R.G.G. Presents...Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beta Live stream starting tonight at 9:00pm EST only at http://www.twitch.tv/robsgamegroup
Tonight R.G.G. gets ready to start season 2 of it's popular Star Wars show. This season Tracy takes a seat behind the screen and will be running from the Age of Rebellion beta book. Playing as a group of spies for the empire tasked with the mission of crushing the rebellion insurrection before it can do any further damage to the empire.
Tonight's game will focus on character concepts and character creation. So if you have any questions about the game or characters we're planning on playing, tonight is the night to make it.
As always R.G.G. will continue to stream their games live on Twitch.TV and will upload all past games to our Youtube channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/RobsGameGroup
Hope to see you guys tonight!