Looking to Sell My Old Stuff to Afford New Stuff...

By foxpillow, in 5. AGoT Trade Forum

I'm looking to get back into the game for the LCG and kind of need some discretionary funds to do so. So I'm thinking I could sell any and all of my pre-lcg stuff. I'd prefer to sell all of it at once, but I guess I could break it up. Well over 1500 rares last time I looked..MOSTLY Winter block and ITE Block, pretty sure I had three of every rare from ITE and Winter except for Tywin (only 2) and ummm...a few of the plots (only one First Snow and Winter Has Come). Not sure on what the going rate would be. I think 400 and shipping for everything...not sure what I'd look for if it was broken up. I can probably get some good trade references from people on the boards if you need 'em...I've done small amounts of trades in the past.

Let me know, Kade Davis

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I know you said you don't want to break the set up, but would you be willing to sell a WED Melisandre separately? If so, let me know what price you think would be fair. Thanks! (danstrouhal@hotmail.com)


I'll just give you the WED Mel if you still want her. Just e-mail me your addy: foxpillow2@yahoo.com

I'm still looking to sell the whole kit n' kaboodle, if anybody's interested. I'm thinking $250+shipping for everything. There's about 2 large boxes of commons and uncommons plus the 1500 or so rares.

foxpillow said:


I'll just give you the WED Mel if you still want her. Just e-mail me your addy: foxpillow2@yahoo.com

I'm still looking to sell the whole kit n' kaboodle, if anybody's interested. I'm thinking $250+shipping for everything. There's about 2 large boxes of commons and uncommons plus the 1500 or so rares.

Hey Fox!

That would actually be very awesome! Though I only have a few extras of Core Set cards (I haven't even been able to purchase playsets of most LCG chapter packs due to money constraints), I can send you any extras that you don't have. I'm guessing that you probably already have enough of these though, because they're mostly the WED cards that were reprinted. (Or if you're looking for any older cards to round out a classic deck, let me know.)

I'm not at my home computer, and I'm reluctant to send any emails/pm's with my address/contact info from this one, but once I return home I'll send you an email. Thanks!!!