WFRP 4e - how should it look?

By Beren Eoath, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Give the license to C7... they'll make something we can play for years to come.

It is not a question of giving the license to anybody, but rather who can afford the license! Also the license comes with 40K as well, which only makes it that much more expensive.

Edited by ragnar63

Yeah I know. it sucks. It's an awesome thing, but it's daddy is a pain.

You can be sure that FFG will stick with the licence becouse they just recently annouced W40K:Conquest and Dark Heresy 2e - both are new lines. And that means that FFG will still publish games based on Warhammer.

Looking at The End Times I can see that a new edition would not have to focused on Empire. First thing is that the more epic and heroic feel changes a little bit how You could play WFRP. Based on that they could do one line with sublines and more then one core rulebook.

For example they could devide it based on aspects of live they heroes choose like one line could be focused on military campains, big battles where You could start as a recruit or knight and try to go up level - froma silpe soldier to captain of an army. The next could focus or trying to find heresy and traitors within human cities and it would be focused on cities and life in it. The next one could be focues on a hard life of other races then humans like dwarfs and elves, and life in the wildness. All with one mechanic so You can use them and mix them how you want.

Of course the other option is devide the line based on races or regions of there life.

Remeber that Nagash has changed the Empire and the Old World. The End Times also bging some changes between races like the rumour that Elves will unite to summon Khaine becouse they believe it's the only way to destroy Nagash.

And if WFRP 4e will show how the Old World lookd before, durning and after The End Times, especialy after, it will not be the same realm as we know it.


PS. Read some spoilers of what is happening durning just the prelude to Nagash rebirth. It changes the Warhammer Fantasy world.

With 2nd Edition, GW started it after the WFB's own Storm Of Chaos had finished. Assuming GW ever do finish the End Times, FFG need to wait until they do before they start 4th edition. Unfortunately the End Times are metagaming even for Warhammer Fantasy Battles, so are completely useless for WFRP. Personally, unlike Beren, I do not want to play Valten killing hordes of Undead every game!

Edited by ragnar63

Perhaps I should really just skip warhammer entirely. End of times sounds like pure suck.

Perhaps I'll just play TOR and then twist the world to a darker version and be done with it. Middle Earth is pretty much the same as The Old World only in a different set of clothes (not quite, but still it would work if I killed gandalf and the entire cast of happy heroes, Middle earth could work.

Could someone give a brief description about what is so well-liked about The One Ring? I haven't read a lot about it.

Perhaps I should really just skip warhammer entirely. End of times sounds like pure suck.

Perhaps I'll just play TOR and then twist the world to a darker version and be done with it. Middle Earth is pretty much the same as The Old World only in a different set of clothes (not quite, but still it would work if I killed gandalf and the entire cast of happy heroes, Middle earth could work.

I'll admit that I like a "tamer" WFRP, where there are lurking threats but no overt attacks from Big Bads every direction you turn your head. The timeline rewind was one of my favorite things about 3e.

Could someone give a brief description about what is so well-liked about The One Ring? I haven't read a lot about it.

Okay, I'll leave you to google the more detailed reviews, but the brief description you ask for is probably this:

The system is specifically designed to emulate the themes, characters and atmosphere of the source materials, and it does so very, very well. - it's not just a Another Fantasy Ruleset that happens to be set in Middle Earth. It's also beautifully illustrated and the support material is excellent.



So I looked one more time at Q&A from GenCon 2014. FFG is working on, developing and planing lines like 2-3 years forward. So I can imagine that they could be working on WFRP 4e from a year or more from now, if they are working on it. Also I'm pretty sure that GW already knows how End Times are going to go on and how will they end up. So FFG could have this knowledge from them but can not share it.

The other thing that I noticed is that they said that in some cases the line is closed becouse it's not selling that right. The examples there where Warhammer:Invasion and WFRP. And FFG did know that at some point countinueing a line has no sense.

Is FFG working on WFRP 4e? Only the people developing know that but there could be some hints and after that come rumours that something is/could be on it's way.


My group and I tried The One Ring.

The designer created a thing of beauty in the effort to take every feature and base it in Tolkien's work. The narrative placement system for combat is better than WFRP's. The adventures are, in plot/foes etc. also pretty well done.

That said, we found the actual options available to players (e.g., your choices in combat or social encounter) to be too few and as result play was mechanically a bit bleah. If you are more into the flavour of the system and love Tolkien it would work for you but if mechanical choice is important not so much.

The WFRP system with Eye of Sauron for Chaos Star and Gandalf Rune for Comet would have been better.

My guess is that FFG will not start working on a 4th edition until 2016 at the earliest, so that they can get SW out of the way, even IF they know how the End Times end up. That would mean getting a 4th edition in 2018-19. However I would not bank on GW knowing how the End Times end. That was their problem with the Storm of Chaos and its limp ending. My guess is that the four books of the End Times will set up a never ending cyle of apocalyptic war, perfect for WFB, lousy for WFRP. Only if the wargamers want it, will GW bring the End Times to an end, and that may be years away.

I have a radical suggestion! Savage Worlds has already been suggested and I agree this would be a wonderful system for Warhammer. I have been playing Savage worlds for several years now and am preparing a Warhammer campaign using that system. BUT the idea of adapting WFRP to a gereic system leads to an interesting possibility. Rather than make A new edition, perhaps FFG could do what Green Ronin did for its Freeport setting and create pdf rulesets for the Warhammer Fantasy setting for a few of the more popular generic systems available, plus a systems neutral book for background. Specifically I was thinking Savage Worlds, FATE and Pathfinder, all of which have open licences DnD 5e might be intersting as well but too early to tell!). This way people can use all the material they aleady have from other editions (or just the systems neutral book if new to the setting) and play with their favorite generic system. Perhaps this could be expanded by digital only releases and print on demand as is teh current model for the new World of darkness line. To answer the question of "dividing the community", this appraoch would unite the community around teh setting rather than the system, but i think that would. each group would simply decide which system it preferred and we could all enjoy playing in our favorite Grim and Perilous fantasy world.

I have a radical suggestion! Savage Worlds has already been suggested and I agree this would be a wonderful system for Warhammer. I have been playing Savage worlds for several years now and am preparing a Warhammer campaign using that system. BUT the idea of adapting WFRP to a gereic system leads to an interesting possibility. Rather than make A new edition, perhaps FFG could do what Green Ronin did for its Freeport setting and create pdf rulesets for the Warhammer Fantasy setting for a few of the more popular generic systems available, plus a systems neutral book for background. Specifically I was thinking Savage Worlds, FATE and Pathfinder, all of which have open licences DnD 5e might be intersting as well but too early to tell!). This way people can use all the material they aleady have from other editions (or just the systems neutral book if new to the setting) and play with their favorite generic system. Perhaps this could be expanded by digital only releases and print on demand as is teh current model for the new World of darkness line. To answer the question of "dividing the community", this appraoch would unite the community around teh setting rather than the system, but i think that would. each group would simply decide which system it preferred and we could all enjoy playing in our favorite Grim and Perilous fantasy world.

An unofficial Savage Warhammer exists:

Edited by

I do not think that End Times are a bad setting for WFRP it all depends on how You want to play and on what aspects would the game focus. One of the ways to use End Times is to create a games that would take agents and military units in a fight against invasions. It could be similar to Age of Rebelion for SW. ther other could focus on heresy and the enemy within so smaybe in the way Dark Heresy is. So it's not a bad time for the setting.

I see WFRP 4e as ging into more then one line. Using custom dice similar to WFRP 3e and SW, and with a very narrative and cinematic feeling o the game. Based on The End Times and how Nagash 1st tome looks I can see the game going into more epic and heroic so maybe that is the way that WFRp should go. Besides it all loks like all humans will unite agiainst other foes, just like elves unite. So it looks like a lot of space for Bretonians (they play a large part in rise of Nagash) and Empire as playable races. The setting is getting a breath of fresh air and I like it.

I think The End Times can open many doors for WFRP that can make out of it a big new and exciting game.


Sorry Beren, but the End Times are a wargamers paradise not a roleplayers. To survive in the slug fest of the End Times, beginning characters will need to be better than Rank 5 3rd edition characters when they start, and that is not WFRP. If you like DnD 4 then run with it, but the End Times are not WFRP.

We will have to wait until GW decide on the look of the new Time Cycle that will start after the End Times has finished. Things will be radically different, even the land masses may be radically different with all the magic being thrown around (see the Sundering for what may happen). Hopefully there will be as much skulduggery and intrigue as there used to be, but in a radically different world.

You really believe that the End Times will end so soon? I do not. It will take GW a couple of years to decide what should come after it if they ever decide to end it. For me this is a great opportunity for designers to make new thing for this game and to create a new way to play. The way I see it WFRP in all 3 editions had the same feeling and so it feld apart. No no edition is supported and with each edition the sales got down - the reason is simple all had the same stuff reprinted.

The End times are a opportunity not to miss to create something new for this setting beggining with the fact that all humans will unite and in one armybook you will have Empire and Bretonia.

I do not care about dnd in any edition but a new feeling for wfrp would be exciting for me. If a new edition will be published ever for WFRP then it must be something new and different not the same old stuff reprinted.

At this point I play WFRP using Descent for short campains or SW RPG from FFG for bigger adventures. A small conversion just did the trick. But still some new official material and a new edition would be most welcome.

PS. I totaly disagre with you Ragnar

PS. I totaly disagre with you Ragnar

Tell me something I don't know.

However I agree with you that the End Times will take a long time to play out and that WFRP needs a completely new Era or Epoch to refresh it.

Where I disagree with you is that the End Times themselves are the place to start. They are not but the new era after the End Times will be. New geography, new societies, old ones completely reconfigured, new gods and magic even! However we will have to wait for that until the End Times have played out and FFG know what GW plans for the epoch after the End Times.

Maybe FFG could sell a WFRP 4e starter/beta/playtest kit along with an End Times setting book designed for playing epic wartime scenarios. This would allow them to begin the 4e product cyle a little earlier, give people a teaser of the new system, and incorporate playtest feedback. Release a few End Times-relevant careers such as Soldier, Mercenary, Necromancer, Flagellant, Bonepicker etc., along with statblocks for End Times "monsters-of-the-week" and a few epic Undead villains (e.g. Neferata, Nagash etc). Add a simple narrative mass battle system (which WFRP hasn't properly had before) and scenarios that draw the PCs into epic conflicts with vampires and skeletal hordes.

By the time people got bored of playing "beta WFRP" in the End Times, arguing about whether Nagash is stupid or cool, and complaining/defending the new mechanics (say 8-12 months after beta release) the full 4e corebook could be released, along with the post-apocalypse setting book(s).

Ok, so I got some news/rumours about The End Times and WFB 9e that I want to share with You all. This could affect WFRP 4e. In October will see more Chaos starting from the second tome of The End Times. Updated Archaon will come, all four Chaos Gods will have new greater daemons (don't know if those will be completly new addition ones or just updated minis) and we will see some all friend comming back like: Arbaal, Aekold Helbrass & van Horstmann. The rumour also sais that Heinrich Kemmler will join the Chaos legions. One of the most exciting parts for me sais that there will be optional play with big armies but the main game of WFB 9e will focus on small war bands (so maybe even more skirmish type of game then battle). The fraction/races will come in new army books becouse of the unions that are made for example all undead will have only one army books and two or more supplements detialing some special batalions like vampires or tomb king. Choas will be in one army book with beastman and deamons so you can mix them the way you want or make specific army with one of them of course with supplements. The way of publishing WFB will be similar to the new way of W40k like Space Marines codex with supplements detailing special legions like Ultamarines or Space Wolfs.

is this a sign that WFB goes more into the direction of what was Mordheim? I do hope so. And can't wait to here and see more of the new WFB.

PS. There's one more interesting rumour - after the four books of The End Times a new era will beggin with new maps, unions and more. If this is true that it could be a great start point for WFRP 4e.

PS. There's one more interesting rumour - after the four books of The End Times a new era will beggin with new maps, unions and more. If this is true that it could be a great start point for WFRP 4e.

Exactly what I have been predicting.

Not exactly a completely clean slate, but so radically different that FFG, or whoever has the license to WFRP, will be able to do all the books all over again, without it being the same old samo. Good commercial sense for both GW and FFG.

However I do think that we will have to wait quite a while before we see a beta test of 4th edition. 2016 at the earliest I would think.

All I hope for is that they at least keep the dice the same.

...And Maybe not as many fiddly bits.

I got a new rumour - a couple of years from now in an interview GW said that they want to create a edition that would be best and they won't have to rewrite everything in each edition. The reason for that is thay want to go into new directions and explore new places in Warhammer Fantasy. The rumour sais that 8th edition did make that goal and with 9th will see not only The Old World but also Lustria, Naggaroth and mamy more new places.

cool stories :)