Would you like to see Relic in GW shops?

By guillaumetexas, in Relic

I was looking at my Relic box today and I thought to myself:

"Why isn't Relic and this MAGNIFICENT box not proudly displayed in GW stores? And wouldn't that be just a great entry game for players?"

I know that FFG owns the Relic game, but I am wondering, would GW be allowed to sale this game in their stores?

If they were allowed, would you think GW would sell those in their stores (we all know that answer)

And finally, would you think that a game like Relic could be a gateway game for brand new players to get into miniatures: ie, johnny (let's call him johnny) walks by a GW store, see the models and wants some. Mommy (she doesn't have a name) sees the prices of the boxes, turns white and pulls Johnny away from the window.

Instead, Mommy sees a board game (and all the bits that go in it) and think that maybe daddy can play with Johnny. After several plays, johnny really likes warhammer 40K and wants a whole army of Super space Marines...

Am I crazy? am I missing something critical? would this not help out Games Workshop (and FFG since they may sell even more copies then).

And what about Diskwars? Why not have those in GW stores, they are available in our FLGS all over the world?

Edited by guillaumetexas

GW are EXTREMELY tight-fisted when it comes to what gets stocked in their stores. You won't even see copies of Dark Heresy or the other 40k RPGs because FFG produces them. Hell, you won't even see Forgeworld products in a GW despite them being owned by GW as well. Simply put, if 100% of the profits aren't going to GW, you won't see it in their stores. At least that's the case in the two stores near me.

Yeah, GW has alot of weird policies when it comes to their business and not much of it makes sense. That they don't stock EVERYTHING warhammer related in there (as long as they have space for it) is just...weird. I understand they don't want other franchises in their stores, but this is warhammer. Even if it isn't their company putting it out it's just what warhammer fanatics want...more warhammer.

I've heard, emphasis on heard, people getting told to leave for using non GW dice. I've it happen with none GW pain. Which is insane. So who knows, maybe when the owner retires things will start to make more sense because frankly GW stores should sell all things warhammer, more or less.

I've been playing GW games for 18 years, and it all started when I was given an old edition of Talisman (back when GW still made it) for my 8th birthday. I played the hell out of Talisman, and have followed the GW product line ever since. Guillametexas is right, selling Relic in their stores would be a great way to spread the brand: I'm proof that it could work.

But they won't. Even mentioning the FFG games will get you funny looks from the staff at most GW stores. It is becoming harder and harder to shake the feeling that GW has stopped caring about the quality and long-term viability of its games in favour of quick profits. I can't help but wonder if they are afraid that the lavish attention to detail and depth of the FFG games will make their own games look worse in comparison.

Perhaps they are right. Over the last few years, I've barely played any 40k games, and it's been several years since I bought any new models.

But I'm still playing Talisman.

I always wondered the same thing- they carry the models, novels/audio dramas and their own products, but thought they could make some cash and show new customers that the fantasy/40k worlds are more than just the games. Having copies of the Space Marine videogame, the RPGs and boardgames, posters of the old Dawn of War PC games would only enhance their profile.

But whatever. Still love the games and will still buy them, it just always feels like they could be doing better.