Some questions

By The Death, in Runewars

What i wanted to know actually is what @zaltyre mentioned. So the reanimates are treated like they were recruited through the battle and stay on the field until they die. they are not removed automatically after the battle ends?

Correct. They stay forever, so one tactic the Waiqar player should employ is to fight often with the Necromancers as a way to get "free" troops.

However, one important note is that this is NOT considered "recruiting", so if you are at your limit of Reanimates, you cannot choose to destroy Reanimates elsewhere on the board to add to the battle.

Hi to all, have played lots of games since the last time I asked questions and we came with some more!

21) Tactical retreat and summon lightning: We had a situation in which a player played summon lightning and then Tactical retreat. Since both cards are played at the beggining of a battle is it possible to do so? or since tactical retreat cancels the battle it shouldn't be combined with summon lightning?

23) Question about challara: If challara uses her ability and duels an enemy hero killing him, would seh receive the fallen hero rewards or would they fall in the area where the hero died (adjacent to the space where challara is).

24) Question about Krutzbek: If krutzbek ends his turn in an area with more than one enemy hero, does his ability damages all of them or must he choose one?

25) Other question about the faq: I was reading that you cannot play the same tactic card at the same time during a battle (for example playing 2 summon lightning cards or 2 rally cries), in the case of summon lightning, since it is played at the start of a battle this would mean that only one can be played, but for example in the case of rally cry, can you play one in initiative 2, and one in initiative 4? since it is not at the same time?

26) Question about flesh reapers, the development card allows you to rout any number of flesh reapers at the start of a battle to do 1 damage for each flesh reaper routed, can you then play rally cry and do the ability again?

27) Question about Ice storm, is it valid to play a mobilize card to an enemy territory taking first the hero, play ice storm routing enemies equal to the hero's wisdom and then move the rest of the units to start a battle? or should the hero be before the movement in the area to use his reward?

29) question about the magic portal exploration token: If I pay 1 influence to move through the portal and attack the area where I landed, if I have an empty area adjacent to the place I just conquered can I retreat there? or must I pay 1 influence to retreat to the place I came? I would think that you can move to the empty area since this is similar to retreating into an area with water or mountains, but just wan't to check.

Ok, so basically, Corey confirmed most of these, and clarified a couple:

21) You can indeed play Summon Lightning, then cancel the battle with Tactical Retreat.

23) Chalarra would NOT get the rewards. Page 28 talks about this one. In the left column it says the surviving hero claims the defeated heroes rewards, but says to see Damaging and Defeating Heroes in the next column. In this section, it says "the controller of the victorious hero involved in the duel assigns all of the defeated hero's Reward cards to any of his heroes present in the area." So I think the first sentence is kind of a general case, but is clarified in the second. Most of the time, the victorious hero will be in the same area, so Chalarra is an exception, and as such, the second bit clarifies that if she's not there, she can't be assigned the Rewards. However, as written, this does mean if there was another friendly hero in that area, that hero could be assigned the Rewards instead.

24) Krutzbeck chooses 1 hero, and deals 1 damage to that hero; it doesn't hurt every hero in the area.

25) Got clarification on the previous ruling. If the card does not have a triggering condition, then you CAN play multiple copies. So you could play multiple Rally Cry cards. The once-per-trigger only applies to cards where you play it in response to something. For instance, with Pillage, you play it after winning a battle - the trigger is the "winning a battle".

26) You must completely resolve one effect before moving on to the next. So if you use Ravenous Hunger, you must finish using it before you can play Rally Cry. This means you cannot rout a flesh ripper, use Rally cry to stand it up, and rout it again. So between this and my post earlier about it, you can't do this :)

27) Yes, you can do this.

29) You can choose not to pay to move through the portal, in order to only consider spaces adjacent to the contested area. If you don't pay for the portal, you don't have to consider any spaces on the other side of other portals.

Thanks a lot Sigmazero! as usual this is really helpfull!!!

best regards

31 what happens if you play coerción and already have 4 héroes? do you choose one to desert you?

best regards!

31) If you gain a hero and already are at your maximum, then one of them will desert you - you choose which one. Any items that hero had will be discarded (not left in the area). Captain of the Heroes' Guild will not stop this desertion, either.

(NOTE: CotHG doesn't block Coersion, either).

Thanks Sigma! here is another question questions we had during our last game on friday.

32) What happens if you have a land with 3 áreas next to it, onw with enemies, one with neutral units and an empty one. In yor land you have allied neutral units and an opponent plays spread discnet, forcing you to retreat your neutrals.

Do you have to retreat them to the empty área losing their control? (this is what we ruled since it was the only space where you could retreat "your unints" losing them afterwards)

can youretreat them to the área with neutrals?

best regards and thanks!

33) Forced march tactic card: The card states, "play before moving units" choose an área, all of your units begining their movement in the chosen área are considered fast for this movement.

The question is: Can it be played during quest phase to move une hero as being fast? we ruled that no but wanted to check.

Thanks Sigma! here is another question questions we had during our last game on friday.

32) What happens if you have a land with 3 áreas next to it, onw with enemies, one with neutral units and an empty one. In yor land you have allied neutral units and an opponent plays spread discnet, forcing you to retreat your neutrals.

Do you have to retreat them to the empty área losing their control? (this is what we ruled since it was the only space where you could retreat "your unints" losing them afterwards)

can youretreat them to the área with neutrals?

best regards and thanks!

The original owner gets to choose where the units retreat to. He could either choose the empty or the neutral land (and technically even the enemy land, "giving away" the neutrals). The card does not say you HAVE to lose control. If it were possible (though it is not, in your example), he could retreat them to an area of his own, thereby keeping the units allied. They would still get routed there, though.

33) Forced march tactic card: The card states, "play before moving units" choose an área, all of your units begining their movement in the chosen área are considered fast for this movement.

The question is: Can it be played during quest phase to move une hero as being fast? we ruled that no but wanted to check.

As per the rulebook page 17, being "Fast" only gives you an extra movement during Mobilize and Conquer orders (not even during Strategize), so it would be of no help during the quest phase.

Thanks a lot Zabulus!

I agree with Zabulus, though I would amend #32's answer, and may get clarification from Corey for details (I need to remember to ask).

If the neutrals are allied, the controlling player chooses where to retreat them. The rulings document I have says they "retreat as friendly units." Strictly speaking, this would mean they MUST retreat to a friendly area if possible; if not, they may retreat to an empty area. Since they are "friendly", they could not retreat to the enemy area or the area containing unallied neutrals.

However, I'll try and get clarification. This was one of the earlier questions asked, and there was a little back-and-forth on it with Corey, so I will try and see what the ultimate intention is.

(If the neutrals are unallied, they can only retreat to uncontrolled areas, either empty or containing only unallied neutrals).

Regarding 33, also, another reason why it doesn't work is that heroes are not units. So even if you play it during a Mobilize or Conquer order, and move a hero along with the units, only the units gain Fast, not the hero.

Thanks for your answers! here are some questiones we had during our last game!

34) If you ocupy an enemy home realm área with a fortress and have a neutral unit. What would happen if you conquer another land with a fortress and decide to use the one in your enemy's home realm. Will the neutrals become his?

35) maybe its a basic question, but in our last games we have been using all tactic cards. Do you shuffle them and use them again or when they are all used you simply cant get more?

34) Hmm, this is an interesting question. As written, I would say "yes", though - you would no longer control the Home Realm if you don't have any of your units there, and Home Realms are never "uncontrolled". However, I'll see if I can get official confirmation of that.

35) On page 31 under "Component Limitations", it says "If a deck of cards runs out, players shuffle the deck’s discard pile to create a new deck." So you'd reshuffle the Tactics cards discard pile in this case.

Edited by sigmazero13

Thanks Sigma!