WFRP 4e - how should it look?

By Beren Eoath, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

I think many of players would love to see such a complete edition that would cover not only Empire but also other parts of the Old World.

And yes, a good way of publishing it would be to make a thick core rulebook (about 400-500 pages) in hardcover. In that one You would find all the information You need to play and have fun for many hours. It would cover mechanics, geography, races, base and advanced careers and of course a small bestiary. Then each expansion would expand the knowledge about some places, thing you can fin there and special careers to that place, all with a small adventure set in the described place. So on the session You would only need to have the core rulebook with dice and eventualy bestiary or supplement fiting Your adventure.

That would be a game of my dreams!

If FFG will do nothing about that then maybe it's time to start working on my own edition of WFRP with a lot of house rules.


PS. When FFG got the licence then maybe they still have the rights for WFRP 2nd? If that's true then why wont they make a special edition of that game bounded in a series of thick hardcover books with all that was published for it. Nothing new they will have to create and still would got money from sales. This maybe would not fix the situation but would give some players a chance to get things that they missed.

I think FFG should do something to make more money out of WFRP.

When I remeber correctly FFG got the WFRP licence in 2007/2008 and they started by continueing the WFRP 2e line. They where asked about the future, the policy then was different, and fans got an anwser - we will contunue it. Then they published 2 expansions: Career Companion and Shades Of Empire. After that there was a long silience. Nothing was said, and even no rumours hit the community. Then they made a big sale on Christmas and 12 August 2009 they announced WFRP 3e. Why I'am bringing this back? Hmm I have a feeling that the same is happening now to WFRP 3e. For two years now FFG makes big sales on Christmas for WFRP 3e, and after The Enemy Within was published there is a silience. I do not count the few PODs, becouse FFG said that in those they are releasing only material that will never see day light in expansions. So after the sales and silience what can come? Hmm, a new incarnation? That's just a thought but who knows.

A different thing I can imagine is that they could do something using the material they created so far. They could publish WFRP 3.5 based on upgraded rules for WFRP 3e Lite. So think of a mechanic that would completly allow playing with out tokens and cards. A mechanic that would change action cards and recharge into special manouvers that would cost fatigue/stress. Take all the published careers, talents and so on add a special created Character sheet (the one that would allow players to play from 1-5 Rank without the must of rewriting the character sheet for every career). An with all that in one place publish it as a 400/500 pages hardback book. A book that would gather all published so far materials from WFRP 3e in one place and even upgrade it. That would satisfy some fans and, if the plan WFRP 4e, made a base for a new edition.

Of course they could let the line die and publish games based on the WFRP licence without bothering about WFRP. They could even do a Warhammer Quest - a board/card game with dice.

Cheers and happy gaming (whatever you're playing now)

Read this topic, mulled over it, actually created an account to reply. Hello, everyone!

My take: I have severe doubts that we will see a 4th edition of WFRP.

As has been pointed out here, 3rd Edition ended up splitting the fanbase in a way which 2nd Edition simply didn't. I'm not going to engage in any edition warrior nonsense here because let's face it, we've all seen the arguments one way or another already and everyone's already made their minds up on this point, but I don't think anyone here is going to deny that a split has occurred. Maybe it goes one way in some local scenes and groups, maybe it goes a different way elsewhere - with only anecdotal evidence to go on it's hard to see the extent. But it's fairly clear that it's happened.

(As an aside: ICV2 sales statistics are interesting, but should be taken with a pinch of salt. They only compile those things from a few brick-and-mortar games shops - which have an increasingly small presence in the sales space compared to online mail order anyway - and even then only those shops who a) receive the ICV2 survey and b) bother to send it back. It is by no means clear whether or not this is a fair or representative sample. Additionally, there's been swathes of games over the years which have come out, shot to the upper regions of the ICV2 charts in the early phases of the product line, and then sink like a stone because there's few sales happening beyond the burst of early adopters.)

I think recent events with the DH2 beta playtest show that Fantasy Flight are very, very cautious these days about anything which might split the fanbase for one of their game lines. The fact that they completely retooled the beta because people loudly omplained that the original beta would destroy backward compatibility says it all. Indeed, I think it's partly that lack of backward compatibility that I think has driven the split in the WFRP fanbase: 2nd edition was, with a few patches here and there, a very complete game line, even more so if you took 1st edition stuff into account - and using 1st edition stuff with 2E really was a breeze, and for a lot of people - including me - it simply wasn't worth buying into a brand new system we couldn't use our old books with (at least, not without much more extensive restatting than would be required to use a 1E book with 2E) when we already had enough WFRP goodies to last us a lifetime.

Fantasy Flight seem to have come to the conclusion that it isn't worth radically retooling a game if in the course of doing so you end up splitting the fanbase (particularly when you are talking about Warhammer-based RPGs, which are more likely to attract the hardcore gamer crowd rather than attracting an expansive new demographic who haven't previously touched this sort of game). I don't actually blame them for this. A split fanbase leads at best to reduced sales, because half the people who'd otherwise be fans of your game aren't touching your new products because they're sticking with the old system; at worst, it leads to toxic relations within the game's community as edition warring runs rampant (just look at all the ill feeling generated by the D&D edition wars).

It's notable that the WFRP 3E style of presentation seems to have been inherited by the Star Wars games - being new games set in the Star Wars universe, those games aren't going to offend the existing fanbase (because even people fond of older Star Wars RPGs aren't seriously going to expect FFG to simply reprint WEG's or Wizards of the Coast's Star Wars stuff). Because FFG have a more or less clean slate to work with - because nobody has any preconceptions as to what a Star Wars RPG from FFG would look like - they're free to apply whatever system they like there. Conversely, the 40K RPGs which have emerged since WFRP 3 came out have incorporated none of its innovations, and with the clear fan demand that new editions of the games be backward compatible I don't see that they're ever likely to.

In short, I don't expect to see FFG ever applying radical top-to-bottom system changes to any of their existing RPG franchises in the foreseeable future, because of this reluctance to split the fanbase. As it stands, the WFRP fanbase is already split. And there's no good solution I can see for undoing that.

- If they go back to a 2E-style system, that'll enrage those who preferred 3E even though it'll excite the 2E/1E fans.

- If they put out a revised 3E, they won't win back any of the people who got off the bandwagon when 3E originally came out, and they might piss off the 3E fans anyway depending on how they do it. (How many of you want to buy brand new boxes, hm?)

- If they make a brand new system, they're more likely to end up with a 3-way split than they are to mend the split - and if they don't win over a bunch of new fans with 4E, that's going to really sting when it comes to sales.

About the only way I see a new edition happening is if two conditions are met:

- FFG decide that one side of the split or another is large enough and willing to spend enough money to make a new edition worthwhile.

- FFG can see a way to make a new edition which will a) convince whichever faction they choose to side with to buy it and b) give then enough profit to make the endeavour worthwhile.

I really don't think that's what FFG are seeing at the moment.

Read this topic, mulled over it, actually created an account to reply. Hello, everyone!

My take: I have severe doubts that we will see a 4th edition of WFRP.

As has been pointed out here, 3rd Edition ended up splitting the fanbase in a way which 2nd Edition simply didn't. I'm not going to engage in any edition warrior nonsense here because let's face it, we've all seen the arguments one way or another already and everyone's already made their minds up on this point, but I don't think anyone here is going to deny that a split has occurred. Maybe it goes one way in some local scenes and groups, maybe it goes a different way elsewhere - with only anecdotal evidence to go on it's hard to see the extent. But it's fairly clear that it's happened.

(As an aside: ICV2 sales statistics are interesting, but should be taken with a pinch of salt. They only compile those things from a few brick-and-mortar games shops - which have an increasingly small presence in the sales space compared to online mail order anyway - and even then only those shops who a) receive the ICV2 survey and b) bother to send it back. It is by no means clear whether or not this is a fair or representative sample. Additionally, there's been swathes of games over the years which have come out, shot to the upper regions of the ICV2 charts in the early phases of the product line, and then sink like a stone because there's few sales happening beyond the burst of early adopters.)

I think recent events with the DH2 beta playtest show that Fantasy Flight are very, very cautious these days about anything which might split the fanbase for one of their game lines. The fact that they completely retooled the beta because people loudly omplained that the original beta would destroy backward compatibility says it all. Indeed, I think it's partly that lack of backward compatibility that I think has driven the split in the WFRP fanbase: 2nd edition was, with a few patches here and there, a very complete game line, even more so if you took 1st edition stuff into account - and using 1st edition stuff with 2E really was a breeze, and for a lot of people - including me - it simply wasn't worth buying into a brand new system we couldn't use our old books with (at least, not without much more extensive restatting than would be required to use a 1E book with 2E) when we already had enough WFRP goodies to last us a lifetime.

Fantasy Flight seem to have come to the conclusion that it isn't worth radically retooling a game if in the course of doing so you end up splitting the fanbase (particularly when you are talking about Warhammer-based RPGs, which are more likely to attract the hardcore gamer crowd rather than attracting an expansive new demographic who haven't previously touched this sort of game). I don't actually blame them for this. A split fanbase leads at best to reduced sales, because half the people who'd otherwise be fans of your game aren't touching your new products because they're sticking with the old system; at worst, it leads to toxic relations within the game's community as edition warring runs rampant (just look at all the ill feeling generated by the D&D edition wars).

It's notable that the WFRP 3E style of presentation seems to have been inherited by the Star Wars games - being new games set in the Star Wars universe, those games aren't going to offend the existing fanbase (because even people fond of older Star Wars RPGs aren't seriously going to expect FFG to simply reprint WEG's or Wizards of the Coast's Star Wars stuff). Because FFG have a more or less clean slate to work with - because nobody has any preconceptions as to what a Star Wars RPG from FFG would look like - they're free to apply whatever system they like there. Conversely, the 40K RPGs which have emerged since WFRP 3 came out have incorporated none of its innovations, and with the clear fan demand that new editions of the games be backward compatible I don't see that they're ever likely to.

In short, I don't expect to see FFG ever applying radical top-to-bottom system changes to any of their existing RPG franchises in the foreseeable future, because of this reluctance to split the fanbase. As it stands, the WFRP fanbase is already split. And there's no good solution I can see for undoing that.

- If they go back to a 2E-style system, that'll enrage those who preferred 3E even though it'll excite the 2E/1E fans.

- If they put out a revised 3E, they won't win back any of the people who got off the bandwagon when 3E originally came out, and they might piss off the 3E fans anyway depending on how they do it. (How many of you want to buy brand new boxes, hm?)

- If they make a brand new system, they're more likely to end up with a 3-way split than they are to mend the split - and if they don't win over a bunch of new fans with 4E, that's going to really sting when it comes to sales.

About the only way I see a new edition happening is if two conditions are met:

- FFG decide that one side of the split or another is large enough and willing to spend enough money to make a new edition worthwhile.

- FFG can see a way to make a new edition which will a) convince whichever faction they choose to side with to buy it and b) give then enough profit to make the endeavour worthwhile.

I really don't think that's what FFG are seeing at the moment.

Which means that WFRP is dead, apart from fan material, for the long forseeable future. Sad but possibly true, although if the franchise goes to another developer then all bets are off. However I am doubtful about that happening as well. Which means we are relying on GW to boost WFRP by pushing development of it. Sorry, I think I just heard hell freezing over.

Now, to be fair, GW do actually have a good reason right now to encourage full exploitation of the various licences they've given by their licensees - royalties from licensees were the only part of the business where profits were up in the latest financials, whereas the core wargame and minis sales have tanked.

But they'll probably just try to repair the core business instead.

FWIW, most of the gamers I know in my local circles didn't get on the WFRP 3 bandwagon because they (including me) were all satisfied with WFRP 2 and didn't like the change. (We like our boardgames, mind, it's just that we find that boardgames and tabletop RPGs scratch different itches and have very different strength and adding more boardgamey bits to RPGs didn't feel like something we were interested in.) At the same time, we aren't actually playing much WFRP 2 at the moment because the 40K RPGs (which basically all run off systems that are clear descendants of WFRP 2) are the new hotness - perhaps we'll see more activity once the activity on that side dies down.

But they'll probably just try to repair the core business instead.

Got it in one, I am afraid. WFRP has never been more than a limited sideline. As long as the 40k stuff is bringing in the shekels, GW will not give a **** if WFRP is dead and buried.

If you have a look at the SW stuff the "boardgamey" element has already bit the dust. The dice pool is essentially what is left from 3rd edition. FFG have learnt their lesson there.

Edited by ragnar63

Yes, GW does not care for WFRP.

Yes, the community is splitted becouse every new edition splits the community. Backward capability is good but it can not be always aplied to new edition. I still know guys that play WFRP 1e and think of 2e and 3e as worst then 1e. The are even people that still play AD&D and do not think about going into 3/3.5/4 or next. About this brealking community even WotC think - that's why they are publishing D&D Next - they want to unite players from prevoius editions into this new one. This is one of the option FFG could choose to reanimate WFRP and make use of the licence.

And Yes, SW RPG lines take the best parts of WFRP 3e mixed it with a more classical aproach to RPG and it is selling good. A part of this is thanks to the setting the other the mechanics. Personaly I'm not a fan of sci-fi RPGs but SW is good and I like the feel of it. It's really a easy to run and play game. Thanks to begginers game boxes every onecan try them without buying the core rulebook.

Looking at how FFG is handing SW RPG lines I can say that they learned from there experience with WFRP 3e. Now if they would apply it to WFRP line it would be good.

Maybe a new edition that would take all best parts from each of previous edition under a new banner will unite some parts of the community. Who knows.

One thing is sure FFG should do something to make use of Warhammer Fantasy licence - publishing nothing is pointless. There is no sense for keeping the licence when they do not publish games useing it.

I suppose I don't get this "board game" idea. Both D&D 4 and Pathfinder have initiative trackers, condition markers, standups/tokens, and power cards. Newer titles like Star Wars and Shadowrun 4 are using gear and talent cards. A lot of you guys constantly bring up the component issue but this title is hardly exclusive in that regard. Sure, they put a lot in their core box instead of making them separate purchases but I don't view 3e as this massive experiment with components that went awry. Just an observation.

I suppose I don't get this "board game" idea. Both D&D 4 and Pathfinder have initiative trackers, condition markers, standups/tokens, and power cards. Newer titles like Star Wars and Shadowrun 4 are using gear and talent cards. A lot of you guys constantly bring up the component issue but this title is hardly exclusive in that regard. Sure, they put a lot in their core box instead of making them separate purchases but I don't view 3e as this massive experiment with components that went awry. Just an observation.

You're not wrong, and if anything you're simply seeing 3e for what it is, which is FFG doing what they do best by providing an engaging experience that contains a ton of "stuff". What you're also seeing is a vocal minority that isn't part of the roots FFG base coming on mic to represent one slice of the RPG demographic. Most of these cats are representing the OSR niches or just OS in general. Hey, that's great. They rode the tide in and aren't finding the experience they're conditioned to or accustomed to.

Anti-component rhetoric is best left ignored. It clearly works for many companies over the breadth of many titles. More of a hobby-in-general deal than a WFRP specific issue, obviously. Outside of fatigue and stress tokens it's looking more and more like Star Wars will eventually be just as heavy with component options, just not lumped into a Core Box... which if they learned anything it was that... give the New Guard optional accessories but keep a Core book separate and standalone for the purists. This is the best option for a component-based company with two wildly different demographics barking wishlists at them. Again, though, I think we're backseat to Game of Thrones, Star Wars, and 40K at this point. Our bi-annual meeting on the subject is fun, but most likely in it's 9th inning.

Edited by Keeop

Read this topic, mulled over it, actually created an account to reply. Hello, everyone!


I suppose I don't get this "board game" idea. Both D&D 4 and Pathfinder have initiative trackers, condition markers, standups/tokens, and power cards. Newer titles like Star Wars and Shadowrun 4 are using gear and talent cards. A lot of you guys constantly bring up the component issue but this title is hardly exclusive in that regard. Sure, they put a lot in their core box instead of making them separate purchases but I don't view 3e as this massive experiment with components that went awry. Just an observation.

You're not wrong, and if anything you're simply seeing 3e for what it is, which is FFG doing what they do best by providing an engaging experience that contains a ton of "stuff". What you're also seeing is a vocal minority that isn't part of the roots FFG base coming on mic to represent one slice of the RPG demographic. Most of these cats are representing the OSR niches or just OS in general. Hey, that's great. They rode the tide in and aren't finding the experience they're conditioned to or accustomed to.

Anti-component rhetoric is best left ignored. It clearly works for many companies over the breadth of many titles. More of a hobby-in-general deal than a WFRP specific issue, obviously. Outside of fatigue and stress tokens it's looking more and more like Star Wars will eventually be just as heavy with component options, just not lumped into a Core Box... which if they learned anything it was that... give the New Guard optional accessories but keep a Core book separate and standalone for the purists. This is the best option for a component-based company with two wildly different demographics barking wishlists at them. Again, though, I think we're backseat to Game of Thrones, Star Wars, and 40K at this point. Our bi-annual meeting on the subject is fun, but most likely in it's 9th inning.

My problem comes from having some of the game in books, some on cards...some collected..some not collected. Junk everywhere and if you lose a card its gone...give me the content and let me buy shiny junk if I want it.

Edited by Yivrael

Yes, that's true that many RPGs now also use cards but those cards are optional not a must have. In WFRP 3e cards and tokens are a must to play. SW RPGs fixed that by giving players the oportunity to play with Talent cards. Anyone can buy those becouse those are PODs.

Of course I must d\say that some cards mechanics really fit the WFRP like Critical wounds. If FFG ever produces a new verson of the game they should give players that option to play with Critical woulds table or by optional Critical wounds deck. Even optional Talent decks like in SW RPG line could be added to a new edition.

So cards are not bad but should always be optional content to an RPG and not required to play.

And yes I agre that there's a lot of, so called by some, "junk" like the cardboard stand-ups. And the game is a little mess but FFG could fix it. They learned there lesson when You look on SW RPG lines. That game looks like it is more tested and better organised.

I'm still hoping that FFG will ake a good use of the licence to Warhammer Fantasy and WFRP to make good games. Even better then those that were and are on the market.

I've nothing against components being optional components that make RPG play smoother and easier - that's all to the good. But the impression WFRP 3E's release created, at least within my gaming circles, was that the components involved were not optional, and each player needed components in order to participate. A lot of people didn't like that considering that you had 30-40 years of prior RPG development in which the only essential elements were the rulebook, pencil and paper, and dice - and indeed FFG still publish RPGs like that (see, for instance, the entire 40K RPG line), so I think it oversimplifies things to declare that FFG are inherently a "component-based company" because they've regularly proved themselves happy and able to produce RPGs that are entirely book-based. (Anyone remember the old Nocturnum Call of Cthulhu supplements they put out? FFG have been producing RPG books for just as long as they've been producing component-heavy boardgames.)

At the same time, having components that make playing a book-based game smoother is both exciting to people who are coming at this stuff from the boardgame end of the spectrum and a much easier sell to the traditional RPG crowd (provided that you don't start deliberately making your RPG rules difficult and awkward to run with just the book for the sake of driving component sales). I actually think that FFG are missing a huge trick by not bringing out lines of optional component support for their book-based RPG lines; how many 40K RPG players would love to have a print-on-demand Perils of the Warp deck, or a Talents deck to keep all of their characters' different powers straight, or a combat deck of all the different combat moves? I do wonder whether FFG might not have been able to boost their WFRP 2 sales and keep that edition alive for longer if they'd made a components line to go along with it.

Ok, I will post it here becouse I think that this could be important for this discussion - officialy now it is confirmed, FFG is not working now or plannning any new expansions for WFRP 3e. Hmm, this brings me to a point when I would like to bring all my thoughts about how could WFRP 4e look like in one place. Of course those also are ideas of how I would like it do be.

So let's start:

1) the base should be the core hardback cover rulebook, thick - 400 or more pages, with everything You need to start playing (like SW RPG base rulebooks - those are good example). So from character creation, races avaliable to players, some words about the setting, rules of play, tables, a good long list of equipment (not such a one like that from 3e), basic careers with Talent trees and of course a small bestiary with common enemies. You know all that makes a good base for future.

2) new edition should have a Beginners Box so You could try the system before buying it

3) it would be nice it it would cover all of the material from 3e and 2nd edition

4) should have narrative custom dice becouse they are a great storytelling tool

5) careers should be a mix of Ranks from 3e and SW careers but with options for transitions. For example You can play up to 10th level a Zealot or at 2nd/3rd level go to an Witch Hunter. So You could stay verylong at one career and take benefits form it using it upgades/Talent tree. Or change to a more specialised career and then go up-level there using the other Talent tree. Each career would have specific for that career tree with Talents/Up-grades. Each Talent should have a different cost to buy from those more common for 100XP and those more rare or powerful for 150 XP or eaven 200XP. Some Talents should work like the ones from Descent so to trigger it or use it You would have to suffer fatigue or stress. And some Talents would be once a day, once a battle and so on. So careers should look like those from SW but with options of going more specialised with Ranks. So one more time an example: You play a Zealot and You can play him up to Rank 10 gaining XP, buying special Zealot Talents and just being a Zealot. But then You friend who would also play a Zealot and reached Rank 3 could have 3 options stay a Zealot, go to a Witch Hunter or go to a Flaggelant. Each of those has a different Talent tree and other options that make it special. So for players it will mean that You can stay on a career and just puch it to the limits or take from it what You want and fits Your character and then change it to a more specialised. And the best part of it would be Your entire group could play the same career by with time each of them could make many choices (path of Talent or career transitions) so each character would be very different even from the start.

6) careers should have some requirements to go into it like only for humans, only for wood elves, only for dwarfs ans so on. But also restrictions like You must be a 2nd/3rd or higher level Zealot to become a Witch Hunter or a Flaggelant.

It would be a littel similar to that what You see in SW but with a lot of more options and choices to make.

This mechanic would give players many options to customise there charaster the way they want and the designers a lot of open doors to create new content. Maybe even this way we would get this so expected elven book.

7) there should be a special mechanic, maybe a one special die, to show witch part of the enemy was hit like head, right arm, left arm and so on. Similar to that what was in 1e/2e.

8) each location based on hit should have a special list of critical wounds

9) they could produce optional elements of the game on cards. Sold as PODs or just box expansions. Such elements could be Talents decks or critical wound decks. All not needed to play but as an option for players that would want those to have.

10) after the base rulebook, GM Screen&Toolkit should come expansions. And here FFG could shine even more. They could publish supplements for every province of the Empire. Each such a book would cover the history of the province, some characteristic places with plot hooks, careers special for that place and enemies that are common there and those that can be found only there. At end of each such a supplement thare should be an adventure. After the Empire they could do Athel Loren a supplement dedicated to Wood Elves and so on. The possibilities are endless.

At the end maybe FGG could consider making two line for WFRP - the base one white to play Order (Empire, Bretonia, Kislev, Dwarfs, Elves, Halflings) and a year or more after the first one release the second line - black to play Destruction races. Of course each line should have then there own begginers box.

And the most immportent thing - this game can not be a clone of other title (for example SW RPG) set only in Old World but a new game that takes all the best from previously published by FFG titles, adds more good stuff and is an excelent game.

Thanks everyone who made it to the end of this post for reading.

This is how I would see the new incarnation of WFRP, if it ever comes to be.

Cheers and happy gaming (whatever edition You play)

PS. Of course there is always an option that FFG will not make any use of WFRP, then maybe they could do Warhammer Quest ;) . You know take action cards from WFRP 3e, add some descent mechanics, mix it with LotR LCG experience to make a special game. Even if it would be just one box without expansions. ;p

Where is the official statement? Some dude claims he got an e-mail response and Beren's pants are sticky. I don't get it.

Where is the official statement? Some dude claims he got an e-mail response and Beren's pants are sticky. I don't get it.

Just ignore it. Please join us at the site I sent you.

You can't control others, but you can control how you react to them. The only thing dead about 3rd edition is this board.


Edited by Keeop

The reply, if it exists, means little anyway - FFG have a policy of not confirming any product as planned until it's up on the "Upcoming" schedule.

I note that in the Upcoming schedule they have a number of WFRP3 reprints in the pipeline, which would be an eccentric decision if a) there weren't continuing sales and b) there were plans to bring out WFRP4 soon.

The reply, if it exists, means little anyway - FFG have a policy of not confirming any product as planned until it's up on the "Upcoming" schedule.

I note that in the Upcoming schedule they have a number of WFRP3 reprints in the pipeline, which would be an eccentric decision if a) there weren't continuing sales and b) there were plans to bring out WFRP4 soon.

Yeah. I don't hear the air raid sirens just yet.

For the rest of you, though... might I suggest some light reading?

The reply, if it exists, means little anyway - FFG have a policy of not confirming any product as planned until it's up on the "Upcoming" schedule.

I note that in the Upcoming schedule they have a number of WFRP3 reprints in the pipeline, which would be an eccentric decision if a) there weren't continuing sales and b) there were plans to bring out WFRP4 soon.

Yeah. I don't hear the air raid sirens just yet.

For the rest of you, though... might I suggest some light reading?

People are allowed to have an opinion on a matter that differs from your opinion without making them a troll.

All I see is chat and opinions, that's what a forum is for rofl.

Just to clarify no one here is qualified enough to be an authority on the line continuation or provide any "facts" on the matter - including you.

But, IMHO, WFRP3 is just as dead as this forum and it's 8 members lol.

Edited by Twodogz

The reply, if it exists, means little anyway - FFG have a policy of not confirming any product as planned until it's up on the "Upcoming" schedule.

I note that in the Upcoming schedule they have a number of WFRP3 reprints in the pipeline, which would be an eccentric decision if a) there weren't continuing sales and b) there were plans to bring out WFRP4 soon.

Yeah. I don't hear the air raid sirens just yet.

For the rest of you, though... might I suggest some light reading?

People are allowed to have an opinion on a matter that differs from your opinion without making them a troll.

All I see is chat and opinions, that's what a forum is for rofl.

Just to clarify no one here is qualified enough to be an authority on the line continuation or provide any "facts" on the matter - including you.

But, IMHO, WFRP3 is just as dead as this forum and it's 8 members lol.

I appreciate your clarification and insight.

The reply, if it exists, means little anyway - FFG have a policy of not confirming any product as planned until it's up on the "Upcoming" schedule.

I note that in the Upcoming schedule they have a number of WFRP3 reprints in the pipeline, which would be an eccentric decision if a) there weren't continuing sales and b) there were plans to bring out WFRP4 soon.

Yeah. I don't hear the air raid sirens just yet.

For the rest of you, though... might I suggest some light reading?

People are allowed to have an opinion on a matter that differs from your opinion without making them a troll.

All I see is chat and opinions, that's what a forum is for rofl.

Just to clarify no one here is qualified enough to be an authority on the line continuation or provide any "facts" on the matter - including you.

But, IMHO, WFRP3 is just as dead as this forum and it's 8 members lol.

Alright, I'll retract my statement of belief that the line is dead- I have no verifiable statement from FFG that it's true.

But that link was unnecessary and your tone is even worse. I won't even begin to poke holes in the article's argument itself, but to imply that the forum member who posted the supposed information did so (either knowingly or unknowingly) out of malice is entirely removed from the discussion encompassed in this thread. It's downright antagonism.

I'll edit my post to contain information that is constructive to this thread once your link is removed.

For what it's worth, I'll quote thePREdiger from another thread:

I asked the question "when can one expect a new expansion of WFRG 3rd Edition?"


Thanks for your question! We have no new announcements about WFRG or expansions, so there is nothing to expect. If we ever do make an announcement about this, it would be on our News page at some point. Have a great day!

So let's calm down.

Edited by Kainus

Where is the official statement? Some dude claims he got an e-mail response and Beren's pants are sticky. I don't get it.

Just ignore it. Please join us at the site I sent you.

You can't control others, but you can control how you react to them. The only thing dead about 3rd edition is this board.


I'd be interested in knowing what that forum site was.

The reply, if it exists, means little anyway - FFG have a policy of not confirming any product as planned until it's up on the "Upcoming" schedule.

I note that in the Upcoming schedule they have a number of WFRP3 reprints in the pipeline, which would be an eccentric decision if a) there weren't continuing sales and b) there were plans to bring out WFRP4 soon.

Yeah. I don't hear the air raid sirens just yet.

For the rest of you, though... might I suggest some light reading?

People are allowed to have an opinion on a matter that differs from your opinion without making them a troll.

All I see is chat and opinions, that's what a forum is for rofl.

Just to clarify no one here is qualified enough to be an authority on the line continuation or provide any "facts" on the matter - including you.

But, IMHO, WFRP3 is just as dead as this forum and it's 8 members lol.

Alright, I'll retract my statement of belief that the line is dead- I have no verifiable statement from FFG that it's true.

But that link was unnecessary and your tone is even worse. I won't even begin to poke holes in the article's argument itself, but to imply that the forum member who posted the supposed information did so (either knowingly or unknowingly) out of malice is entirely removed from the discussion encompassed in this thread. It's downright antagonism.

I'll edit my post to contain information that is constructive to this thread once your link is removed.

For what it's worth, I'll quote thePREdiger from another thread:

I asked the question "when can one expect a new expansion of WFRG 3rd Edition?"


Thanks for your question! We have no new announcements about WFRG or expansions, so there is nothing to expect. If we ever do make an announcement about this, it would be on our News page at some point. Have a great day!

So let's calm down.

How many accounts do you have, anyway? :P

My tone is fine and I'll continue to have the Ork/Dwarf relationship with the old GM's here without you telling us how to use the internet, thank you :) Feel free to place me on ignore if you're offended. Cheers.


** Beren, when the fateful day finally arrives and I'm prepping a 4e game I'm naming my first Nemesis after you :) That's a compliment.

Edited by Keeop

Because FFG do not give a jot about WFRP, people turn on each other out of pure frustration. Unfortunately now, nothing FFG say or intimate about WFRP can be trusted at all. Personally I would urge all the people who use the forum here to move their 3rd edition discussions to Strike to Stun, where the best of WFRP, 1st, 2nd or 3rd edition, can be found. The web address can be found below:

I am not sure we will see a 4th edition Beta, even in 2015, and frankly think that FFG have lost the stomach for producing anything innovative for a new edition of WFRP, or 40K for that matter. Personally I hope they lose the license, but there is no sign of hell freezing over yet. Serves GW right for losing their own mojo in the early noughties.
