This has been a long time coming, honestly. I started my Starfighter Creation Thread back in October and slowly tried my hand at freighters. In that time, I've been swamped with a number of freighter requests by my players AND by the people here, and I'm very, VERY happy to oblige.
I'm just sorry it's taken so many months! I blame moving, a two hour one-way commute, and getting the hang of the new job.
That said, this is the Freighter Creation Thread! I'll be statting a bunch of freighters here, some favorites and some not-well-know ones.
As always, I'm looking for feedback and am more than willing to take requests.
Now, before I begin, here's the disclaimer on my thoughts behind the work here:
Important Note: Some ships will not be statted in this work due to official stats existing elsewhere, a beta that I or my players have participated in, or the plethora of alternative stats out there.
That said, if there’s a ship you REALLY want to see, get in touch and I’ll see what I can do.
A Note on Encumbrance : The most difficult part of this was not scaling the Hull, System Strain and Armor, but rather determining the Encumbrance. For the most part, I’ve compared the YT-1300 (Encumbrance 165, 100 tons) to these ships. Some do not have the 1.65 ENC to ton ratio due to the size of the ship; Encumbrance covers size AND weight, after all.
That said, Encumbrance is probably the part I am most uncomfortable with, and will take all criticisms there with utmost attention and a grain of salt.
I should also note that a few ships in particular did not have cargo capacities listed. In these cases, I relied on sheer guesswork based off of the size of the ship and the role it plays. These are, of course, entirely up for debate.
(These ships will only have Encumbrance ratings, and will not have weight listed)
A Note on Silhouette: One of the challenges was determining Silhouette. My current rule of thumb has been as follows:
-- If it is less than 50 meters long or wide, it counts as Silhouette 4
-- If it is smaller than 50 meters but is exceedingly bulky in some way, I made it a Silhouette 5.
If you disagree but believe the ship needs to be bigger, you can do so by increasing the cargo (3-10x depending on the craft), Hull and System Strain (based on craft, of course), shields (extra facings), and sensors (often increasing from Short to Medium). Depending on the vehicle, it may take a Handling hit, but that all depends upon the vehicle.
A Note on the definition of “Freighters”: For this work, a “freighter” is a vehicle that is designed primarily to carry valuable cargo, whether as passengers or items to sell. Some vehicles here can possibly be outfitted as battleships, but they remain here as they are NOT battleships in their stock configurations.
Other odd ships, such as the Vanguard-class Heavy Assault Ship, the BT-7 Thunderclap and the Helix Light Interceptor, tend to blur a few lines between a freighter and a starfighter/capital ship due to capabilities or armament, but are placed here due to size and other capabilities.
If you believe a ship should be categorized as another type, I would be more than happy to listen to a discussion and reconsider its location.
A Note on Ships From The Old Republic MMO : The measurements of these ships should put each of them in the Silhouette 5 category, but it is believed that the measurements are off as they may have been written as meters but meant to be feet.
This is also debatable, but after seeing the capabilities of the ships in game and how little space is available in the interior, they are all probably meant to be Silhouette 4. This can be edited as you see fit, of course. I wrote them as Silhouette 4 due to the combat capabilities in the game, and can’t see a Silhouette 5 capable of such things.
Cost is also a bit of an issue here, so again, lots of guesswork.