To share events in my campaign after the wrap-up of official 3rd Edition Enemy Within.
The history of the campaign to that point:
Spoilers for the adventure galore of course.
The adventure ends with the identity of the villainous Black Cowl unknown, the Mad Professor's Plot against Sigmar's Faithful foiled and the Black Cowl's Blackpowder Plot frustrated in its last moments - though at the cost of two of the companions lives.
From there matters continue.
We are using Obsidian Portal and I post session summaries there. I do not propose to keep cross-posting here, rather will post the links and just add my "sharing GM thoughts" notes.
This is mostly moving individual PC threads and interests along. The NPC Elke, first created by a player as a serving girl in Graf von Kaufman's household and like all bits and NPCs that appear twice popping up again, turns out to have been a member of the Cloak, undercover witch hunters, and is a PC now. (Player's idea, I looked about and found idea of the Cloak branch of Templars).
Then the return to Averheim. Using Forges of Nuln and an old White Dwarf article for the luxury Emperor Wilhelm, mixing in the Ice King fan mini-NPC supplement for an adventure that also includes lots of NPC interactions that can touch on campaign threads short and long term.
This is used as the introduction to Brutal Finish , with the NPC wizard used to bring in PC's instead of the adventure's intro. The timing of things sees the Wine Festival up soon and how can I not run Brutal Finish!
The actual "adventure encounters/fight etc." are a combination "faux ghost story, really an ice fey spirit" with an assassination to both (a) make sure PC's must carry the burden of the Brutal Finish investigation by disposing of the official investigator and (b) reflect other plots. The wizard's coded message indicates investigating immolations was only a cover, he's there for other reasons as well more connected to the ongoing campaign and longer term plots.
A 3rd of the companions dies when Wilhelm tries to question the suspected assassin alone. The Player admits that not having his wounds from fight with icy spirit attended to at all (when with TO 3 he had 2 critical wounds at time) was a 'contributing factor' in his death.
I was sad to see the PC die but that was how events and dice ran. It was handy having a "not too bright noble" around as a way to explain things and draw PC's into stuff.
Father Siebolt also meets his demise in the last session. He was fun, a colourful NPC in 1000 Thrones he and his assistant Nils appeared in that campaign and I re-used them here (with continuous careers). Sad to see him go but NPCs can't have charmed lives however much fun they are. I learned long ago the more fun Players see you have with an NPC the more willing you have to be to see them die. The PC's are the story.
The elf Korhadriel is the only PC left from the original investigators. However, narratively, Gunnar has strong connections to the Black Cowl (was on the Southlands expedition, has now lost two brothers in this struggle) and Elke is a Witch Hunter who was to investigate such things, so the party remains interested.
Edited by valvorik