Where's the Nurgle supplement?

By xerxies, in Black Crusade

It's been a while since the last supplement came out and I still don't see anything on Nurgle.

Nobody knows. The Tome of Paternal Love is still up in the air, it seems.

Our group prefers to call it "Nurgle's Big Book of Farts". * With pictures!

Edited by Bore

Still waitin'...

I really hope the previous books sold well enough for FFG to finally complete the 4 chaos gods books !

Our group prefers to call it "Nurgle's Big Book of Farts". * With pictures!

I can see the cover now... Papa Nurgle in a rickety rocking chair, some of his beloved Nurglings on his lap, reading them bedtime stories as they eagerly gaze at the pictures in his Big Book of Farts.

You forgot the part where Papa Nurgle says to the beloved Nurglins with a wicked grin on his face "pull my finger."

I really hope the previous books sold well enough for FFG to finally complete the 4 chaos gods books !

I have no idea how they did overall, but in my area Black Crusade has done rather poorly. Deathwatch and Only War sell reasonably well, Rogue Trader and Dark Heresy both sell to a lesser degree, but Black Crusade sits on the shelf unsold much like Warhammer 3e.

I'm starting to think that even FFG dont know if there will be Nurgle Tome or not. This silence in answers offends more than just Slaanesh.

I don't even play Black Crusade , but the lack of the Nurgle book is starting to aggravate my Obsessive Compulsive Disorder... ;)

Blame development and releases for SW. It worked for me.

I was starting to wonder this myself because I run Black Crusade groups out in California and my little Nurgle minions want their suppliments so they don't have to play home made plague marines... plus i want to see if the Warsmith is really going to be the other archetype in it. I got my tome of blood so I'm happy but fair fair for the nurgle worshippers

Blame the Imperium Health Service. Nurgle is too wrapped up in paperwork to look into books or diseases and his department is now overbudget, behind schedule and with far too many people queuing for appointments with him.

*Back Handed swipe at the UK health service.

Blame development and releases for SW. It worked for me.

Can't really put the blame solely on SW though. Only War already has more supplements/splat books then BC and they're still going strong with them.

Our group prefers to call it "Nurgle's Big Book of Farts". * With pictures!

Well, then I hope FF will consider to make it a big, beautiful pop up book!

Edited by TiAn

Our group prefers to call it "Nurgle's Big Book of Farts". * With pictures!

Well, then I hope FF will consider to make it a big, beautiful pop up book!

-As long as it's not Scratch'N'Sniff!

Heh, and I consider Deathwatch and Only War the less interesting 40k RPGs... I think its stuck somewhere due to Dark Heresy 2.0...

It kinda ticks me off though, considering that the Nurgle tome was the one I wanted as a first release.

And then they have to put out the book of the Unaligned as well. Especially considering that being unaligned is pretty sh*tty atm with the limited amount of Gifts, where most are only decent or good if one is aligned. Only Psykers benefit from being Unaligned atm.

On the other hand I think the Nurgle tome is gonna contain Plague Marine and Warpsmith. Especially since Warsmiths are STILL the big bad Chaos Lords of the Iron Warriors and did not get demoted along with the Dark Apostles in the tabletop game, and therefor not in BC either.

I pretty much like all the 40k rpg's - I just wish we had more games that focused on the nonhuman side of things. A game about playing Eldar, that really focused on making that a fun and gameable experience, would be great.

And, of course, orkz.

To be fair, the Orks and Eldar don't serve Chaos, so placing them in Black Crusade wouldn't make all that much sense. Putting them in RT - where they do have rules - makes more sense. I'm just hoping we get an Eldar Corsair career for RT one day.

They could do a whole other RPG for aliens (I'd say Eldar or Orks, but not 'Crons or Tau or any of them), but then that'd be 6 RPG lines and that's a lot to maintain.


there is old fluff about khonite stormboyz.

To be fair, the Orks and Eldar don't serve Chaos, so placing them in Black Crusade wouldn't make all that much sense. Putting them in RT - where they do have rules - makes more sense. I'm just hoping we get an Eldar Corsair career for RT one day.

They could do a whole other RPG for aliens (I'd say Eldar or Orks, but not 'Crons or Tau or any of them), but then that'd be 6 RPG lines and that's a lot to maintain.


Eldar and Chaos could really use some exposition, thought. Eldar are by no means immune to the influences of chaos, and there should conceivably be a great many chaos-worshipping corsair warbands and whatnot.

But you never hear about it.

there is old fluff about khonite stormboyz.

There's also old fluff with Khornate Genestealer Cults.

The Rogue Trader (1st Ed 40K) days are over. A lot of concepts from those days are not coming back.


where are we without our history if it has not been expicitly retconned then I like to belive it is rare but still happens

in th tome of blood it says the orks that fight those kroot cant recall the name of the place that has rules for khornite orks and it says some of them belive something will show up and lead them off to a huge waagh!!!

ps does this thing have a spell check

berin tome of blood zurrgab the weirdboy builds a massive throne of skulls and bones he doesn't know why but he belives whoever sits on that throne when he is done will lead the orks off the planet crush the kroot and go on the biggest waagh!!! ever

berin ork boyz rule Blood for da Blood God: something within the planet often infests some boyz propa orky culture and the gods Gork and Mork to follow a even darker bloodier path. Shunned from the tribes they wage war on any they can find for there god of slaughter and skulls.

there called bloodboyz.

page 82