Money guideline and human question

By tcrudisi, in WFRP Rules Questions

Is there a general guideline for the GM to hand out gold to the party?

We have the book where you get bonuses as a human depending on where you are from. I'm not noticing any drawback to this at all. One of them says that you can convert terror rolls down to fear checks and fear checks are made at -1 purple dice. This only applies against chaos creatures. Isn't ever creature in the game a chaos creature?

My general guideline is 60 silver for an average payment for a 2-3 session adventure. A great estimate is to use "payment of mercenaries" or the next-closest job/person.

Not every creature in the game is a chaos creature: beasts, NPCs, bandits, forest spirits, dark elves, all greenskins, undead. When it comes to chaos-npc's I wouldn't allow it until it was a "known" chaos thing.


We have the book where you get bonuses as a human depending on where you are from. I'm not noticing any drawback to this at all.

The alternate human abilities by region replace the normal Reiklander human powers. So your bonus on Fear tests, or stronger horses or whatever, come at the expense of not getting the two bonus fortune dice on one action per session and not getting the XP break. That would be the "drawback".

One of them says that you can convert terror rolls down to fear checks and fear checks are made at -1 purple dice. This only applies against chaos creatures. Isn't ever creature in the game a chaos creature?

In most cases where the rulebooks use a term like "Chaos Creatures" they would mean Mutants, Daemons, Sorcerors/Witches, and maybe Cultists or Beastmen. In other words, a creature that worships or works for one of the Ruinous Powers (Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh or Tzeentch), or which used to be human until it was corrupted/mutated.

So no, not every monster in the game is a chaos creature. Even if they were (and they're not), it'd still be possible to have a fear check that isn't caused by chaos, since there are (relatively mundane) attack actions and social actions that trigger Fear checks if you roll well enough.

Good rules of thumb that'll work 90%+ of the time:

  • If you've got the creature vault, assume it's only creatures with the "Chaos" or "Beastman" trait on the creature card.
  • If you've got the creature guide, assume it's only creatures whose stats are summarized on pages 93 and 94.
  • If you've got just the core boxed set, assume it's only creatures detailed on pages 50 to 57 of the Tome of Adventures.

Is there a general guideline for the GM to hand out gold to the party?

We have the book where you get bonuses as a human depending on where you are from. I'm not noticing any drawback to this at all. One of them says that you can convert terror rolls down to fear checks and fear checks are made at -1 purple dice. This only applies against chaos creatures. Isn't ever creature in the game a chaos creature?

What is this terror/fear rule you're referring to? Where can I find it? Thx and sorry for derailing the topic a bit :)

Hero's call has the human regional imperial backgrounds with those things.

Regarding money I often use the table in the Player's Guide on page 96 (Table 10-1: Approximate Incomes in the Reikland) as a guide to what would be resonable. Depending on what the players do they could fall into different categories.

I too use the Players Guide typical incomes/wages table and apply it to perceived social standing of PC's. A brass character reeives less of a reward than a silver who gets less than a gold when the grateful noble later sends care packages for them.

This is in part to reinforce the class-bound society and also to contiually re-affirm the value from spending points in character creation on being higher standing. If it was a one-time cash bonus that's weak trade off for not spending them on stats, actions etc.