Who will you play?

By cns917, in Warhammer: Diskwars

Organized play through FFG hitting stores this Spring, I think March-ish. What army are you bringing to the field?

If I can find a store running it in my area then I'll be running a horde of Orc Boyz.

I would go with mono Empire. Not sure what style of empire I'll be playing. Still got to get a better feel for them. I wonder if more people will focus on a race or if they will have different races for their regiments.

Chaos or Elves prolly.

Most likely I will try them all at some point.

I'd go High Elves. I'm really liking the Alarielle + Sun Dragon combination. I may as well rename her "Daenerys the Radiant" :)

By the way, is there any kind of "Store Finder" feature that lets you know about stores in your area that have organized play?