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  1. Maelora
    Okay, my 2$.... It sounds like you have the preparation and the GMing really well covered. You couldn't have done more. Things like whether to use non-official sources, or how to read dropped dice, are a matter for each table. You have to make your own rulings on these, and it appears that you're doing just fine there. The only thing I might point out here is that if you have a
  2. bradknowles
    IMO, I think maybe we need to give you a whole thread of your own. We have much to learn from you and yours.
  3. Blackbird888
    Jaws III is pretty good grounds to disown someone. It's probably a state law, somewhere.
  4. StarWarsMom
    So, there's my boy! Thanks for commenting. We all get through life with help from others, and I appreciate your candor and sympathy for everyone involved. I hoped that by having Vader issue the no violence warning, because of the safety of his kids and droids (let's pretend he cares at least a little for GoldenRod), it may be easier to swallow with Vader's rationale than just parents saying "Nope," regardless of
  5. Emirikol

    New GM, New Group

    Emirikol replied to Superchunk 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    I think with that combat-heavy of a group, I'd start them with Day Late, Shilling Short.With any group, LOTS of skill checks help diversify their understanding of the game. Don't screw them over with non-strength based checks, but make it a point to have them do lots of social things.What separates this game from D&D is not the's the tone that scenarios are investigative and any combat
  6. StarWarsMom
    My son and his friends have been visiting with the extended weekend on Columbus Day. They've shared their disappointment over two significant yet (hopefully) temporary events. We discussed how to be a supportive friend at school, and to avoid temptations to retaliate against the assailant bully. They also expressed how one friend likely NOT playing takes some wind out of their sails before the game actually begins. My suggestions about helping their school friend
  7. bradknowles
    The app will auto-cancel failure/success and advantage/threat, which can be nice at the start. But it really helps you internalize the game mechanics if you do that process yourself. One of the narrative hints from the awesome Skill Monkey podcast episodes was to pay close attention to where each type of result comes from. So, if all your success comes from the boost dice, then you know that the assistance you got was critical
  8. Desslok
    So far, so good it sounds like. But man, I do hate cliffhangers! (:
  9. Absol197
    We'll miss talking with you, Lady StarWarsMom! Don't be a stranger!
  10. Blackbird888
    Fly Casual doesn't offer anything with a high Intellect; they mostly focus on more social roles. Jawas are not anywhere official; the unofficial menagerie stats were made by a few beta players, and err on the side of conservative stats, so it shouldn't break anything. Gadgeteer is a solid specialization, and using tech is built into the concept. The have a number of talents that focus on outfitting gear (Jury Rigged and Tinkerer
  11. StarWarsMom
    My son is writing about his experiences for a high school vo-tech assignment. He takes a lot of notes, and some interesting insights. For example, he hopes the game will be an easier example of multicultural togetherness than we see on our mainstream media channels. If an alien can work well with another alien, why can we all just get along? I'm excited to see his final draft. With the species question up
  12. atama2
    Sons of Fortune also has a lot of cool tech including vehicles and starships that might appeal to a mechanics-heavy group, and setting info on the Corellian System if you want to run some sessions there at some point. If you want to pick up another book later it might be a good option.
  13. Nytwyng
    Since the game hasn't really started yet, a change in premise isn't out of the question. I'd just be careful that they understand that, although they're "playing thrmselves" in game, the premise and their character builds won't be changing with every major event that comes along in life. How they approach their characters can change, but you won't be rebooting all the time.That said, given their newfound protective drives
  14. Tedward777
    We are making our Characters on Monday and my group wanted to start immediately after creation with the story. I guess that means I need to start construction! Session 1: I think I will begin with the team of young younglings being chosen to go an a special training mission to a planet with a special Clone trooper squad. Things go wrong when a terrorist group working for the CIS bombs the village. There will
  15. Tedward777
    I have enjoyed where this has all led, some interesting ideas out there.
  16. mulletcheese
    That arc is inspired by the outbound flight project from the thrawn trilogy but doesn't feature any of those characters.That way the players don't feel like they are missing out by not knowing the EU stories. Shortly before the clone wars several groups of Jedi were dispatched to the uncharted world's far beyond the edges of the republic, these were long term exploration missions (think star treks 5 year mission) but none
  17. Pac_Man3D
    This is a great idea - starting with Alderaan as the interruption is inspired. I'd have the players choose their Force & Destiny careers but give their choice a non-Force-related justification. For example, a sentinel character could work for CorSec, a warrior could be in the Imperial Navy, and as stated in the synopsis, Alderaan is their "awakening" - the point from which they "unlock" the talents on their skill tree. This would work for
  18. mulletcheese
    It's always tricky getting a group of Jedi together in a post yavin game. I had a similar idea except using a flashback instead of a 20 year gap. The premise was that when alderaan was destroyed it sent out a shock wave through the force, "like a billion voices crying out and then being silenced". On planet X four strangers, at a large gathering, suddenly cried out in pain and collapsed.They were rushed
  19. Tedward777
    Thanks all for the help so far! We played the Beginner Box Monday and last night. The team of four really enjoyed it and said that was easier than just jumping right in. I, and they, feel like they have a better handle on things. We are meeting next Wednesday to create their characters. I have every Sourcebook available to date so I am giving them a wide range of species, careers, specializations and more.They
  20. Fiddler27

    New GM, New Campaign

    Fiddler27 replied to Tempfire 's topic in Only War Game Masters
    Would you mind telling us a bit more about the regiment the players built? The challenges you present to them would be tailored to their type.
  21. Tedward777
    Thanks KnasserII. Very helpful directions to take this. I love the idea of adding in an extra youngling whose fate is decided on the teamwork of the group. This could be really good. Does anyone use a specific program or guideline when creating your own narrative and campaign... for example making maps, the classic Star Wars scroll, narrating strategies or anything else? Do you use a similar model to the pre-made modules of FFG
  22. knasserII
    It's a fine idea. I really like it As Is. Definitely play through the prologue. One suggestion, add some meaningful choices to the first act. For two reasons - one, it's a rail road prologue so adding some choice and consequence counters that. Secondly, it's a nice connection that can tie things together later. So for example, maybe there's an NPC youngling and the meaningful choice is whether they manage to save
  23. Veruca

    New GM - New to narrative

    Veruca replied to Sinkaro 's topic in Game Masters
    Oh, it wasn't Bail who was going to tell where Obi-Wan was, but the player's family. According to his backstory, his father kept all sorts of records about the whereabouts of the Jedi, and in return for his wife and son's (the player) safety when escapign Coruscant, he'd reveal said information. Then 17 years later, the Empire comes knocking on Bails door, looking for the wife and her son... telling
  24. spectre113

    New GM - New to narrative

    spectre113 replied to Sinkaro 's topic in Game Masters
    Some excellent ideas and points going on here. I'll drop a couple of ideas about each. First to address Veruca's problem, backstory is dicey in any game you play. More so when the game comes from a movie or book series. Backstories should not really be considered sacrosanct, but rather as rough ideas to be hashed out between the GM and the player. I'd recommend ratcheting the "Famous-o-Meter" down a