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  1. Tron_18
    new GM to RT and will be running a game soon. I was wondering before I get started are there any talents/abilities/techniques/careers that are overpowered and need a bit of a nerf? Is there anything so underpowered that a player will eventually feel stupid for ever picking up? Thanks for any input
  2. KungFuFerret

    Questions from a potential buyer

    KungFuFerret replied to revan193 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG
    that some players have a habit of questioning the GM about lore. "Um, no that's not correct, actually *insert character name* was on *insert planet* at that time, so there is no way they could be here in this scene." or "A Stormtrooper's standard issue loadout includes 2 thermal detonators, 2 energy clips, and a weeks worth of rations, so that should be the loot they give us, EACH of them." So that's an issue if you aren't using a "campaign book". I personally never use those campaign books, and prefer to make up my own stories in my own little corner of the galaxy far far away. Which route you pick is entirely up to you, and how much direct input you want on the narrative being told. The campaigns are really useful for new GM's and players though, as they are usually designed
  3. Sebastian Yorke
    new GM gave me +7SP in addition to the players' points. Give me opinions/ideas. Aeternum Excubitor - Dictator-class cruiserEssentialsJovian Pattern Class 4 DriveMiloslav H-616.b Warp EngineEmergency FieldMultiple Void Shield ArrayFlight Command BridgeVitae Pattern Life SustainerVoidsman QuartersDeep Void Auger ArraySupplemental componentsCargo Hold and Lighter BayBarracksPilot's Chamber*Small Craft Repair Dock*Manufactorum*Weapon SlotsJovian-Pattern Landing BayJovian-Pattern Landing BayBest* Sunsear Las-BroadsideBest* Sunsear Las-BroadsideMars-Pattern Torpedo Tubes
  4. robus

    And then...

    robus replied to whafrog 's topic in Game Masters
    defense, the whole "permission to play any wrong way" is just a catch phrase of his and was not meant to be singling this particular RPG out. Yes his style is not for everyone, but as a new GM I've found much of his content very enlightening. There's a lot to learn about GMing and he's one of the few that tries to demistify it and for that I'm grateful (and a Patreon supporter
  5. dosan
    Excellent thread! i was searching for this kidn of info in the forum, glad i found it after all! One question though....Do you think that heavy armor can affect the speed in your houserules? i mean, a guy in heavy plates should move more slower than a semi-naked Slayer or Wardancer. Any idea for a rule in this? Also , i am a new GM, and i love the idea for putting different movement speed for the different races, it is similar to the system in WFRP 2d edition, which is good. But, does anybody also think that defense should be worked out a little?I feel completely unrealistic that a 5 agility elf has less defence than a ironbreaker with 2 agility, since the armor of the last doesnt make him better to defend or evade the attack , but to soak damage. Any ideas for putting agility
  6. BarbeChenue
    relatively new" GM when it comes to the FFG Star Wars RPG, having GMed for a few weeks about 42 hours of game time, but I have more than 10 years of GMing tabletop RPGs, from d20 games like D&D 3.5e and 5th (never 4th!) to Mutants & Masterminds 2e, d6 Shadowrun 4th and 5th Ed. as well as GURPS 4th and some oWoD and nWoD. That said, I am a number cruncher at heart, learning D&D on the illicit school benches of the Character Optimization Boards, but I enjoy *and* remain critical towards too much or not enough of it. I have seen the excesses of crunch and optimization in D&D, the rampant abuses made possible in Mutants & Mastermind, and the fiddly and almost broken mathematics of trying-too-hard-to-be-realistic GURPS. So I came to the Star Wars RPG with a relatively fresh
  7. Varlie

    Opening Crawl For Your Campaign?

    Varlie replied to Semi-Retired Gamer 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG
    game group swaps games every 6 weeks with a new gm taking over each 6 week season. I use a crawl at the start of my turn
  8. vilainn6

    Increasing Characteristics

    vilainn6 replied to EclecticGamer2 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    This thread again? Seriously, I dont understand why new GM dont like that their players spend most their XP in their characteristic and try to house rules it every month. Play by the rules, let your player do what they want with their build first and then come back if really something dont seem good
  9. Kartigan13
    remembered they could run away once the battle was clearly lost ).Anyone else have any tips on how to make combat encounters more enjoyable and dramatic?The 2nd thing I recognized was that I need to do more work on bringing the NPCs to life, but I think that is just something I'm going to have to learn with experience. Still I'm open to suggestions if anyone has any for a new GM on how to be descriptive about the enviroment and NPCs as well as have them behave the way they should. Specifics would be very nice i.e. "When my characters enter the hospice I said 'X', and then I behaved in 'y' manner" Do you have the NPCs speak to the PCs first or ignore them until spoken to (I suppose it depends on the NPC)? Once they encounter an NPC do you try and stay
  10. Wu Ming
    aethel:I know most everyone here has probably run Edge of Darkness already, but for any new GM's out there, I created some for a particular important location in the scenario that was well described but did not have maps. Available for download here:
  11. sparker
    relatively new GM to this system who is struggling with the mechanical differences between items clearly meant to assist in certain skill checks. Medicine checks without a Medpac increase the difficulty by one as stated on p219 of Core Rules. So far, so good. Toolkits, however, have this effect on Mechanics checks according to p182: So it sounds to me like a toolkit is required to perform certain kinds of tasks, but otherwise doesn't grant any bonus (except for any interpretation under the "Right Tools for the Job" sidebar on p171. Then there's Slicer Gear. As far as I can tell from the description on p179, Slicer Gear provides no mechanical benefit at all, only getting whatever bonus is applied through "Right Tools for the Job." I find these confusing and inconsistent which makes me assume I'm missing something. Is there any unifying principle behind these gear
  12. Sturn
    New GM used to battlemats and minis. Has anyone been using such with 3rd Edition? If so what rules did you add for movement? A.i. Agility determines how many yards you can cover with one maneuver
  13. Arachnid2


    Arachnid2 replied to Drumsev 's topic in Dark Heresy Rules Questions
    also a new GM (because I know English better and have a good memory). I whant to khow, if some part of big cover (for example, wall) has destroyed, does it mean that 1 metre (of sq. metre) of the obstacle is destroyed? I ask because we play on the tactical
  14. cappadocius

    Handling Loot

    cappadocius replied to mandametal 's topic in Game Masters
    first and most important piece of advice I can give is to sit down with the group, and just say, "Hey guys. This isn't D&D. This is Star Wars. When did Han and Luke ever loot the bodies in the trilogy?" Make it clear that you have concerns, as a new GM, that besides being out-of-genre, looting will make the characters too powerful too quickly for you to keep up with, and everyone's fun will suffer. Punishing their characters in game for looting is counterproductive because D&D *also* has a tradition of adversarial player/GM relations; it's just doubling down on the bad habits
  15. The Boy Named Crow

    Surveying your players

    The Boy Named Crow replied to Tetsugaku-San 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    First, my advice to all new GM's. Your priorities should be ordered thusly:1: Make sure everyone has fun2: Tell a great story3: Be fair4: Follow the rulesThis is reflected, I think, in your player's comment that a little more free-form rulings during combat would have been welcomed. Don't forget that you, and not the rulebook, have the final say. I can't say more without knowing you or your gaming group personally.Secondly, I can't think of any reason to use XP deductions. It can really only cause problems, and is more likely to result in a sulking player than a reformed character. If it's an in-game problem, the character's actions being inappropriate or disruptive to the plot or coherence of the game, it's usually easy to come up with a deterrent that makes sense, the most common ones being reprimands
  16. Nitenman

    Byzantine Sickness

    Nitenman replied to Archlyte 's topic in Lore Discussion
    options are lacking indeed. If it's just for flavor, it ain't really interesting, but it does add flavor. Maybe need to be combined with an advantage (eventually custom) reflecting wealth (or poverty, not every land is rich, for example Suzume lands). But then you have to have enough income to hire, feed and eventually train retainers. That's the basis of feudalism. As a new GM with inexperienced folks, better stay clear of this until beta address it with rules. Makes more sense to be awarded lands at higher ranks as well. Playing Sim Rokugan is fun, but it needs clear rules. Probably a bother to homebrew right now with what's available in the beta
  17. Donovan Morningfire

    Onslaught at Whisper Base?

    Donovan Morningfire replied to Pac_Man3D 's topic in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG
    actually made this suggestion to the GM of the AoR game I'm playing in, as she got the book as part of her Xmas bundle last year (along with the Adversary Decks), but she had already established a "base" for our squad of misfits to operate out of along with various NPCs for us to interact with. Last I knew, she was mulling it over, but she at least though it'd be a good idea so as to give her some more time to come up with original adventure ideas of her own (still a fairly new GM but learning quickly thanks to the A+ group of players
  18. GroggyGolem

    Alternate Timelines

    GroggyGolem replied to Fred Palpatine 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    new GM and I'm running EotE for 4 groups. To make things easier on myself, I am running the same campaign to start with for all four groups; after that, I plan to run more one-shot style adventures until I've written up some long campaigns. My way of doing everything is this: They are in the same timeline as Star Wars, it's not long after the destruction of the first Death Star. I don't plan to introduce any established characters, this isn't their story and they aren't a requirement to make Star Wars what it is. As far as Alternate Timelines go, you could say each of my groups is playing in an alternate timeline, experiencing similar adventures but the player's choices diverge the stories and make them more unique to each group
  19. BiG_Weasel
    New GM here, and I have a quick question ya'll can hopefully answer for me. I'm confused by skills, and how they relate to the character sheet. I get that players spend increasingly more XP to get better skill bonuses, but for the life of me I don't get the skill "check boxes" on the character sheet. For example, let's say I have a character with Interrogation trained, which they can learn at rank 3. On the advancement chart, they can learn +10 at rank 7, and +20 at rank 8. Yet on the character sheet it says "+10%" and "+20%" respectively. Is this a typo? Shouldn't it be the +10/20? Thanks in advance for the clarification
  20. Bindlespin

    Requesting clarification re: abstract movement

    Bindlespin replied to player266669 's topic in WFRP Rules Questions
    combat, limited timeframe (as I understand the original question): i think this is really about how you set things up, to me it sounds like you want to cram twelve orcs in a narrow hallway while some nemesis finishes some ritual, or unlocks an intricate chest with some evil artifact in it. the point being they don't have to kill the players to win, just delay them. i'm a new gm too but i think there are a couple of ways to do things here that I would just like to what has already been said just a littlea. I don't know if this is right or wrong but I would treat all twelve orcs or grumkins as one engagement. according to the clarification on the feb faq then, engaging and disengaging them in the same turn would at least cost two maneuvers. at least
  21. FrogTrigger
    that once we do start with this group we also won't want to go back to IA, and I am fine with that. This seems like the logical next step for our group based on our new found love for table tops and our history of RPG gaming with the Ultima's and Baldur Gate's etc.. If I can bother you all for one more thing, as I said I have traversed the sticky thread and there is a lot of good stuff in there but also a lot of dead links, if there is one piece of advice or link or video you could share with a new GM star wars related or not, what would
  22. DWolf2k214

    Career Adventure Seeds

    DWolf2k214 replied to ddbrown30 's topic in Game Masters
    new GM, this is likely to be useful
  23. Denmar1701

    Psyker Issues

    Denmar1701 replied to Sazabi 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Sazabi said: Seems like every 6 months or so, we have a new GM come in who feels that the Psyker is unbalanced, overpowered, yada yada yada....Sorry to say it guy, but you have to have take the time to READ the rules on how Psykers work, and NOT to go with how your player tries to explain it. That's your first mistake.The other guy made some good points... I will try to just add to that, not copy him.1) Simple. If you're playing more as lots of abilities as a Psyker, then you play the scholastic one. Lots more abilities, which gives a lot more flexibility. Some key abilities, like Favoured by the Warp are available much earlier, and you can get to a Psy rating 6 instead of 5 pre-Ascension.3) If the Psyker has this package, then he had better have a radical
  24. imagehunter

    No Disintegrations errata?

    imagehunter replied to imagehunter 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    thanks for everyone who posted. It's great to have a such a helpful resource for a fairly new GM
  25. All Shields Forward
    pain to find when our group was looking for it. Also it still doesn't fix the fact that an arm load of weapons (or really anything) can't fit in a freighter RAW. It's actually a little more ridiculous that they suddenly fit once you put them in an even bigger case.As a new GM I almost lost the players faith in the system when we went over that. Edited January 28, 2015 by All Shields Forward