Way too early to talk about it, but let's talk custom content anyway...

By Shining Aquas, in General Discussion

Overall impression: Eldritch Horror is a pretty solid game. I feel that it carries the theme and feel of the Lovecraft universe and streamlines the play experience to feel smoother than Arkham Horror. In the process, I feel a little depth and complexity were lost, but that's not necessarily bad. I see myself playing this for quite a while either way.


...one of my favorite parts of the Arkham Horror experience was the introduction of Strange Eons, a designer program for custom-made Arkham content. What I'm curious to know is if anyone has any plans to make something similar for this game?

I know there was a thread over at BoardGameGeek talking about designing an app/program to randomly generate a thematic encounter for your investigator's location each turn. The idea was that you'd pick the location/encounter type, and it would randomly pick a test and results appropriate for that area/encounter type (i.e. research encounters would test lore and observation more often, results from sydney would be more likely to improve strength, etc.). Then, based on those criteria (location/encounter type, test and results) it would also generate a short thematic blurb so that the encounter would read the same way as encounters on official cards do. I don't know if that's gotten anywhere, but it would be a neat little addition.

Also, someone has brought to the attention of the designer the desire for investigator templates for EH. And there's a third party who says he is working on one (but it's his first) and would like help pulling the images. That is on BGG under the variants sub-forum as well.

This is what I'm personally interested in as I would like to see my set of investigators in a globe-trotting situation. I've really grown to love them through the creation process and would like to extend them to EH.

That's the only part I've heard feedback on for Strange Eons though.

Yes I already started pestering Thelric about this on BGG too ... he says he's looking into it

I have a few ideas. I might post them later. Nothing too exciting though.

IIRC Strange Eons is very customizable so it may be possible to modify it to support Eldritch Horror.

Here are some ideas I've had... some are pretty out there.

Eldritch Legacy

Your world has already been scarred by past conflicts. Components that become permanent modifications to Eldritch Horror depending upon results of previous playthroughs.

Another Dimension

The Ancient Ones are drawing power from previous

Lingering effects caused by how your last Arkham, Mansions of Madness or Elder Sign games went
Example: Lost to Shub in Arkham Horror - Spawn one additional monster per gate spawn

Lost to Atlach-Nacha in Arkham Horror - If a gate spawn in a space with an investigator that investigator loses 1 health and 1 sanity

Lost to Daoloth in Arkham Horror - On a monster surge replace all gate tokens with new ones. (If that one upsets the board too much then replace with "Advance the omen track by one. Do not increase doom during this.")

Lost Story 5 in Mansions of Madness - Remove Antartica expiditions from the expidition deck (I'm not terribly familiar with MoM so this may not actually be appropriate)
New Investigator

Luke Robinson
The Dreamer
Starting location: The first spawned gate during setup
If the omen symbol is (blue constellation) investigators on Luke's space receive an additional die when resolving tests.
Action: ???


I would like to see some scenarios. I never got in on the Arkham Horror League (not sure where to start...) but I'd love to get in on the ground floor of an Eldritch one.

Bosses that change win conditions. "when 3 mysteries have been solved investogators win the game" is printed on the Ancient One. No reason it can't be changed. Stuff like "Everytime a mythos would be drawn draw a Special Card as well. When you would draw from the Special Card deck but there are no cards to draw investogators win the game"

Or since everyone compares it to Pandemic anyways make an Ancient One that has something spreading across the board like Pandemic. :P

I also have a few ideas that would only be appropriate for a companion app.

Ha! I love your idea of a "crossover" with Arkham/Mansions/Elder Sign! (Or Pandemic too...) It's never too early for custom content if you have a good idea.

I think Eldritch components would take a lot more play-testing than Arkham components, especially Mysteries because they pretty much shape the course of the game. I'd pick an obscure Ancient One to do as a custom- chances are the first "legit" expansion will have Nyarlathotep and/or Hastur. (Ithaqua's already represented as the "Wind Walker") I'd like to see a Chaugnar Faugn scenario, it's an excuse to visit the Wilderness more.

Luke's ability could be when he closes a Gate he can close any Gate on the board and move to that space. But that'd be a passive ability, not sure what he'd do as an Action.

Luke's ability could be when he closes a Gate he can close any Gate on the board and move to that space. But that'd be a passive ability, not sure what he'd do as an Action.

Yeah I've been having problems thinking of a Luke action but your passive gave me an idea;


Action: D iscard a gate and spawn another.

Garuntee a gate removal but end up with another monster and gate elsewhere? Sort of a gamble/delaying tactic. If it does turn out to be too powerful maybe it could be restricted to his location.

I did the conversion from Arkham Horror to Eldritch Horror of Dexter Drake (lmao)... let me show you (hope you like):

Dexter Drake - Occupation: The Magician

Attributes: 4 lore/2 influence/3 observation/2 fight/2 will - 6 max sanity/6 max stamina

Action: If you have 1 spell or less, roll lore - 2. If you pass, gain 1 spell.

Passive: When resolving spell results, each "6" Dexter rolls count as 2 successes.

Start itens (both custom):

Asset: 1 (success needed to get with influence when this item is on the reserve): Old Scarab - item. When you test lore for casting spells, you may reroll 1 die.

Asset: 1 (success needed to get with influence when this item is on the reserve): Forbidden Scroll - Item. As an action: roll lore. If you pass, gain 1 spell. Then discard this item. (you don't lose this item if you fail in the roll).

Starting location: Space 14

If he's defeated by sanity: You meet Dexter in a sanatorium. He is too crazy thinking he's the best magician of the world. He says to you he doesn't need his things to do magic anymore. Gain all his possessions. Dexter casts a mind spell on you just to try to prove he's the best: Make a test of will: If you pass, retreat the doom track by 1.

If he's defeated by stamina: You see Dexter in a hospital, sitting on a wheelchair. He says he won't be a good magician anymore because he can't do all the moves needed to cast spells and gives you all his possessions. As soon as the nurse sees you, she calls the security. Make a test of fight: If you pass, retreat the doom track by 1.

Edited by Nainphy

So, has anyone heard if there are any projects to make a custom creator for this game?