Shades of Heresy (Play-by-Post) Ingame

By GauntZero, in Dark Heresy

Cade hovers near Dammek as Asterius handles the bureaucratic at the desk. Bleh. Bureaucrats. Always making life more difficult. As they were given entry, Cade made a short nod, and waited for Asterius to lead the way. It was fairly clear Cade was out of his element, and more than content to merely be the follower right now.

Edited by ColArana

The man behind the desk stops anyone else besides Investigator Arsa.

"Could I please see your identifiacation tags ?"

Dral will smiles warmly at the officer behind the desk "we don't have Arbite ID if that is what you mean, you'd need to speak to investigator Arsa about that. The investigator shouldn't be long though so I suppose we can wait here." Dral looks too Dammek and Cade to see if they agree?

"Dammek, Cade."

"If you don't mind, stay here."

I give Cade and Dammek a pointed look towards the door and nod.

"Mr. Drakkon here is a civilian consultant to the case I'm investigating, he's coming with me."

I put my hand on Dral's shoulder, make no move towards providing the receptionist with further information and move towards the office door with Dral by my side.

Dral shrugs at the old man and follows Arsa into the office.

The officer stops Dral and turns his voice to Investigator Arsa:

"I am sure you have form 178-33-34 for guest visitors with you, signed by your superior officer ?"

Soon after entering the building, Dammek lights a new lho-stick and stands back, letting Asterius do the talking. When the man behind the desk asks for the proper guest forms, Dammek raises his eyebrows and exclaims: "Oh, those things. Feth, I used them as rolling papers because I didn't think they were important. You can try to salvage them if you'd like" He withdraws the partly smoked stick from his mouth and offers it to the desk attendant. [Deceive -10, target number 30; rolled an 11 for 2 DoS]

Cade gave a curt nod, and spun on his heel to stand by the door. Had the others known him for longer, they might have even noticed a visible relaxation in him, as though he were glad not to be having to go in there and await the social dialogue that would have undoubtedly ensued. He found himself content to stand by the doorway and observe the others that entered the establishment.

"Ok, Mister...what was your name again ?"

He says while taking the stick from Dammek with a smile.

"I think that story seems to fit your general...attitude. You may join the investigator. But the other 2 stay here until I see the correct form."

As Investigator Arsa and Dammek enter the room, they look like a quite odd couple to the man behind the huge desk.

The stations commanding officer - a captain Carl Thrain if you can believe his name tag - looks up at you from his lot of paperwork that put his desk under siege.

"I already told you I want my recaf with sug...oh...visitors...I didnt really expect...".

The rather confused man in his middle years tries to improve his pose and strengthens his voice as he goes on.

He has a huge scar across his face and no hair at all, neither on his head, nor the smallest hint of a beard. He really didnt get this job because of his outstanding beauty you guess.

His accent somehow sounds strange - maybe from another part of the hive ? Or even an offworlder ? You are not sure.

His eyes have a watery blue and show signs of getting not enough sleep.

"And you are ?"

His voice sounds more overworked than annoyed.

I nod once to the captain.

"Investigator Arsa."

I show him my badge.

"Arbites investigation."

"I need to have a look at one of your cases."

"Arbites ? Are you kidding me ? What are you dong down here ?"

"Murder investigation."

"The body was found in the gutters here in Crealon."

"Scared to death."

"The case caught our notice."

"We need what you have on the case, and my consultant here needs to have a look at the body."

"Yes, that would be most helpful. Additionally, if you have access to a medicae auspex or other diagnostic tools that would assist in my examination I would like to use those as well. I'm sure the local mortician has already looked at the body, but it never hurts to have a second pair of eyes on the case."

"medicae auspex or other diagnostic tools ? Do you think we are in the upper hive here ? Where did you find that man ?",

the Captain asks Inv.Arsa a little annoyed.

"We dont have much on the case so far I am afraid. Too many men and even less time. All of the 3 bodies that were found had no real injuries - it seems like they died from heart attacks or whatsoever. Besides the noble kid that is. Looks like he was tormented - poor guy." - you cannot overhear the sarcasm in his last words.

"You can take a look at the bodies if you want - they are in the other room. We found them in the gutter, about 1 mile from each other. Just dumped there, not even tried to hide. This bastard must not care at all if we find him."

Dammek ignores the slight and responds, doing his best to sound like a professional chirurgeon: "Then I will make do with the tools available. A simple magnifying glass should prove sufficient."

He then turns to Arsa: "Captain E., I will leave you to your investigation and commence my examination of the cadavers." He then strides into the room containing the bodies, hands clasped behind his back. Once inside, he pauses to assess the situation and look for any tools that may be of use.

I can't resist to offer a - very quick - half-smile at the sarcasm in the words of the Magistratus captain as he talks about the death of the noble.

"A tragedy indeed."

"Can you tell me who found the bodies and if any of your investigators found anything of import at the scenes?"

As Dammek starts to leave I (lightly, no need to start a scene here) put my hand on his shoulder and ask:

"Dammek, where is Dral? Bring him with you to have a look at the corpse, I'll join you two in a minute."

Edited by svstrauser

At Asterius's suggestion, Dammek returns to the lobby before going to the medical room. He informs the desk attendent that the captain granted them permission to examine the bodies and requests that Dral come with him.

Dral walks over to join Dammek while addressing the desk officer "we shall not be long officer and thank you for your help this evening. I will ensure Investigator Arsa puts in a good word for you in his report."

Edited by dava100

I can't resist to offer a - very quick - half-smile at the sarcasm in the words of the Magistratus captain as he talks about the death of the noble."A tragedy indeed.""Can you tell me who found the bodies and if any of your investigators found anything of import at the scenes?"As Dammek starts to leave I (lightly, no need to start a scene here) put my hand on his shoulder and ask:"Dammek, where is Dral? Bring him with you to have a look at the corpse, I'll join you two in a minute."

"A beggar found the first, one of my men the second, not far from here. The third one was found by an old weird man,"which was about 4 days ago. But this last corpse wasnt that fresh anymore - if you know what I mean..."

He tries to read whats on your mind, before he continues.

"The scenes had nothing special - besides the corpses of course. And the area is in such a bad condition that you dont really have to start taking fingerprints or whatever there. Guess we'll have to wait until the Arbites superheroes solve the case, or, this phantom decides to move on. I'd rather bet on the second option, but maybe you surprise me." He grins at you at his last words.

"Oh - and one more thing.", he says, getting serious and standing up from his chair, looking deep into your eyes.

"Asterius, you old *******. Did you really forget me ? Or did you just become so stuck up in your position ?"

Dral walks over to join Dammek while addressing the desk officer "we shall not be long officer and thank you for your help this evening. I will ensure Investigator Arsa puts in a good word for you in his report."

"Finally someone with manners. Take your time - no one runs away from there."

Dammek waves cheerfully to the desk attendant, then walks with Dral to the room containing the bodies. Along the way, he grins and whispers: "A no-nonsense Arbitrator, a calm and professional soldier, and a relentlessly polite psyker. You lot must have really fethed with the wrong person to land a job with a convict like me."

Dral smiles at Dammek as they enter the morgue "Or you have suddenly gone up in the world"

Heading into the morgue Dral locates the most recent victim by reading off the tags attached to the body bags. "Dammek, I believe this is our young noble, lets get the body bag open" Dral unzips it and pulls back the covers to reveal the body beneath.

Edited by dava100

The smell which hits your face attacks your stomach.

(please make a toughness test +30 or you get sick)

The smell which hits your face attacks your stomach.

(please make a toughness test +30 or you get sick)

His face pale Dral runs to a corner of the room and starts retching, emptying his stomach!

Edited by dava100