Will this game fit on my table?

By DrHeims, in General Discussion

Hey guys, I'm new to the forums so I hope this isn't a stupid question.

I actually don't have this game yet but it sounds amazing and I want to buy it. My only problem is that my current gaming table is 120cm x 80cm. I was told this might be too small for Eldritch Horror. I know that the game board will fit on there. But will it actually be comfortable to play the game (2 - 4 players) with that size of table?

If not, what size would you recommend?

Thanks in advance!

Hi Doc

I actually play on a 120cm x 90cm kitchen table, which has had 6 players round it. Measuring the current layout I have at the mo ( games still out from last night ), your table will be adequate for the game. The only problem you might have is placing you cups of tea and beakers about the table space ... this is where the extra 10cm I have gives us all room to dump sweets, biscuits, crisps, etc, in bowls and the like about the place,


That's great news, thanks! I was scared I'd have to buy a new table along with the game, and that's not within my budget right now.

In that case, I'm probably gonna pick this game up next week. I'll try to figure out a place to put the drinks and snacks before then.

Thanks again.

Yeah, I'd take some side space, or try to drink from resealable bottles.

We use a couple of bowls with all the tokens mixed together to save space as well, which can be stacked in the middle of the board to make room for dice rolling at the table sides,


Something else you can look into is building a folding tabletop that can just sit on your table. My gaming group has a long skinny table that we play on, but it has not enough room by far, but what we have done is used some plywood sheets and some 2x4's with some hinges in the middle to make up a 6 foot x 4 foot table top that can be folded up when we aren't playing. The 2x4's are just used to give the board a lip around the bottom edge so that it doesn't fall off of the table if someone bumps it. Something like that might be in your budget since it is a matter of just getting some wood, screws, hinges, and beer ;) .

That sounds interesting.

I might look into building a cheap removable tabletop for my current table. I'll see how it plays on my current size, but that would be a great solution.

BTW, I ordered the game today. I should be playing it next weekend! :)

Any tips for my first play session, like should I try playing by myself once or twice before inviting some people over, or is it better to play in a group the first time?

I preffer to play in group. You should try to read first the rules and then explain to the group without problems. There will be a lot of doubts in the first game but don't forget you have a very good quickreference book that will help you.

Have a nice game!

Edited by xvillal

If you play Azathoth as first game, remove the Mystery Omen of Devastation : it's rather a punishing one, and could make really upset half of your party

I would play once by yourself so you have someone who knows the score before the rest of the group. That way there is some experience.

Remove the Hard Mythos cards, that is, Mythos cards with tentacles, before your first games.

Winning your first game is rare. I would suggest everyone around the table know this and accept this before playing.

I played alone my first time, with 4 investigators (randomly chosen) against Azathoth without removing any of the hard cards. I was even dealt the card that returned a solved mystery to the pile. Finished out with 1 Doom remaining. Just depends on how you play and how the cards show. I have played with experienced Arkham players and almost lost because they kept thinking how only Arkham works and not the easier way this system runs.

If you play Azathoth as first game, remove the Mystery Omen of Devastation : it's rather a punishing one, and could make really upset half of your party

Yes this mystery is really bad…..i lost the game most of the time when i got it in players game. I hate it!

Omen of Devastation requires a particular party to beat, certainly.

Thanks for the tips. I'll remove that card for my first game or 2.

My copy of Eldritch Horror came in yesterday. I read the rulebook and got it all set up but didn't have time for a test run. I'm exited to give it a try. I think I'll try playing a solo game tonight with 2 investigators and hopefully get some people over on the weekend to do a 4 player game. I heard 4 investigators is slightly easier than 2.

Anyway, I love all the pieces in the game EXCEPT the dice... They are so small!

Fantasy Flight, is this an attempt to get me to buy a set of Arkham Horror dice? If so, I think it worked. :(

I'm probably gonna buy some Arkham Horror dice next time I'm in the game shop. There goes another $15.

Yeah, they want you to buy the Arkham dice. The dice that come with the game are ridiculously bad.

As for dice, I would suggest a number of other avenues, including Chessex has the mold with the Elder Sign on several sides; Tom Wilfong recently ran a successful Kickstarter campaign; and there are others over at BGG who regularly order from various outlets and the price point is much lower and the quality much better than the FFG dice.

