Paragon Navigator Powers

By Sinpoder, in Rogue Trader House Rules

Can I get some help... I know there is a clan or something that allows you to go up from Master to Paragon and I was curious what you guys would think a Paragon for The Lidless Stare..... I would love to hear what you guys think.

Any ideas guys?

Shrouded Houses can raise Gaze Into The Abyss as a Paragon Power to gain a +30 bonus to all Tests made with it, and only raise that specific power while gaining no additional benefit. If you were in my game and asked your Save-or-Die power to become even more powerful, you would receive a silent death glare. If you asked for it to become harder to resist and gain an even stronger version of it, I would never stop sending Voidbane Generators at your ship.

So to summarize, I would allow you to raise it to a +30 bonus to all tests with it, and nothing else.

Ok... Well I had to try :)

Ok... Well I had to try :)

Well I'm not your GM - I think - and it's always possible your GM would support it. However I would a) work up a REALLY CONVINCING backstory for this, b) only propose the +30 bonus to tests.

Yes..... Now I am bouncing between a BS arch Miliant and this Navigator... And this is also not only for lidless stare this is for all Navigator abilities... I am just thinking about it.. And I am looking for ideas of all the Navigator powers at Paragon level if they had it...

Edited by Sinpoder

Navigators gain powers slowly, and don't gain many, but they don't need to be raised beyond Master level, because at that point they become amazing. Lidless Stare is a Save-Or-Die power, that will also probably kill anyone it hits even if they do save. Stacking the Deck turns your ship for a few rounds into either an unkillable behemoth, or an uncatchable lightning bolt. Held in my Gaze (Despite neither holding nor requiring gazing) will shut down enemy Psykers and completely destroy Daemons. Corrupting the Flesh turns even the strongest opponent into a weak-willed corrupt lump of flesh.

The utility powers seemed more designed for NPC Navigators, but if your GM is aware of them they also can be excellent plot hooks or storytelling devices.

Psychic classes do start off slow, but they mature into massive powerhouses. I made the mistake early on of allowing my Astropath character into letting him take a "faster" advance scheme that has resulted in him being overpowered now.

Why exactly do you want to raise all of these powers to Paragon level?

Mostly because I think it would be cool as heck.... It would cost a lot in my mind.. Like two or three Navigator power talents but in exchange you become someone that specializes in one thing... And as for story you could easy say it is a family thing or what not.. But that is me and my messed up mind..

Edited by Sinpoder

I think you could probably talk your GM into letting you swap the Paragon power to something else for your Navigator, but this has to be between you and your GM.

However if you want to keep raising The Lidless Stare to Paragon because it's your house speciality then consider that you're saying your House is a master at staring people to death with their warp eye.

Thank you for the help :) I really appreciate it

Edited by Sinpoder
However if you want to keep raising The Lidless Stare to Paragon because it's your house speciality then consider that you're saying your House is a master at staring people to death with their warp eye.

His house is so awesome at it that not only do they die but their corpses turn into cakes and ice cream.

However if you want to keep raising The Lidless Stare to Paragon because it's your house speciality then consider that you're saying your House is a master at staring people to death with their warp eye.

His house is so awesome at it that not only do they die but their corpses turn into cakes and ice cream.

WRONG!!! We use are amazing power to turn their dead bodies into Blackjack... and living hookers... it is a grand time :)

Go House Dakkar!! Navigator whom takes Reaver at rank 1, Hatred(All). Means said Navigator has possibly up to +40 to manifest his/her Lidless killing machine.

Go House Dakkar!! Navigator whom takes Reaver at rank 1, Hatred(All). Means said Navigator has possibly up to +40 to manifest his/her Lidless killing machine.

Hatred only gives you +10 Weapon Skill, and I don't believe that talents stack with each other, so you can't claim separate instances Hatred (Humans), Hatred (Rogue Traders) and Hatred (Huge Jerks) when fighting Krawkin Feckward.

Thus you would have to beat people to death with your face in order for this to apply.

Read the rules for House Dakkar... They get a +10 bonus to their "power test" when using them against a target with which they have the Hatred talent for. And since House Dakkar is a Renegade house they can choose to get +10 additional bonus when testing for Lidless Stare, combined with Master that adds up to +40.

//Everyone knows Hatred for different thingies dont stack, think it even says so in the core rules, or possibly errata ;)