Unified Campaign: Haarlock Legacy/Apostasy Gambit/Purge the Unclean

By DarkForce2, in Dark Heresy Gamemasters

Yes! Legit reason to take a break from writing essays!

The Dead Hulk:

Short and shocking, the way I like them. I’m getting a lot of Aliens references while reading. A nice way of emphasizing the Slaughts as a threat. The incinerating light is a real treat, it will freak the players out :)

- “turning orcs and tyranids into experimental servitors gets boring if you do it too often”

I think this goes into the “too funny for the pyre”-category :lol:

The Tomb of Horrors:

I’ve never played any dungeons and dragons either, so I got nothing there. But as you say it need a bit more fleshing out to become more than mechanical room-dodging.

Idea: Something out-of this-world-dangerous, like how-could-anyone-survive-that freaky, already disabled/destroyed/killed. Erasmus went this way, he probably left traces behind.

- “turning orcs and tyranids into experimental servitors gets boring if you do it too often”

I think this goes into the “too funny for the pyre”-category :lol:

I will totally write a small parody adventure on this topic^^

Edit: And they will probably get a more important role during the War against the False Saint... imagine an Army of Cybernetic Orcs and Tyranids coming for you... ouch...

The Tomb of Horrors:

I’ve never played any dungeons and dragons either, so I got nothing there. But as you say it need a bit more fleshing out to become more than mechanical room-dodging.

Idea: Something out-of this-world-dangerous, like how-could-anyone-survive-that freaky, already disabled/destroyed/killed. Erasmus went this way, he probably left traces behind.

Think I've read somewhere Haarlock DIDN'T board the station himself... he arrived there, blasted the outer defenses , decided he was too badass for more explosions, flooded the station with his contagion, waited a bit and continued his merry way to his project on Mara.

On the other hand, I think I did mention Lythea having a bit of a connection to Balphomael... I'm sure I use that to further increase the "seriously, what the heck are we doing here?" factor... hmm... gotta read some stuff up and make a few drafts...

Edited by darkforce

I will totally write a small parody adventure on this topic^^

Edit: And they will probably get a more important role during the War against the False Saint... imagine an Army of Cybernetic Orcs and Tyranids coming for you... ouch...

Where is your Saint now?!

Think I've read somewhere Haarlock DIDN'T board the station himself... he arrived there, blasted the outer defenses , decided he was too badass for more explosions, flooded the station with his contagion, waited a bit and continued his merry way to his project on Mara.

On the other hand, I think I did mention Lythea having a bit of a connection to Balphomael... I'm sure I use that to further increase the "seriously, what the heck are we doing here?" factor... hmm... gotta read some stuff up and make a few drafts...

There comes a time in every man’s life when he takes a look around and states “I’m too badass for this” XD

Yes I would think that if you have access to a daemon making deals, naturally you would want to ask for some guardian/weapon/huge walls when someone called the kin-slayer is gunning for you ^^

Oh, idea: trap door to the warp :rolleyes:

Edited by Spacebatsy

Alright, Revamp of the Tomb of Horrors partly done, it now includes a few more locations, a few Daemons, an actual endboss, a brand-new daemon-weapon to tempt the players on the path of corruption and a theatre-reference.

I might add a few more Warp-related things to the station (Warp-Mazes anyone?) but overall I don't want to use too many ideas in this adventure which I consider more of a small bridge between Tattered Fates and Dead Stars (The transition between Damned Cities and Dead Stars as... pretty much not written in the official books always felt very GM-featy to me) rather then a full-scale all-out adventure. I mean, I still need to have some stuff our old friend Haarlock can throw at the players showing off his mastery of the warp, science, as well as archeo- and xenotech.

So, yeah, Profiles for the Mad Furies (Mad Daemon, Trololol) are still missing and I need to write the various Journals, but I'm hungry and I got shirts in need of righteous Ironing, so I leave it at that for now.


Oh, nifty daemon-rifle, I like it! One thing though: assume the players are heretical little scoundrels and gets themselves a shiny new daemon-weapon, how will they know how to make bullets for it?

Oh, nifty daemon-rifle, I like it! One thing though: assume the players are heretical little scoundrels and gets themselves a shiny new daemon-weapon, how will they know how to make bullets for it?

Assuming they're Radical scoundrels, Scholastic Lore (Daemonology) or Scholastic Lore(Occult) Should do the rest at an appropriate difficulty :)(******* Japanese KeyboardーLayout)

Old Ones fought the (by then already) Necrons, desperately build a Warp-Doomsdaydevice of Galaxy-Shattering proportion, using 100 Star-Sized focus-devices, which were build in the Calixis-Sector (and some of the surrounding sectors) with the Master Control Unit also being there. 99 Where finished, last one not quite, however, Old Ones still fired the device due to their location being compromised, it accomplished… not much, the Old Ones perished. The Array (let’s call it the “Swords of Vaul, shall we? ;) ) was left to rot, which it did, although in a more metaphysical way.

I'm a stickler for old fluff, and the War in Heaven is one of my favourite bits, so I'm going to point to a possibly-too-obscure bit here and say OY, DARKFORCE, NAAAAW! (to carry on with the obscure references...)

The one hundredth Sword of Vaul was eventually completed and used in the fight of most of the other Eldar gods against Khaine, not against the C'tan, although the lines do blur a little (particularly where the Laughing god is involved). So the idea of there only ever being 99 is a no. Although the fate of Anaris (the one hundredth sword, which Vaul used to fight Khaine) could be an interesting window here - maybe Anaris wound up in the Calixis sector after the death of Eldanesh, and is the "Master Control Unit"?

In M32 Finally, the Imperium came into contact with some of those Anomalies which were Really, Really, Really bad (even worse then the Eye of Terror, cause weaponized Warp-Matter made by Old Ones… Emperor’s Beard!)

This just sounds like overkill to me. A thing mentioned only in one campaign string caused by a malfunctioning weapon is somehow worse than the fall-out from the millennia-long psychic gestation and birth of a chaos god?

Apologies for the nitpicking, but I have a fondness for old Eldar fluff...

Alrighty, haven't written much concerning the campaign over the last month (**** slump! **** presentation!) I currently do feel like addressing your points, because they are quite valid.

First of all as some sort of disclaimer, I've only really been into 40k since... think it was 4th edition? So any fluff before that is... something. Oh, and then there's of course the malleability of the fluff, which is something we can agree on without any further discussions, no?

This starts with the account on the War in Heavens and the Swords of Vaul: The only thing I made of the various sources which seem to be... somewhat certain (correct me if I'm wrong) are that Vaul had to build 100 Swords for Khain, 99 of which were awesome Ghostblade-thingies of maximum power, while 1 was just a normal, mortal sword cause Vaul couldn't hit his deadline. Khaine went to war against some enemy, but due to this one inferior sword, his line crumbled, he lost the battle (or won it, he still survived) then proceeded to show Vaul his "Gratitude", who build the legendary sword Anaris and waited for Khain (or the other way round, he first got Khaine'd and then build the sword in order to exact revenge, seriously, Eldar-Fluff can be as hard as reading Kant at times). Then at some point comes the War in Heavens, blahblah, Eldar-Gods die except the Laughing God, Khain in some way and apparently Isha.

However, how I like to see the Eldar-Fluff, is mostly them being Legends. Legends and Stories of things in the far, far, faaaaar past, and I do believe most of those stories have been significantly altered, but still having a true core, telling about events which have transpired, but are now nothing but Legends. So what I did is create possible true events based on that Legend.

Oh, and that other thing also comes from my interpretation of Chaos

I like to think that Chaos is... less "Four Gods conspiring against humanity and all live" but rather a "primal force of the universe, not inherently evil but twisted by whatever due to whyever". The division into the four domains for example is something which really grinds my gears: Why aren't there more unaligned entities? There's just so much potential lost, in my opinion.

Returning to the weapon: Well, the Eye of Terror has been around since the fall of the Eldar... but the Array is around since the War in Heavens, which is... probably quite a bit longer, no? And, again, the EoT is more of a(n) (un)natural phenomenon then anything else in my eyes, with the Anaris-Array being an actual weapon. Trying to find a fitting analogy... ah, let's assume the EoT is a Typhoon, mostly staying in one place, over the sea, blocking a few important trade-routes but in general being more of a nuisance rather then a real threat. Now imagine another Typhoon which has some sort of control-center, which deliberately targets ships and is generally enough of a jerk to not only interrupt your trade-routes, but actually follow them and wreak havoc in you trade cities and... pretty much everywhere else.

TL/DR: Valid points, but not my interpretation of the Fluff, so nope, I'll continue to build my own Frankenfluff (I must say, I like that word :D )

Oh, and while I'm posting here, anyone got a nice idea of whether the aftermath of "Haarlock having retrieved the Radiant Prince from Malfi" would be better of as a survival-horror "Madness unleashed, street-apocalypse"-survival horror adventure or more of a "okay, let's see if someone knows something and how many honourable duels we have to win in order to meet that someone" intrigue adventure?

Oh, and while I'm posting here, anyone got a nice idea of whether the aftermath of "Haarlock having retrieved the Radiant Prince from Malfi" would be better of as a survival-horror "Madness unleashed, street-apocalypse"-survival horror adventure or more of a "okay, let's see if someone knows something and how many honourable duels we have to win in order to meet that someone" intrigue adventure?

You might have to elaborate a bit on what your aims are with option 1 and 2.

Why would option 1 occur after the Radiant King have been retrieved from Malfi? And how is option 2 connected to Haarlock retrieving the Radiant King?

And I think it very much depends on what happened recently in the campaign and what will happen after this incident. If you recently run a full blow “all hell breaks loose” situation then maybe not do option 1 etc. However I see a lot of options of including an “infection of madness” in option 2 :)

Well... the whole Idea of most of the next section will be that the players will likely know that Haarlock is likely up to no good. Both this and the events on Iocanthos (where Haarlock retrieves the Dancer on the THreshold) should give a small insight into his power, mostly from the point of "Holy ****, what did we unleash?" Not too much though, the players should only start doubting their judgment for now.

The Adventures right before it would be Blood Harvest, then the Beast House thingy and Tattered Fates, after that Dead Stars, a bit of Ingame-Downtime and then Haarlock reappears, with the Spear of Destiny seen over Malfi, which the players will of course investigate.

Ah, so it would be the first time the acolytes actually get a taste of what Haarlock is capable of? It could be nice to have a full blown street-apocalypse and have them realize that what they released might actually be worse. But I can’t see why I could not start off as an intrigue adventure. The RK is all about that after all.