Newbie: Totally Overwhelmed

By chipset35, in The FFG Website


I am an avid PC Gamer and former Board Game and Table Top Gamer.

Have not played any table top games since the 1990s.

I have always been impressed by all the table top and board game options for the Warhammer ,WH 40KUniverse, especially since there is a large void in the pc arena with Warhammer/WH40K.

I dont have anyone to play face to face with, and forum members were kind enough to post some online aids regarding WH RPG.

But, I have no idea where and how to start for any type of Fantasy Flight Game, other than to actually by a FFG.

But then what?

I guess my confusion starts with a bunch of questions like...does every body sit at home with a GFF game and then utilize the online tool and then make adjustments to their game board?

In other words, everyone has a game board at home that they update to what is happening online?

So sorry I am so dumb about all this.

A great resource for all things board game is Board Game Geek . you wont feel alone for long