Tricks and Traps

By Quoth, in Dark Heresy House Rules

So I noticed that my party was disinclined to do much more than hunker down and shoot till everything in their firing ark was dead and I figured that all this 'hit him till he stops moving' was getting a bit old. Which led me to come up with a few little traps and tricks for the party to exploit and be exploited by (*evil laughter*) Heres what I have so far, please add more! =D

Man Trap
Perception -10 to notice
Agility -10 to avoid
Hit = Move reduced my 50% until they receive medicare, plus 2 levels of Fatigue
(Basically a level 4 crit against a leg)

Hanging Pipes/Machinery
+10 to hit
AP 5 (-1 AP per hit without pen)
Successful pen = 3d10+X (X being relative to how high the pipes where as per Fall Damage p210 of DH core book)

Oil Barrels
+20 to hit
AP 6 (-1 per hit without pen)
Successful Pen = As Fire Bomb centered on the barrle

Obviously relevant skills checks can be taken, Awareness instead of Perception for the Man Trap, where applicable.

Cute, simple, relevant, and devious. In short..i love Ive pulled similar stunts in my games as well. Also consider having a room down perhaps in a underhive or even a ship "refitted" for use as a"disposal" area ( of course the PCs would get a skill test to realize it but it would be at a large penalty ( at least -30 ) since it would be the entire room not just one or two things added or out of place...They should have a chance to get out before dying..perhaps also needing them to take a few levels of fatigue or wounds before they could get out somehow...

Elevator of doom!

Party trapped in elevator between floors.

After X rounds, wires are cut and elevator falls. All characters still on die.

Last 2 rounds before dropping, the coiled Wier's start to snap. All on top of cart must dodge or take 2d10 impact damage to the body as the tense wires snap back towards them.

Very fun to watch the party scrambling about. Specially when they start falling over each other to get through the hatch

Elevator of doom!

Party trapped in elevator between floors.

After X rounds, wires are cut and elevator falls. All characters still on die.

Last 2 rounds before dropping, the coiled Wier's start to snap. All on top of cart must dodge or take 2d10 impact damage to the body as the tense wires snap back towards them.

Very fun to watch the party scrambling about. Specially when they start falling over each other to get through the hatch

?? your party uses Elevators often?

Death Traps

So how many took the express ride

Sadly no one got the full tour of the shaft (ooo er...)

They where fleeing an ambush by heretics and daemons so they didn't have much choice.

the fun thing about flying bullets even in 40k universe is metal on metal creates sparks and promethium and sparks are a bad combo. With the right amount of "consequences" happening as a result of spray and pray will make most players will find a new plan much better to their liking.

I think using guns in space might be a bad idea in some circumstances too :D

Perhaps with a consequence that a missed shot has a specific % chance of puncturing the hull.
(Higher if that weapon has any Pen rating)

I recently ran a scenario where the party entered a station on an asteroid with no atmosphere, the station was pressurised, but the oxygen/CO2 regulator was malfunctioning.

I let them explore for a few minutes before announcing that they all gained a fatigue point. At this point, the tech in the group logged into a terminal and found out that the CO2 levels were rising - they found the regulator in time, and managed to repair it successfully before they asphyxiated :)

I think using guns in space might be a bad idea in some circumstances too :D

Perhaps with a consequence that a missed shot has a specific % chance of puncturing the hull.

(Higher if that weapon has any Pen rating)

I ran a scenario a while back where the Acolytes were drafted into performing an (obviously Alien inspired) 'bug hunt' on a small space station. I wanted stray bullets to be a serious danger (in the fluff, Naval Armsmen always use shotguns because of fear of hull breaches), but by Rule As Written, there is no real chance of 'small arms' penetrating a metal wall. So, I came up with a House Rule: stray shots adjacent to a ship's outer hull have a 1% chance per point of Armour Penetration of causing a hull breach. Maybe not entirely realistic, but it kept my players on their toes...