Some quertions of Season of the Witch

By lacai, in Mansions of Madness

I`m choose the cule card just like:

1C 2A 3B 4A

I found that there is unnecessary for found the cule card“3B”

Becaure the Investigators can use the key card“Nola`s Journal” to resolve the Obstacle card “Irregular Wall”,than the Investigators can found the cule card “2A” and touch off the card“Otherworld Gate”.

I think it is wrong!

Am I right??

Edited by lacai

Yes, there is a problem here. It's possible to discard the journal and then be stuck.

The best solution is not to discard the Journal , only the wall. I have used a marker to cross out the line on Nola's Journal that says to discard it.