of cards, so just ask. I have no need of Alternate Art cards.

Edited by Razgriz25thinf

Great trade with Nitratas, great guy to deal with.

Hi im brand new to the forum, have some cards for trade.

Have: flechette cannon, ion cannon X2, mangler cannon X2, homing missile, hotshot blaster, glitterstim, , inertial dampener, salvaged astromech, RG4 agromech, unhinged astromech, stealth device X3, ion projector, BTL-A4 ywing, heavy syck, IG-2000 , K4 security droid, outlaw tech

WANTED: , Intimidation,, draw their fire,

Edited by pauldcl

Perfect deal with bmf, overseas. Would recommend!

Perfect deal with bmf, overseas. Would recommend!

Me too!

Have for trade:

AA Soontir x2

AA Ten Numb

AA Scimitar Sqd

AA Black Sqd

Spring 2015 Range Ruler

2015 Foci x10

2014 Evades x5

2014 Stress x10

Want to trade for:

AA Vader

2015 Crits x10

I have the rest of the promos barring Lando and Imperial Fett, so if something else will make a trade I will at least consider it.

Edited by Futant420

I've got cards, models, and all the accessorizes for

2x Kihraxz fighters

1x Starviper

I'm looking to trade for

Scyk Interceptors


Scum and Villainy Y-Wings

Updated trade list



Acrylic Cloak Tokens

Acrylic Evade Tokens (light green)

Acrylic Evade Tokens (dark green) for the right trade.

Acrylic Range Ruler (red) Spring

Han Solo alt art

Dash alt art

Academy Pilot alt art

Scimitar Squadron Pilot alt art

Push the Limit alt art

Recon Specialist alt art

Dice Bag Spring Tie Fighter

Dice Bag Summer X-wing

Folder from the game night kit (Xwing art)

Imperial Assault

Stormtrooper Elite alt art

Trandoshan Hunter Elite alt art

Dice Bag Stormtrooper

Dice Bag Blaster Pistol


Nebulon-B Escort Frigate alt art

Tie-Fighter Squadron alt art

Dice bag Rebel (Red)



Acrylics Shield Tokens

Acrylic Ion Tokens x5

Acrylic Stress Tokens x5

Acrylic Critical Hit tokens x5

Acrylic Target Locks #'s 6-10

Acrylic Proximity mine

Acrylic Proton Bomb

Boba Fett alt art (Imperial)

Wedge alt art

Lando alt art

Guri alt art

Luke alt art (art)

Han alt art (art)

Y-wing card box

Tie-Fighter card box

Imperial Assault

AT-ST alt art

Han Solo alt art

Acrylic terminals

Regionals dice


ISD alt art

Mon Mothma alt art

Edited by Vykk Draygo

Hi guys im new, love the game seeking some cards for trade.

Haves for trade: R4 Agromech, Ion Cannonx2, Homing Missiles,, R2F2 assault missiles, inertial dampeners, heavy syck, Ion Projector, K4 security droid, Feedback Array, adaptability, electronic baffle, overclocked R4, Guidance chips

Wants: , tactician, experimental interface, advanced sensor, proton bomb, conner net,, cluster missile,

Edited by pauldcl

I am actually in desperate need of a Wedge Antilles pilot card - turns out I own 4 X-Wings (3 cores and 1 transport) and don't have his card...and I REALLY don't want a 5th X-Wing xD

Updated trade list.

Have for Trade:

1ea - Acrylic Cloak Tokens

5ea - 2015 Evade Tokens

1ea - 2015 Spring Acrylic Range Ruler

AA Han

AA Biggs

AA Chewbacca

AA Tycho

AA Ten Numb

AA Gold

AA Dagger

AA Black Squadron

AA Academy

Dice Bags

Also willing to trade any upgrade cards you might need.


Acrylic Target Lock Token Set

Acrylic Stress Tokens

2015 Nationals Movement Templates

AA Darth Vader

AA Wedge

Location: Vancouver, Canada

Edited by bmf

Well that's good coz I defiantly have 1 of those to trade. I'm living in the UK and have the following to trade:


Scum Firespray excessories (Base token, Boba Fett pilot card,Kath Scarlet pilot card, Emon Azzameen pilot card, Mandalorian Mercenary pilot card, maneuver dial, andrasta title upgrade card)

Pilot Cards

*Note: Base tokens not included*

Star Viper

Prince Xizor x2

Guri x2

Kihraxz Fighter

Talon Cobra x3

Graz The Hunter x3

Y-Wing (Rebel)

Horton Salm

"Dutch" Vander

Tie Advanced

Darth Vader x2

Maarek Stele x2

Tie Fighter

Mauler Mithel x2

Dark Curse x2

Night Beast x2

Tie Interceptor

Soontir Fel x2

Turr Phennir x4

"Fel's Wrath" x4

Tie Phantom



Upgrade Cards



Elite Pilot Skills

Expert Handling






Proton Torpedoes x3


Homing Missiles


Ion Cannon

Hard Point

Ion Cannon Battery

What I Really Want

Upgrade Cards


Engine Upgrade x 2

Elite Pilot Talents

Veteran Instincts


Advances Sensors x2


What I Kinda Want

Upgrade Cards


R2 Astromech


BTL-4A Y-wing

Full Ships

M-3A Scyk Interceptor x4

Tie Bomber x2

Tie Punisher


Plastic Huge Ship maneuver template and range ruler

Edited by PhilOfCalth


I have a spare seismic charge - upgrade card and cardboard token for the Wedge pilot card?

@Shirako - I PMed you

Still looking to trade a TIE Phantom because the kids just hate it and voted it off the island.

Best offer so far is the X-wing from the Core set on bartertown, and I've already got two of those.

So I'm putting this out there one last time to see if anyone bites:


TIE Phantom (open, but complete)



Got any duplicate character pilots from the TIE and/or X-wing expansion?

Scum cards for the y-wing?

A bunch of fun upgrades?

Originally, I was asking for the TIE advanced title and an upgrade to go with it, and that offer still stands.

I have nothing to lose but shipping costs, so let me know.

Edited by plungingforward

Hey guys. I have the ties and xwingfrom the core set and their related pilot cards/dials up for trade as well. Anything scum could use would be great. HWK, Ywing whatever.

Tks guys.

Edited by pauldcl

Awesome overseas trade with Kingju!

Hey all, would like to trade,

Wanted Wired or Fire-Control System, with Wired being the preferred.

Swap T-70 X-Wing ship with base/peg/pilot cards, tokens and Dial, (no upgrade cards).
or B-Wing ship with base/peg/pilot cards,tokens and Dial, (no upgrade cards).

Great trade with Rik B , and thanks to ZenMastaT

Edited by Space Cadet

I'm living in Southern California, just outside of L.A., but of course I'm willing to trade with anyone anywhere. I've already completed trades with the following:

-Sanguinary Dan


Upgrade cards

-1-2 Push the Limit (Imperial Alternate Art)

-1 Conner Nets AND Tokens (from K-Wing pack)

-5 Autothrusters (from StarViper pack)

-2 Flechette Cannons (From M-3A Interceptor pack)


-1 set of Acrylic movement templates (blue or green, preferably blue)

-1 Acrylic Proton Bomb

-1 set of Acrylic 1,2,&3 range rulers

-5-10 Acrylic Stress Tokens

-5-10 Acrylic Focus Tokens

-5-10 Acrylic Target Lock Tokens

-5-10 Acrylic Evade Tokens

-5-10 Acrylic Ion Tokens

-2-5 Acrylic Cloak Tokens


Pilot Cards

-4 Tycho Celchu

-4 Jake Farrell

-4 Arvel Crynyd

-4 Gemmer Sojan

-1 Ten Numb

-3 Keyan Farlander

-1 Ibtisam

-3 Nera Dantels

-1 Carnor Jax

-1 Tetran Cowall

-1 Kir Kanos

-1 Lieutenant Lorrir

-1 Wedge Antilles

-1 Garven Dreis

-1 Horton Salm

-1 "Dutch" Vander

-1 Airen Cracken

-1 Lieutenant Blount

-6 Academy Pilot Alternate Art

Secondary Weapon Cards

-2 Seismic Charges WITH Tokens

-2 Ion Bombs WITH Tokens

-1 Cluster Missiles

-4 Concussion Missiles

-8 Assault Missiles

-11 Homing Missiles

-2 Extra Munitions WITH Tokens

-4 Flechette Torpedoes

-2 Plasma Torpedoes

-4 Proton Torpedoes

-2 Adv. Proton Torpedoes

-3 Ion Cannons

-1 Autoblaster

-2 Heavy Laser Cannons

Upgrade Cards

-5 Chardaan Refit

-2 B-wing/E2

-1 Nien Nunb

-3 Jan Ors (Crew)

-3 Kyle Katarn (Crew)

-1 Chewbecca (Crew)

-1 Luke Skywalker (Crew)

-1 R5-K6

-1 R7-T1

-2 Darth Vader (Crew)

-2 Rebel Captive

-1 Weapons Engineer

-3 Adrenaline Rush

-4 Decoy

-1 Elusiveness

-1 Expert Handling

-1 Squad Leader

-10 Enhanced Scopes

-1 Stealth Device

-2 Shield Upgrade

-3 Anti-Pursuit Lasers

Thank you

Edited by Zero8855

UK based and looking for a Tycho alternate art card (I missed my spring store tournament due to illness and haven't managed to pick one up anywhere!). Can trade upgrade or a Soontir alternate art, or can pay cash. :)

See a newer page for my list.

Edited by The Imperial Rebel

Located in Poland.
What I have for trade:

-6 promo marble ffg dices (3 red + 3 green)

-2 dices from core ( 1 green and 1 red)

-2x acrylic FFG focus

-Tie figter ( all cards + upgrades included)
-repainted manuvers (edges painted black) + range ruler from core set
-black acrylic custom range ruler with Vader
-Wedge & Garven xwing pilot card

-Tie adv title + adv targeting computer
-Recon spec promo card
-2x TLT cards
-Anti p.lasers card
-BTL ywing title card
-2x big ship plastic pegs
-12x small ship plastic pegs

What I need:

-Vader promo
-Mauler promo
-Jendon promo
-Lambda shuttle

-Armada Imperial stuff / core

Edited by huppcio

Awesome overseas trade with TobyW!

Great trade with Pernicious duck.