I have never suffered such a disastrous rout

By Wolfgar, in General Discussion

I attempted to beat Shub-Niggurath again today. I keep doing this over and over. I start to think of a good team of investigators to beat her, and then the game drags on forever until a very painful loss.

For the last few games, I've been conflicted about what investigators to take. Usually there is a trade off. I need clues. I need people who can acquire clues. I need monster beaters. I need someone with Influence to sit on Tokyo and bomb the place. Usually I play with four investigators, but this time I decided to play with six, so I could ignore tradeoffs. I don't think it's what sunk me.

EVERYONE DIED. Diana died. Jacqueline died. Leo died. Jim died. Charlie died. I had to use nearly every investigator in the box except Norman. I managed to solve 1 mystery just as Shub Niggurath woke up. I never stood a chance.

Diana died when she rushed to help Jacqueline away from a Star Spawn and a Vampire. I was hoping to at least take down one. She blew the roll for Wither, which cost just enough Sanity that she couldn't make it.

Jacqueline then died next turn to a Hound of Tindalos. Jim defeated the monster, and then died trying to close the Gate.

Leo died from accumulated wounds and never being able to rest.

Charlie ded in the normal stupid way he always does. First, a Tokyo encounter caused him to encounter a Cultist, which did one Health. Mythos saw him lose three health. The sudden betrayal would be part of what killed Leo too.

Sorry for the disaster, Wolfgar. Planning to try again immediately against Auntie Shubbie? You can make it!

Another Shub-Niggurath drubbing. I feel like I've had the snot kicked out of me. Five deaths again, with almost solving three mysteries. I got Hunting the Thousand done at the end of Doom 6, but I couldn't get quite to the end.

Mark died, Diana went insane, Lily went insane, Charlie died (of course), and Leo was devoured. Blech. I manged to draw 3 artifacts, push Doom back tree times, and still couldn't beat it.

Assuming you are not using random investigators, try Lily/Charlie/Leo/Trish.

I sense Charlie will die again... :P

I've eked out two victories against Shub when using four investigators. The team I recall doing best was Akachi (close gates to reduce monster surges), Diana (got lucky and got to move cultist to location with monsters for en-masse removal), Lily and Trish.

Akachi and Lily have been absolutely awful, but I will consider.

I sense Charlie will die again... :P

He only has to live the first 4 turns. :lol:

Charlie lives until the Hound of Tindaos is drawn. Then he's eaten.

Took a break to try against Azathoth tonight and won at 2 remaining Doom with Trish, Norman, Akachi, and Jacqueline. I managed to solve Omen of Devastation, Occult Research, and the True Name. If I'd drawn the Demon Sultan I'm not entirely sure i could have done it, but I managed. I am now sure i have beaten every AO except Shubmantha at least once.

Congrats, Wolfgar :) C'mon, you should have Yig coming in a week or so, plus all the new Mysteries, so you can start over again :P

Jokes aside... have you considered logging your plays on Tib's statistics? You play a lot, and your contribution would be significant for the stats and the community :)

All the more reason to beat all of them! I can't deserve the new expansion until I've thoroughly whipped my base set. :D

I am contributing more to Tib's stats; I just prefer to do it anonymously.

:laughter: ok, gotcha ;) Nice match, indeed :)

That what i like about this game: you never know…...

I feel your pain Wolfgar! I find that I'm more likely to lose when I get really awful monster pulls, and this is why I've never beaten Shubby either. Akachi, Mark, Jaquline, Silas may be my next team to try for a win against her.

I suffered yesterday a disaster myself against Cthulhu... In 3 hours we lost 2 games! It was very awful! It has to be said that were our 2 and 3 game with a team of 3!

Today we will try again but agains Azathot (again) LOL.

today i have crazy easy play against Shubby… four green easy cards in the row……. i never have a such a easy game before…… bad shuffle of mythos cards? ….. yes probably…. anyway i still fun……

bad shuffle of mythos cards?

Or a very good one :P

Assuming you are not using random investigators, try Lily/Charlie/Leo/Trish.

Another failure. I found with this combination of investigators I could not close Gates or kill monsters, so Doom went up very quickly.

I managed to kill Nug, and pass Hunting the Thousand probably faster than I ever passed it before, about three turns, but the accelerated Doom killed me.

I'm starting to not be convinced by Leo. For starters his action is the only one of the base investigators that requires a roll, and it's not a skill he's good in. Most of time, I fail to gain an Ally, and there are very few Allies that really make it worth it. His ability doesn't help clear monsters on the city spaces where they tend to congregate. He's a fairly week combatant. He also starts on Buenos Aires, which doesn't help him all that much; I need him half-way around the world to make use of him. So the benefits seem minor.

Charlie lived the whole time, and is really good. He just can't do much on his own.

Trish makes me sad, because she is really cool, but she always feels one short of what I need. Jacqueline seems more efficient at getting clues, and can easily pick up spells. Trish has low Will, and Roma encounters punish low Will, making it hard to raise. She has really good observation, but I think she's more useful against Azathoth than Shub.

Lily feels like she takes a long time building up, and most of her stats aren't that good. With a weapon, she's okay, but only okay. I think Lola, Mark, and Silas are all better choices.

It seems you got really close though. You were only one mystery away.

I've been one mystery away several times now. :(

Hang in there!!!

Its probably a bit more to do with luck than anything else.

When the rolls go your way, you'll win I bet. From what you've said, your strategy seems fine.

Do you have the new expansion? Maybe that will be the change you need!

I am waiting for the new expansion. I probably won't get it until the end of May when I can afford it. >.<

Sorry to hear that, Wolfgar! I know you were quite curious :) If you want an extra thrill, I can PM you the text for the new Shubbie mysteries (if you want to try being butchered, ehm, challenged, also in different ways :) )

I appreciate it, but apparently Shubbie wanted to square off early; I got my copy early this evening. Yowza!