Full Auto and Assigning Hits

By scipio83, in Deathwatch Rules Questions

Okay, so say I'm full-auto bursting at a target with some of his allies within 2 meters of him.

How do I go about assigning hit locations? Let's say I put 3 hits on target A, and 2 on target B - when using table 8-2, do I just start all over again once I move to a new target?

Either start over at the top of the chart or keep going on the next chart entry. I don't think there's an official method but neither way particularly breaks anything.

There actually is an official method, see the screen in the GM's Toolkit: there's a Multiple Hits from Semi and Full Auto Fire table on the third page.

EDIT: Ehh, I replied without letting what I read sink in. So what Kshatriya said.

Edited by musungu

It's not about the table, but if you have to start over again after switching the target. Which doesn't matter, as long as you pick one way and keep it.

I believe I read somewhere you continue down the hit chart on the new target. But I can not provide a source at this time.