Organized play through FFG hitting stores this Spring, I think March-ish. What army are you bringing to the field?
Who will you play?
If I can find a store running it in my area then I'll be running a horde of Orc Boyz.
I would go with mono Empire. Not sure what style of empire I'll be playing. Still got to get a better feel for them. I wonder if more people will focus on a race or if they will have different races for their regiments.
Chaos or Elves prolly.
Most likely I will try them all at some point.
I'd go High Elves. I'm really liking the Alarielle + Sun Dragon combination. I may as well rename her "Daenerys the Radiant"
By the way, is there any kind of "Store Finder" feature that lets you know about stores in your area that have organized play?