Finding A GM?

By CommissarWilliams, in Only War Game Masters


While I was not 100% sure where to post this, I figured here would be the most appropriate place.

a small group of us on Roll20 are currently looking for a GM to guide us in Onlywar. I have never played any of the War-hammer RPGS but some of the group seem to be vets.

Would any of you wonderful Gms be willing to guide us to our deaths! we have currently picked out our character classes, and what reg we would like to play as, Cadians seem to be the favorite at the moment.

we are mostly a gmt group

Thanks for your time :)


Hey Commissar,

Does roll20 support the warhammer 3rd dice? just curious, I haven't checked it out yet as we're fairly new ( last 6 months to warhammer 3rd). We're looking to expand to online soon too.. and looking for some good alternatives for virtual that incorporates WFRP 3 dice.


Roll D20 supports a number of dice rolls anything from d6 to d100. There Is a youtube Dark heresy video easiers done by some big well youtubers, and a developer for the new 40k mmo, they seem to be doing dice rolls fine. So I guess the answer to your question would be yes... I think.


Edited by CommissarWilliams

I would have been interested, but im in GMT-5. I didn't quite catch to see what time slots you were aiming for. If it's doable, I'd be interested.


I'd love to run a military moral quencher sort of campaign.

Edited by Cogniczar

We have just upped our group to about 6 people ish. We are mostly GMT, and looking for mainly weekends ( though I work Continental shifts 4 on 4 off 46 hours a week ) . We would be most interested in having any gm. It depends if you can do it. I know one of our newer members claims to know the famous total biscuit youtuber, and wants him to Gm, but i doubt that will happen.

I think a good moral quencher is in the roll book it's self lol. Let us know on Roll 20 or here if you can do it.

As a GM with a few years experience under my belt I would say run it yourself.

You`ll never have a better time to take the plunge than right now, before the group gets used to a more experienced GM and gets uppity about RAW.

I have never played, and do not wish to gm. I have Gmed in many different games, and just want to be a player in this game.

Edited by CommissarWilliams

That`s more experience than I had when I started. I`d barely even read the rulebook, let alone run a game before.

That first DH campaign started over two a years ago and is still going now between a deathwatch campaign a genesealer hybrid game of my own invention, an Only War civil pacification and a budding black crusade. Two planets, a trail of bloody murders and a handful of bionics later.

I understand not wanting to play for once and not end up the "designated GM" but try to inspire somone in the group to step up, or rotate the GMing duties among your group.

That way you get more GMing experience fr the group to draw on in future, rather than relying on finding somebody else.

Edited by Askil

GMing is fun! Not very profitable, but fun!

I generally prefer GMing to being a player.

But that's probably just me.