Expansion Content, Why Yig

By hobbitshire, in General Discussion

I'm puzzled as to why Yig is the new Ancient One being introduced by the expansion. This Great Old One, (in fact most Great Old Ones) doesn't affect on the world as a whole, (thus it was interesting to see area specific Great Old Ones like Eihort and Glaaki appear in Arkham during 'Arkham Horror'). Cthulhu is the exception because of the great reach of his sending, the 'Call of Cthulhu'. Hastur perhaps can be considered another, because of the far-reaching effects of 'The King in Yellow' and the actions of Hastur's emissaries, the byakhee.

Instead of Yig, the expansion should introduce Hastur or Nyarlarthotep, (perhaps both) The latter is the message of Azathoth, and appears all over the world in many guises. Yig can be given the role of an epic monster, like the Web Spinner (Atlach-Nacha) and the Wind Walker (Ithaqua).

Certainly each Ancient One needs more mysteries. Only four to each one, (of which three must be solved), and the game becomes too predictable.

You know, Yig's cult can be widespread and dangerous throughout the world. It's not necessary that the AO has a global influence, it's important that they merge properly under a narrative and gaming point of view in the existing material.

Hastur, Nyarlathotep: sooner or later they will arrive, I think. For sure Eldritch allows tons of space for expansions, so I'm pretty confident everything will be disclosed at the proper time.

If you want Hastur there's a pretty darned good King in Yellow expansion on board game geek.

Assuming when more investigators are added in a big expansion, then we'll get more OOs to confront.

Yig is pretty cool IMO due to fast doom track, and what looks like some interesting mysteries, one which will move around, difficult without Plumb-the-Void. Looks like they are putting in a custom 'Yig' mystery encounter deck like Cthulhu and Yog, also very cool.


"Indiana: Snakes, why'd it have to be snakes."

Edited by AwakeLand

Instead of Yig, the expansion should introduce Hastur or Nyarlarthotep, (perhaps both) The latter is the message of Azathoth, and appears all over the world in many guises. Yig can be given the role of an epic monster, like the Web Spinner (Atlach-Nacha) and the Wind Walker (Ithaqua).

I'm puzzled as to why Ithaqua is only an epic monster. Ithaqua's reach is vast, although only in the colder climates of the Earth. I could have seen it popping up in many spaces on the map.

As for Yig, he is really popular in the Arkham horror series of games, so its not surprising. From what was seen, a Yig game does sound interesting.

I suspect that Nyarlarthotep and Hastur will be next, it seems logical.

I think this is going to be a smaller expansion, and that next year we will see larger expansion that will include Hastur or Nyarlathotep.

I'm puzzled as to why Ithaqua is only an epic monster. Ithaqua's reach is vast, although only in the colder climates of the Earth. I could have seen it popping up in many spaces on the map.

The epic monster chit reads "Wind-Walker". Even though often Ithaqua is named "The Wind-Walker", I'm pretty confident they used this name on the chit because we'll see an Ithaqua GOO arriving, sooner or later.

The epic monster chit reads "Wind-Walker". Even though often Ithaqua is named "The Wind-Walker", I'm pretty confident they used this name on the chit because we'll see an Ithaqua GOO arriving, sooner or later.

I'll go one step further and predict that one of Ithaqua's mysteries will involve spawning the Wind Walker, similar to how Yog-Sothoth has one for the Dunwich Horror.

I don't think they will let the same epic monster appear on both a mystery and a rumor, since that will cause some problems with the interaction between the two.

Problems, yes, but they could resolve it by requiring that that particular rumor be set aside before setting up the deck. Then, when the particular mystery is drawn, put the rumor in play as well.

I definitely want 'He who must not be named' and Nyarthalotep, really kinda disappointed the King in Yellow isn't in the base game but...whatever...

I'm hoping these expansions also come with more investigators, since I really want them to bring back the epic Amanda Sharpe and Mandy Thompson.

I think this is going to be a smaller expansion, and that next year we will see larger expansion that will include Hastur or Nyarlathotep.

Really? Next year? I sure hope it won't be that long. I'm new to board games and I hope they're not THAT slow at updating things. That said, looks like Forsaken Lore is on its way to stores!! Woo hoo!!!

Tabletop games usually have a slow turnaround in my experience, but I'm a relatively new FF customer so we'll see.

Just consider that from the moment a new game is announced, it usually takes at least three months to have it printed and shipped. Before the announcement, they have to go through an alpha testing (developing the game, finding the correct balance, and so on) and a beta testing (quality assessment). To do the beta, they usually print some copies of the game after the alpha stops, send them to the testers and it's another month of work minimum. So that from when the alpha starts to the moment the game is announed could be easily a 6-month hiatus. So, from the moment of conception to when we have the game available, it could be a nine-month process, that could actually be much longer if a good balance is not found easily (just look at the one-year delay the Star Wars LCG had). Sometimes it could also be shorter (6 months or so), but not that shorter in any case (FFG is usually kinda scrupolous on their games, especially in the last two years)

I don't have any idea of what's going on with Eldritch at FFG, clearly, but I think that Forsaken Lore arrived incredibly fast. A new AO and new mysteries should grant the game quite a good replayability and maybe lessen the pain to wait for the next one

Edited by Julia

I think Forsaken Lore was planned on the heels of the base set and was likely already near ready to go when Eldritch was released. So it makes sense it went fast.

Yes, indeed (IIRC, we started the beta testing somewhere in November, so, very close to the core set release). I was just saying that other (possible) expansions could require some time, that's it :)

If FF treats this game like they do with Descent, expect another expansion near Christmas. :lol:

The above points are good, but still don't answer why Yig should be a world destroyer. There are a number of creatures that have a profound effect on our world because they are gods, cosmic forces of incredible power. Of these, Azathoth and Yog-Sothoth top the list. I believe there has been some issue as to whether Shub-Niggurath is a god or Great Old One because she never appears in Lovecraft's stories, but certainly her power qualified her as one. Cthulhu is a Great Old One, thus an alien creature rather than a cosmic force, but his power on Earth is great because of his sending, his 'call'. Thus these four are understandable threats to the world.

But what next. I have to admit surprise that an expansion (or even the original game) would be without Nyarlarthotep. He has more active involvement with humankind than any of the other creatures, and the danger he presents is thus enormous, seeking to have humanity destroy itself. Haster, although a Great Old One rather than an god, would also qualify because of the world-wide effect of the King in Yellow and the reach of the byakhee. But Yig. His power does not seem to extend much more than Athlach-Nacha or Ithaqua, (and it can be safely said that these are the Web Spinner and the Wind Walker respectively.

A number of other individuals could be considered as Ancient Ones. Daoloth, a god, is one, because of his ability to expand to any size, like Azathoth, and the fact that his outline causes madness. Another is Abhoth, another god, with his ability to literally depopulate whole areas, or infest areas with his spawn. Although a Great Old One, Cthugha could be a world destroyer because of his ability to burn everything in sight, and the fact that he is not confined to a particular area like Ithaqua. Another possibility is Shudd M'ell with his potential ability to tear apart the world with his earthquakes.

Yig would be best as an epic monster along with such others as Ghatanothoa, Nyogtha and Tsathoggua.

Yig probably wouldn't destroy the world, but he could inflict everything with his curse. That means the world would be full of snake people and lizard creatures, not humans.

Shub-Niggurath is a god or Great Old One because she never appears in Lovecraft's stories

False. Several times Shub is mentioned in Lovecraft's stories, starting from "The Last Test" (1928), passing through "The Dunwich Horror" and "The Whisperer in Darkness". And she appears quite often in his letters. These stories do not provide an actual description of her as per Cthulhu, for instance, but saying "she never appears" makes people think it was invented later by other writers, which is not.

Additionally, she's no Great Old One, but an Outer God (with Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth and Nyarlathotep)

As for your Nyarlathotep query: I think Nyarlathotep should be by himself such a great source that he should have his own expansion, with cards, and masks and so on. I'm happy he wasn't included in the core set because honestly the core set is really skinny on cards and so on and pushing Nyarly there would have meant not giving him a good chance to be developed as he deserves.

As for Yig... for years fans have been asking Yig-specific content for Arkham. I guess they now have one, even if for another game. As said, let's give the designers some time, and I'm sure we'll all have all the AOs we love at their best :) If you're bummed by Forsaken Lore, you can get it anyway for the new cards (decks pop up considerably, and the new Mysteries are really good and add a lot of variety to the game), or you can simply pass and wait for the next one :)

Edited by Julia

True Shub Niggurath was mentioned several times. However she didn't make an actual appearance, she was always a reference. I raised some issue as to whether she was a god or Great Old One, because the references to her are ambiguous. It's fine if someoneshows that she Iis a god, not that it really matters within the game itself.

I really don't want to simply ignore an expansion. I want all of them to be good, and I expect they will be. I just express my unease at using as a major world threat someone who falls into the same category as Atlach Nacha, Ithaqua, and Nub, all epic monsters.

Yes, that's a fair point. They could have had Yig as an Epic Monster, but I kinda think that all the 8 AOs from the core Arkham set will be released in some way (and I'm also pretty sure sooner or later we'll have a real Ithaqua; otherwise why calling the Epic Monster "Wind Walker"?).

Patience, my friend, and trust.

As I've said several times, I'm not a particular enthusiast of the game, but I do love,w ith all my heart, the project, which is absolutely visionary and brilliant. Can't wait to see what's behind the corner :)

I really want Ithaqua and Cthugha sold in the same set.

Sounds really like Yin and Yang :D

Edited by Julia


Really...? Hahahahaha! Where's Lily Chen when you need her?

