Bit steep.
The Padawan in question is actually the son of a Jedi in hiding who has been being trained by his dad. But he's only a Youngling.
Been hard at work on background to my ideas. Here's where you'll find out about my Padawan-in-hiding:
A proper jedi trained youngling is at least FR 1. And, if willing to keep the species "base" stats, and only the free skills from Career, Specialty, and Species, they can be FR 2 as a starting PC of certain races. (105 points. 30 to open the tree, and 75 to get to Force Rating - and that also gets +1 Strain Threshold, upgrading people's difficulty to ID you, a bonus to stealth, and adding your Force rating to a skill once a session.) If you're human or another 110 point species, you can even buy another 5 point talent or a career skill to level 1 without lowering your duty or increasing your obligation.