Noob Question about Nukes

By deadlyevans, in StarCraft

While playing my second game ever today, I started a skirmish with a ghost against a Dragoon, Zealot, and Zealot. (frontline -> supporting, that order) I played a Nuke and a Cloak.

According to the FAQ, my ghost survives and the Nuke triggers. Okay. But since I have an attack value of 0, what is destroyed? Nuke says that two ADDITIONAL units are destroyed during the splash damage phase.

So does that mean that just the Zealots are destroyed? Or are all 3?

deadlyevans said:

Nuke says that two ADDITIONAL units are destroyed during the splash damage phase.

"Additional" means here that the enemy wouldn't have to destroy the units from this skirmish, if there were any other.

That's why you should use your nukes smart. They shouldn't be wasted to kill few Zerglings/Marines/Zealots, unless it's necessary. Try to finish them in combat, then the enemy will have to destroy more powerfull units.

Oh. But then how would anything be triggered since you have a final attack of 0?

deadlyevans said:

Oh. But then how would anything be triggered since you have a final attack of 0?

Nuke actually triggers if you survive. It doesn't trigger with killing one unit in the skirmish like Splash does.

To my ears "two additional units" means " 2 more units to remove like if it was triggered Splash Damage "