WFRP 4e - how should it look?

By Beren Eoath, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

This thread is doing an excellent job of showing why a good number of people who play and enjoy WFRP3 don't bother to post on this forum.

This forum is generally great, but this thread breaks the "don't be a di ck rule."

Is there a reason why anyone is still posting in this thread? (I'm posting out of boredom).


Edited by Emirikol

This forum is generally great, but this thread breaks the "don't be a di ck rule."

Is there a reason why anyone is still posting in this thread? (I'm posting out of boredom).


Seriously...the original intent of this thread is in the f&@kin' TITLE! A though experiment fantasizing about WHAT IF Fantasy Flight released a new edition of WFRP, what would we want it to look like, what kinda changes would we like to see if any.

Instead it's turned into people bitching one way or the other about why the DO or DON'T want a new edition.


Happens twice a year like clockwork. Same crew. I suppose if this board is still going by Gen Con it'll happen again. That's honestly why a few folks have called it out in the past. It's an echo designed to get people fired up. Seems like it works well enough. I'm frankly embarrassed that I choose to participate each time. I don't mind a little speculation, but this is just a gateway to tribalism. Folks that stopped playing years ago, but are still here stirring the nest. The exact conversation is on S2S now as well with the same folks. It's just a thing, I suppose. Pretty cray cray. I'm going to endeavor not to fall for it next time.

/end boredom

Edited by Keeop

GK, your point is very clear, but if this thread has become as hostile as the Strike to Stun forums ever were, why continue to post on this thread? The title has been lost to the content.

Edited by Emirikol

GK, your point is very clear, but if this thread has become as hostile as the Strike to Stun forums ever were, why continue to post on this thread? The title has been lost to the content.

Oh, don't get me wrong. I wholeheartedly agree! The thread (and all previous threads like it) seem to always go off the rails. Que sera

I started this topic out of curiosity, to know what people like in 3e and what changes would they like to see if this game evolves.

I stoped playing WFRP 3e in november 2013, becouse my player where bored with it and the game was not geting any love from FFG. So after that time I sold it when if thought someone still would buy it and before no one will be interested. And I think many will be not interested if FFG will give us an official statment that they will not continue WFRP 3e or when they announce WFRP 4e. I got lucky and sold my WFRP 3e collection and it was complete (I buyed it from 2009 just when the core set was in stores - buyed one of the fisrt copies in my FLGS), I had all expansions, Guides, Vaults and even all PODs. I remember I was very excited when I first opened the core set box for the first time but with every expansion my entusiasm was fading away. Now I still have a sentiment for WFRP but I do not see the future for this game as it is now. That's why I started this topic and a couple of month ago also the one when the first rumors of WFRP 4e showed.

I do not believe in rumours of 4e becouse of no proof of then to be true but if FFG will ever make it I would like to have chance to say what parts of the game I would still want to see and which don't. I would like to have a chace to say what FFG could still consider as good mechanics or best parts of the game so if anyone of them would read it maybe could use it in the future not only of WFRP but other titles. That was my only intencion of starting this topic,


PS. thanks Keeop for that honour of nameing the first nemesis in your WFRP 4e after me (when that edition will even come)

PS. thanks Keeop for that honour of nameing the first nemesis in your WFRP 4e after me (when that edition will even come)

It seemed only proper :) cheers.

Do you favor one flavor of Chaos over the others?

Edited by Keeop

Where is the official statement? Some dude claims he got an e-mail response and Beren's pants are sticky. I don't get it.

Just ignore it. Please join us at the site I sent you.

You can't control others, but you can control how you react to them. The only thing dead about 3rd edition is this board.


@ Keeop

When it comes o Gods in WFRP I would say The Horned Rat would be in the first place. But after him I would say Solkan and Malal which I like to ad to my games. Those are from 1ed, Solkan - God on vengence and Malal - Choas God that hates all other Gods of Chaos. Also I would say someth\imes I use Stromfels - the evil version of Mannan.

When it come to just pure Chaos gods I would say Nurgle and Tzeentch are better then Slaanesh who is better then Khorne. Tha's my list of Gods that made many appiriences in my sessions.


As a completely beside the point (this just occurred to me): is it possible that new WFRP stuff is kept unannounced because Fantasy Battle just might get a new edition in a year or two. There seems to be some rumours lingering that FaBa 9th edition will move the timeline forward! This might help to explain the lack of information on WFRP.

This is nothing else but a random thought. Not a rumour or speculation.

Yes, that's true I almost missed. GW has a policy of total control of there licence and products that use it - everything must be aproved by them. I fact I recently readed some articles about the WFB (used to play it for some time) and Warhammer Fantasy is just not that of a good seller. It used to bring about 20% or more of all miniatures sold by GW but recently (in the last 2-3 years) this is droping. Now-a-days it's below 20% and poeple are not buying many armies. The most popular armies in WFB are selling about 5-7% of all miniatures, but the less popular are only 1%. That's why GW is planing some radical changes in the comming WFB 9th (thisedition will be publiched this or next year). There are rumours (check those on forums for WFB) that say this new edition will have more impact on the world, armies (some say that the less popular will be gone), less armybooks and so on. Many, many chnges that will change not only the game of WFB but also the look of the Old World (some say it will be even grimmer and darker then it is now, and far more dangerous).

I think this will have a huge impact on WFRP - starting from WFRP 2e it always had. This radical changes are remoured to be two things. One they (GW) are rewriting everything from the start, it's like they would completly erase all Warhammer Fantasy and write it once more from the start. The second thing is they want to push the timeline forward.

If You would like to know more about WFB 9th try to find out yourself on forums that are specific for that game.


Hmm, I think huge. Fist of all if they (GW) will rewrite it and push the timeline we will we the same for WFRP. What's more if they are really planing to do this then we found another reason for the end of WFRP 3e (it's based mostly on WFB 8th).

Not only the new WFB 9t it could also bring a new WFRP. If FFG will see it as a good way to make money and GW will push to that. The way I see it is an opportunity fo FFG to remake a game, to learn from there mistakes of 3e and improve it.

If some of You all here are interested in Warhammer Fantasy they You should keep an eye for what GW is lunching, what changes does it make to the Old World becouse it all will impact WFRP.

So we are still looking to the future with a crystal ball, no-one knows what's going to happen becouse neither FFG or GW will not tell what they are planing.

So my advice - keep playing the way You play, have fun and if something will become clear will will know it. Until then play with this what You got.


Beren Eoath

PS. This forum like the game it should support is almost dead. The days of WFRP 3e glory are gone and most likely they will never come again.

Interesting stuff, Doc and Beren!

What to deduce from the rumours? Certainly GW have been having a hard time lately and they do tend to have a periodic hard look at their products at times like these. So a 9th edition WFB is a reasonable assumption. I would also say they will go down the route of having a simple beginners boxed set, a hard cover rule book with largely small units, and then an expansion book (like 40K) which allows you to field much bigger units and armies.

How does this affect WFRP?

1. Assuming that a 9th edition WFB comes out in 2015, FFG will have to toe the line which will mean a new edition WFRP probably in 2016, perhaps in 2015 if WFB9 come out this year.

2. The most interesting point is the possible change in timeline and WFB becoming even darker and grittier. Again WFRP will have to follow suit, which will allow both GW and FFG to write a completely new chapter in Old World history. And obviously make more money from fluff supplements and army books!

Imagine in 2542 or 2602 if the third chapter of the Enemy Within had actually happened as the Black Cowl planned. The Empire decapitated, with many of the Elector Counts gone as well, provinces feuding against each other, Orcs invading from the East, Dark Elf incursions along the North coast, Skaven everywhere, another Chaos warlord invading Kislev from the Wastes, Manfred von Carstein trying to take over Empire, and a reinvigorated Nagash invading the Border Princes from the South. Very dark, gritty and apocalyptic. Funnily enough that is the way that the Black Library fantasy literature has gone, very dark and very bloody.

Read what you like into all this, but it would explain a lot.

One rumor for 9th edition of FaBa says there will be a halfling emperor...

Hopefully GW doesn't think WFB's declining sales are solely due to the setting not being dark or steampunky enough. They need to address the model requirement creep that's slowly pushed WFB into a "diehards-only" niche. Even serious wargamers will think twice before painting 100+ 25mm figures just to field a decent army.

But the setting does need a kick in the pants, because hanging perpetually in the pre-SoC period is ultimately limiting. If they don't have the appetite for re-doing the SoC (with less cowbell this time!), then fast-forwarding the timeline might be the best way to extricate WFB from pre/post SoC waffling and inevitable stagnation. Just keep the Empire in the renaissance era please - no dramatic jumps forward.

There is a series of books done by Forge World (for WFB) that set the timeline forward a couple of years. First of those was Tamurkhan: Throne of Chaos and in that one there is a halfling Empireress. Empire is weak under her rule and the four Chaos Gods are spliting the world. Each of The Dark Powers is now fighting for other part of the World and not with each other.

I do not agre about that if WFB 9th will come this year we will have to wait a year longer to see it impact to WFRP. Look at Heroes Call who had some monsters that just showed up in new armybooks. And Heroes Call was already in print when those came. So the connections between FFG designers and GW are tight. Like I told many times GW is keeping an tight grip on the products they give licence for. So from my point of view there is a chance that the same time GW is working on WFB 9th, FFG is already working on WFRP.

I'm really looking forward on to what GW will do with WFB universe. I hope that the game will really be grimmer and darker, far more dangerous. I curiuos what changes will they make to the setting and how will they push the timeline forward. One of the most interesting rumours for me was the rewriteing of the hole setting from the start. We will see how it all will work out but I totaly agre that Warhammer Fantasy needs a good kick to push it forward.

Oh, I almost forgot some folks say GW is planing the release of WFB 9th June/July 2014. If this would happen it would be very interesting.


Beren Eoath

I'm totally set with 2E, 3E, and fan material so while I'm not pursuing any future WFRP lines or editions I am very interested in the fluff. It's a glorious setting, that's for sure. The idea of a halfling emperor is a riot. I'm curious to see what, if anything, they do this year.

One rumor for 9th edition of FaBa says there will be a halfling emperor...

Hah! I could write a nameless halfling into my current games who aspires for greater things. Like hearing about him here and there with the occasional interaction. Then when this rumor is none anymore, I reveal this halfling to be the emperor! Think about awestruck players... (We play 2nd edition timeline - could be doable...)

(my players don't roam game-related forums that much - so I might catch them off guard...)

Edited by socratim

Even if that does not end up in the official cannon it would be a blast.

Needs space marines.

Like I said the halfing Emperor is in TamurkhanŁ Throne of Chaos- in that source book for WFB. The Zou can find about an invasion of Nurgle's Champion that wants to crush the weaked Empire ruled now by a Halfling.

But back to topic a little bit. I was looking at Black Library site and was stuned - where are almost all books set WF gone? There's so few of them. Is this a sign that GW is really making a rewrite in the system? Will they write the story of the Old World and The Empire from the start? Or maybe the setting is not so populr as it was and they just don't want to invest in it that much.

Looking at all those signs from GW inactivity, a going down interest in WF and so on I'm thinking that GW is planing to do something big that will stun all players interested in Warhammer Fantasy. Like there was a rumour that there is a chance that WF will be gone - but I do not belive it. But on the other hand if they will rewrite all the game from a blank page then maybe a revolution is comming. Still I'm curious what will they do. But if they really change the setting for example to a grimm world ruled by Chaos Gods and shattered between them then there is a chance to see a new incarnation of WFRP. Is such a dark vision FFG could try a new approach to WFRP becouse the game would focus on different aspects then now. FFG could even try to split the line just like they did with SW.. I'm sure that a new vision of the Old World will have a huge impact on every game that is set in Warhammer Fantasy.

I hope that more rumours will come and maybe even some official information in the near future (the same goes for Warhammer Fantasy Battle as for WFRP)


But back to topic a little bit. I was looking at Black Library site and was stuned - where are almost all books set WF gone? There's so few of them. Is this a sign that GW is really making a rewrite in the system? Will they write the story of the Old World and The Empire from the start? Or maybe the setting is not so populr as it was and they just don't want to invest in it that much.

Black Library is all about Space Marines now brother. Fantasy doesn't sell, Graham McNeil said so himself on the overlords podcast. Despite how much the authors and fans love the setting they'll do four 30k (since the heresy is their cash cow) books to one fantasy because that's what the market wants.

I think the newest Fantasy series is about the high elves intrigue during the war of the beard so at least what they're putting out for the product is interesting.

More rumours comming regarding WFB 9th. Fist of all even more is said that Chaos is united and less popular armies will be pushed into more popular. The way I see it there is a chance that Bretonia and Kislev could become optional regiments in The Empire army. Wood Elves could become optional regiments for The Empire or more likely High Elves. Beastmen will be a part of Chaos army and so could be Demons.

Even more interesting is the fact that more and more is telling that the timeline will be much pushed forward.

If it all will be true that the new WFB could look really interesting. Maybe even it will pull with itself a new WFRP edition.

The ruour says that WFB 9th edition will be announced June/July 2014.

Keep my fingers crossed to see more and hear more about it.



More rumours comming regarding WFB 9th. Fist of all even more is said that Chaos is united and less popular armies will be pushed into more popular. The way I see it there is a chance that Bretonia and Kislev could become optional regiments in The Empire army. Wood Elves could become optional regiments for The Empire or more likely High Elves. Beastmen will be a part of Chaos army and so could be Demons.

Even more interesting is the fact that more and more is telling that the timeline will be much pushed forward.

If it all will be true that the new WFB could look really interesting. Maybe even it will pull with itself a new WFRP edition.

The ruour says that WFB 9th edition will be announced June/July 2014.

Keep my fingers crossed to see more and hear more about it.



Start a new thread, this is interesting but people won't be reading it.