Choosing command cards for your army

By Belerophon709, in Warhammer: Diskwars

When building your own army, the rules for "Choosing Command Cards" (pg. 16) state:

In addition to recruiting units, each hero has a command value. A player selects a number of command cards equal to this value to add to his hand of command cards . Players cannot have more than 1 copy of a command card (by title) in their hand of command cards.

Emphasis mine... Now, most heroes have command value of 2, and I can't find any indication in the rules of any other source of command cards.

Am I right in assuming that an army with only 1 hero, would usually have only 2 command cards available per game, so that, in order to have any real variety during the game, you would have to play with 2+ heroes per army?

...or am I missing something?



Edited by Belerophon709

You are right that each Hero has a Command Value of 2 (in the core set) and so if you play with an army of 1 Hero, then you will get 2 Command Cards. If you have 2 Heroes you will have 4 Command Cards etc.

It does hint though that future Heroes can have different amounts of Command Values, so there may be future Heroes that could have more than 2 Command Cards (or even less)

You are right. I have always played one regiment games with a hand of 3 cards to increase variety. A guy on our group came up with a better idea. In one regiment games, players have a hand of 3 cards but, at most, two are played per round. This keeps the balance in the total number of activations.

so commando point work ad a minimum of commando cards you must have? dont think so, in that case hyou should always play with alla carrd avaiable to youtr army!

I like your solution BrightWizard.

Do you think four cards would be to much?

I dont understand your question/statement ileopsoas?

im asking if there is no limit to The card in your hand at deck building

I like your solution BrightWizard.

Do you think four cards would be to much?

I dont understand your question/statement ileopsoas?

I think 3 is satisfactory. I never tried or missed having 4 cards in a single regiment game.

im asking if there is no limit to The card in your hand at deck building

You can have as many cards as the sum allowed by your heroes. Right now, each hero provides exactly 2 command cards. You cannot have more than one of each card. For example, you are not allowed to have 2 Lure, only one.

im asking if there is no limit to The card in your hand at deck building

There is a limit: It is the sum of comand points of your heroes.

Only when playing with only one regiment on each side, the resulting two command cards in an army feel somewhat bland.

Thus a houserule came up in Bright Wizard's game group helps here: 3 cards on hand, but only two may be played each round. I like that a lot by the way.

You are right. I have always played one regiment games with a hand of 3 cards to increase variety. A guy on our group came up with a better idea. In one regiment games, players have a hand of 3 cards but, at most, two are played per round. This keeps the balance in the total number of activations.

Great house rule and idea. I'm stealing it for my games :ph34r:

Help keeping the rock-paper-scissor aspect of those cards while giving a bit more options to the players.

That is brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrilliant! :D

Edited by SolennelBern

In a game with only 1 copy of the base set, who gets to choose command cards first? What if both sides want the same command card?

In a game with only 1 copy of the base set, who gets to choose command cards first? What if both sides want the same command card?

I used the reverse initiative order like stated in many steps of setup in the rulebook.

Having 2 core sets would eliminate this but i'm not a fan of 2 cores for a game that already have plenty of stuff in it.

So I use revers initiative order for choosing cards.

In a game with only 1 copy of the base set, who gets to choose command cards first? What if both sides want the same command card?

If you have card sleeves, you could just write out the important stats on a piece of paper and just proxy the popular card.